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Chili Con Carnage

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Everything posted by Chili Con Carnage

  1. You mean like Lumpy, the Human Aimbot?
  2. Exactly. Starkiller using it to willy-nilly hack to pieces other melee fighters is... irksome.
  3. Eh, Horn got pretty bad, but at least he's had interesting stories told about him where his (admittedly few) downsides bit him in the ass (i.e. I, Jedi). Starkiller got to be Vader's LEET SEKRIT APPRENTICE who could beat him and Palpatine, and founded the Rebellion, and throw Star Destroyers around with little effort. Honestly, I think I'm just sick of the power creep that Jedi got. They went from "can move fighters, with difficulty" to "WHEEE LET'S FLING ARMADAS!" Also, speaking from the point of view of someone who's actually trained some in swordsmanship: that reverse-grip he uses is DUMB. It's a terrible stance for offensive maneuvers and is nothing but a liability. Dual-wielding reverse-grip is even worse.
  4. Yeah, I didn't have any hopes at all for TFU 2 when the first one gave us the biggest Marty Stu in the history of Star Wars. Which is saying a lot.
  5. I have yet to discover that one. This playthrough, I'm aiming for joining the Big Bad.
  6. He did. Somehow. I'm not sure how; black magic may have been involved. Its sanity-breaking effects were worse in person.
  7. I'm waiting for this album to blow my mind into tiny bloody chunks.
  8. I don't know how I forgot to mention the soundtrack. The music was as amazing as the story.
  9. Anyone else played this masterpiece of a game? Sure, the graphics weren't too hot, but it has one of the best stories I've ever had the pleasure of playing through. I've done runthroughs as a very nice, heroic technologist specializing in bombs and automatons, an amoral pyromancer/force mage, and a standoffish hunter/herbalist. I'm currently in the process of my first full-blown evil playthrough and I'm finding myself constantly amazed by how the devs thought of everything, as I discovered when in a fit of ill temper, my half-orc necromancer killed a plot-crucial character. Oh crap, thought I, now I have to reload and I haven't saved in an hour. Uh... oh, hey... I have a Speak With Dead spell. Let's try... holy crap, it worked! Anyone else have fond memories of Arcanum?
  10. To take a page from OCAD's book, this has always been to me a Song What Needs Remixing, as basically the entire Supreme Commander soundtrack is amazing. Genre isn't so terribly important to me. I'm personally biased towards rock and metal, but any good remix of this would help bring the soundtrack as a whole some attention it deserves.
  11. Congratulations. I think I'm going to run crying now.
  12. Finally signed on to this. Figured I'd put my quadcore to good use.
  13. I'm gonna have nightmares about that... thing. Also, shots of Tabasco are oddly tasty. Unless you're a wuss like Stevo or Deven.
  14. Best part was probably the nonstop awesome that was the Powerglove mosh pit, closely followed by getting to actually meet fellow OCRers.
  15. Oh, so like what was happening to me about a year ago, when Badwater became Hell. I think it's from the video card overheating.
  16. Hey, mind checking the tf2 admin group? Not sure if that's the proper place to bring up the issue, but it's a private forum and I felt it warranted discussion.

  17. I was looking at the wrong wiki; the official wiki still says it'll come damn close to one-shotting an overhealed heavy, and I'll be running tests later tonight to determine for myself. In any case, learn how the goddamn weapon works before being condescending about it. First the target takes damage from the melee strike itself. Base: 35 (31 to 39 damage) Mini-Crit: 43 Critical Hit: 105 Then the target takes the explosion damage. Base: ~149 Mini-Crit: ~220 Critical Hit: ~305 You add them together. 105 melee + ~305 explosion means about 410 damage total in a single attack, leaving, at best, 40 health remaining. Upon further checking, it can and will instant-kill anyone when used with the Chargin' Targe thanks to the charge attack damage.
  18. Check the wiki. Full-crit caber will kill anyone, including overhealed Heavies.
  19. Still far easier than using a grenade, especially in tight hallways. No need to be a condescending douche.
  20. What part of Paranoid's response that grenades at least take more skill than the Caber to hit someone with did you miss? EDIT: Top Gun, see above. Also, I've actually seen the Caber used fairly often. Few things are more annoying than getting to close range with a demo, where they're usually pretty weak (especially if you're a Scout) and then they lolstick you.
  21. Also, I hate the Ullapool Caber with a seething loathing the likes of which cannot be fully understood by the likes of man without tearing reality asunder and inviting into our world the dread Azathoth. Being able to one-shot most classes? Complete and utter bullshit. The only thing about it that brings the barest sliver of warmth to the cold, jagged obsidian shard that is my treacherous heart is when I manage to Dead Ring at the last second, then shoot the bastard Demoman in the back as he runs home to replenish his bastard weapon.
  22. Nah, it was D-Dub.
  23. On Sunday the 21st, you mean.
  24. I pretty much agree with Paranoid on this one. Context is very important, as is severity of language. Zero-tolerance rules don't work (I should know, my mom's a teacher and I get to hear her horror stories about them) and lead to ridiculous results like the above. For my personal view, it's pretty easy to tell if someone's genuinely intending their speech to be derogatory or hateful, and I'll deal with that immediately. If it's just the apparently-maligned usage of "gay," that's more case-by-case. I won't tolerate excessive use, but the occasional drop or use of it in a clearly goofy way like Scaids above frankly isn't something I give a damn about. However, as an admin I'm supposed to represent the server, so if someone is on and has a problem with the language even when I myself don't, I'll give the person using the language a warning and ask them to stop. Common sense, people! It's your friend and it helps keep drama like this from exploding. And before anyone gets in a tizzy and complains that my casual acceptance of the word's usage means that obviously I'm bigoted and a homophobe: I'm not self-hating, just thick-skinned. That's my two cents on it, now let's move on and get back to playing some frickin' TF2. This. We don't need redundant rules. If someone comes in and spends several minutes idle because of trading, I'll take action. Trading itself doesn't deserve to be an offense. Now, for Polycount: I think it's fantastic. This is a great precedent for user-created content becoming more accessible to everyone, and gives users motivation to make stuff. Developers should take note, because if they give incentives like this, there's going to be tons of new, original, innovative content that they may never have thought of. Diversity is good, especially when it encourages game companies to not be evil.
  25. Have a question for you lot, since I haven't found anything about it on the forums and maybe one of you guys has seen a similar bug. More or less at random, my game will decide it hates a particular server and will make the edges (and ONLY the edges) of my screen jerky as hell whenever I move, most pronouncedly in outdoor areas when objects are visible in front of the skybox. I can provide a demo if people have no idea what I'm talking about. Any ideas?
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