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Everything posted by godsp3d

  1. dang, OCR has had a pretty epic time lately with all these albums, interviews, etc! how awesome! :D Thanks for doing what you do.

  2. your music is awesome!

    and uh.. congrats on teh marry? lol

  3. Well, perhaps I'd just like to say hello. I'm a college student (CS / Psych major) with little remixing experience but a lot of love for OCR. I JUST bought fruity loops and will be picking it up from the post office tomorrow (lol) - maybe i will or maybe I won't submit anything this round, as I do homework and try to figure out how to use FL Studio, but the CMC is such a cool concept to me I'm sure I'll turn out something eventually Keep writing! I actually listen to this stuff godsp3d
  4. [[Woah... first visitor message, really?]]

    You rock! I love your stuff both here and on Flash Flash Revolution - gotta check out your site sometime.

  5. lol I love it

  6. Wow, this one should be fun! *wonders when boxed [academic] copy of FL Studio will come in...*
  7. cool! I like that Kirby mix you did recently... and what DID you do to this page the other night? haha

  8. cool, thanks
  9. haha rock on.. By now I'd pretty much decided on everything you just said, including the link in your sig which I happened to spot yesterday Thanks!
  10. I'm w/ Kinslayer - SUPER excited for this project This game was an important one in my childhood.. So this one time, I was slashing up bushes for rupees, for what seemed like an hour. And then I bought a shovel! So this one time, I was digging up dirt for rupees...
  11. Perhaps I'm just not a fan of this kind of trance, but it did seem very long and repetitive. To listen to it as anything other than background music, it'd need to have a lot more variation and be about 1/3 as long. What does "ac nox ad umbras lucem misit" mean?
  12. I second the motion!
  13. Looking to buy FL on a budget. Here is a feature comparison of editions: http://flstudio.image-line.com/documents/features.html Which one did you get, and are you glad you did? Also, I wonder what the options are for getting an older version (8 or even 5 - cheap) and buying free upgrades to the modern version. And if an "educational" version is the same software. Thanks!
  14. Thanks, Audix! Wow, I am actually super-honored that you replied... I just compiled a list of 11 of my favorite OCR artists to classify them by what software they used... and you were on it!! (I love "Devastation's Doorway".) Thanks again
  15. Hey guys- Can anyone tell me whether it is possible, having bought and downloaded FL Studio, to move it and/or an upgraded version to a new computer and/or OS later on? In other words, can you re-install / re-register the program? Thanks!
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