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Chili Con Carnage

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Everything posted by Chili Con Carnage

  1. Is there a problem with BLU and/or Steam? It hasn't shown up on my server list for the past 2 days now.
  2. I'm in Texas until Saturday evening with only 3G access for Internetting. So no online gaming for me while I'm out here.
  3. The still possibly-maybe-being-renamed Team OCR is all present except for Paranoid, but he's out of town until Tuesday and we can still edit the roster by then. We're signed up for the Highlander challenge and ladder, so it looks like everything's set.
  4. All right, guys, everything Brush said holds true for us. If you haven't already you need to sign up at http://etf2l.org/teams/10589/ with your Steam number, which you can get off of HLStats. Whatever name you use on the site is the one you have to use in the competition. We're tentatively named Team Overclocked Remix, tag [OCR], but that's up to change if you lot want. We also have one auxiliary slot open, so lemme know if someone would fit it well. Demo: Miyako Engineer: Gaunt Heavy: FROGG (signed) Medic: Bonzai Pyro: Chives (signed) Scout: Necro (signed) Sniper: Lumpy (signed) Soldier: FireSlash (signed) Spy: Chili Con Carnage (Team captain, signed) Auxiliaries ParanoidDrone XeroZohar (signed) Jakajan Bark (signed) Krowbar (signed)
  5. It really depends on a lot of things for me, mostly which band it is and what sort of mood I'm in. Overall I tend to like them both about the same. Studio recordings let me get into the song itself and everything in it, while a concert is just plain fun when I want more to the experience than just music. And if you don't have at least a few bruises when you leave the show, you're doing it wrong.
  6. Wily Stage One, perhaps?
  7. A) That's the core team, some of the slots are only tentative, and at the very least we still have 4 auxiliary slots open. To get more recognition for the event. C) Who says OCR can only field one team? Neblix: Competitive players are actually restricted in it to one per team and playing only Engie, Pyro, Spy, or Heavy. It's meant to bring new players into the fold.
  8. Hey all, just letting you know that I'm forming Team Overclocked Remix for the Highlander Challenge. (More) details are here: http://ocremix.org/forums/group.php?do=discuss&group=&discussionid=72 Invitations have been sent! Intel will be captured! Points will be seized! ENEMIES SHALL FALL! I think we can get pretty far.
  9. Good luck with everything, man.
  10. On a more random note, I felt I'd share a cracked-out dream with you lot. I was playing TF2 as a Sniper and ran into some Spy with a bright silver Darth Vader helmet who was cheating to be immune to headshots and able to fly like Superman. As in, same pose and everything. Also, he kept changing his name as I was typing the ban command, so I eventually got fed up and called Paranoid, Brush, Kami, and the OCAD guys. We all hopped into F-22s I had lying around in my apartment's parking lot and bombed the guy because he was actually Cthulhu.
  11. I'd appreciate it if the Dead Ringer would stop the bleeding visual effect. Or wash off Jarate like it's supposed to if the loading screen tips are any indication.
  12. tl;dr version: atmuh got bored and trotted out his usual trolling about skill levels for classes, people rose to the bait. Could we please move on?
  13. C&D is good for the very beginning of a match when you're on defense.
  14. It takes some practice. If you want, I can give you some Spy pointers sometime.
  15. Well, to get Lale and Paranoid to stop bugging me about it, I now present an Overclocked Remix Team Fortress 2 fanfiction, written by Lale, aka Dark Chocobo. Enjoy. Brushmelon (Brushfire / Watermelon-Kun) That clawing sensation in your eyes is your fingernails, by the way, and it's perfectly normal.
  16. I love this idea so much. >_>
  17. It's a place called Laser Tag of Baton Rouge (yes, shaped like itself).
  18. I actually heard a number of OCRemixes playing at a laser tag arena in Baton Rouge.
  19. Shadow of the Colossus, right before the battle with Malus when Aggo hurls you to safety before falling into the abyss.<End spoilers> Ace Combat Zero mission 13, when you take down some bombers heading for your homeland and then the Belkans nuke their own cities, you're caught in the fringe of the EMP, and your wingman Pixy turns on you. Or after the final mission, when you realize that while you saved the world from nuclear annihilation, nobody will ever know what you did and you lost both your wingmen in the process. <End spoilers> Beyond Good and Evil. The lighthouse scene. Enough said. Homeworld, when you return from testing the Mothership's hyperdrive and find Kharak burning, and the 600,000 colonists are all that's left of your entire race. That one cutscene flat-out destroyed me.
  20. Just because the ridiculously skinny guy is in a space maybe 18 inches wide... And HOLY BEJEEZUS I didn't see you in the conga picture at first. Then I got to a better angle and OHGOD.
  21. The final verdict on SGC was that it was freakin' awesome. Sure, it meant 6 hours on the road each way for me and Paranoid, but even that wasn't so bad. Somehow they forgot to mention the Agent 47 running around assassinating congoers and marking tape outlines of where their bodies fell. By the end of the day, there must've been at least a hundred. The OCAD panel was fantastic, especially when the audience started really getting into it, Hot Cammy was hot, Metal Slug 5 is a perfect game to meet new people over, rooftop swimming pools rock, Cyril kept stepping on me in the middle of the night ( ), and in general it was just plain fun to meet the OCAD guys without having a ticking mission clock compelling me to facestab David and Spycrab away. Also, I kind of feel sorry for the Denny's across the street... only food within walking distance, so it got swarmed with congoers. Though my sympathy waned when they managed to fail to split our check properly for about fifteen minutes. I mean, come on. Cash registers aren't that hard to work. Further, the Star Wars Holiday Special is terrifying, especially if you're already buzzed from the PokePorn Drinking Game.
  22. Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that once I finish dealing with the last of the aftermath from the "Feds at the door" incident I mentioned last time I was on, I'll be back on the server as usual, regularly facestabbing hapless victims left and right. Tremble, and fear.
  23. Seems like it varies to me. Sometimes they don't hear me when I decloak right behind them, other times I'm 20 feet away behind a wall and they home in on me instantly. As for stairstabs... what's even more fun is countering them. If you do it right, you can facestab them from underneath as they jump over you. This also applies when Scouts doublejump over you.
  24. Hey guys, reporting another late-light troll. Moonpie was being a general nuisance to the server at large (74% of players votekicked him once I forced the vote, since he wasn't showing up on the kicklist for a lot of them). He rejoined immediately and began bugging them again and ignored repeated requests to stop.
  25. On a random note, I just moved to a new apartment, so my internet presence is going to be spotty for a few days as I get settled. You may resume fearing for your backs shortly.
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