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Posts posted by SonicSynthesis

  1. "I would like my name changed to "kitty". All lower case please. Thanks! "

    "could i get a name change to "ambinate" (all lowercase)? thanks a bunch! "

    So the extreme circumstance thing is just bullshit really? haha

    They should probably change it on the FAQs because it does sound very intimidating and near impossible to get a name change.

    Thanks a bunch for the link mate, hopefully they'll change it.

  2. If i'm unsure about something i'll not be afraid to ask. Don't think i'm being cheeky in this post, it's just a question. If there's some underlying point i'm missing then feel free to yell abuse at me for making a deal about nothing haha.

    So i quote " In extreme circumstances, you may request that the administrator change your username, but he or she will require a very good reason to do so."

    What is the big issue with changing usernames? I mean it's just a name. It can't be because it's hassle to do, because i was an administrator on a VBulletin forum and i know it takes literally 2 seconds to do. So what extreme circumstances are we talking about? You need to change your name because you're a valuable witness to a crime and bad people are out to get you? haha

    My situation is that i want to change my name because i found it's a slogan of a metal band and i can't use it in the future if i want buy the rights to it or whatever. I plan on becoming a professional composer/producer and i'd like my username to be the same as what i plan to name my studio, use as a watermark on compositions etc. If i have all my stuff under a different name then nobody would be able to find it easily. I've had to change my youtube channel name among other things and i'd like to change it on here as well. I'm not exactly 'big time' on the site either, i've basically added no friends and made less than 100 posts. I mean i can understand if DJPretzel changed his name everybody would be extremely confused haha.

    So do you reckon there's any point in me submitting a name change request, or is this case not EXTREME and HARDCORE enough? lol

    Ok maybe i was a bit cheeky, sorry. I love this site very much <3

  3. FL Studio, bro, recording doesn't work like that at all. :P

    Brewt, skype me, It's easier to show you than to explain in a post how to get your inpout set up the right way. I can probably help you figure out that audio level business, too.

    Ok cool, i'll need to re-install Skype. It'll have to be after the weekend because i'm dead busy, I'll contact you when i'm free though.

  4. Well i bought myself an audio interface which has got rid of hissing and latency and improved my overall guitar sound. I still can't work the audio levels though, i need a guideline to work from. When i playback a recording it's always a bit quiet, and for some reason when i'm playing there's an odd reverb effect, but when i play back it's gone.

    Another thing is my interface has a left and right input, i'm plugged into the left but it's only producing sound out of the left side of my headphones. I have to pan about 90 degress to the right for it to come out of both. Is this normal?

    So is there any way you could give me a generic audio level setup that i can work from, it would be a big help. I've looked on youtube and can't find any helpful videos :(

  5. Most of the sample development I do is through Impact Soundworks. It took a few years to build it up to the level its currently at, and I handle most of the business, accounting and marketing tasks in addition to creative ones. Still, I love it, and can't wait to release even more sample libraries this year (all for Kontakt.) However, I do also design synth presets for Zebra 2. I haven't done any lately but I've made over 180 patches total which still sell a bit.

    As for game soundtracks, yes, I do. In 2010 I worked on Monkey Island 2: Special Edition with several other members of this community. That was more arrangement and production than composition, since we were essentially giving a complete update to a MIDI score (literally MIDI files) including scoring for live performers, etc. I also started a gig for a PSP/PS3/360 game which is not announced yet, and which I'm still working on now. I'm the sole composer for it and have already written almost 30 tracks.

    So seeing as i'm more into music creation and not wanting to record other peoples stuff, what would you recommend as a good path for me to take?

    EDIT: I just finished watching your Making Music from Hobby to Profession videos on your Youtube channel and found them very insightful. I like the idea of composing for and Indie game company to get my foot in the door. I spend a lot of time checking out Indie games (mainly 2D ones) as their soundtracks tend to interest me more than a full orchestral piece in a Star Wars game for example. I recently discovered an Indie game called Night Sky, even though it was out in 2009. I have to say i've never seen a game soundtrack compliment atmosphere so well since way back when i first played Soul Reaver. I love how the soundtrack alone has the ability to immerse you in the games world. And i have to say when you mentioned Super Meat Boy in your video it put a smile on my face because i think that game has one of the catchiest soundtracks in history. Kudos to the composer.

    I can definitely see me wanting game soundtracks to become part of my life, even if it's not the main part. It's just other things to keep me on my feet which i'm having trouble figuring out.

  6. Some people absolutely love being in the studio and doing mostly recording work. That's fine. But it's not what I want to do, for example. I would rather focus on writing and producing my own music as opposed to working on other people's work. So, what do you want to do?

    Hmm, when you put it like that i would much rather create music rather then just record and master other peoples. I've never been much of a lyricist, i'm more interested in the music itself and what sounds good. If only submitting to OCR was a paid job, i'd be right on that haha :P

  7. Firstly thanks to everyone who's replied, i've found all your advice very helpful. In response to Neblixes post, i too liked the idea of composing game soundtracks but there are no courses in Scotland that cover it, and i won't be able to get tuition fee's payed in England.

    I've decided i definetly want to focus on the music creation more than performing. I would like a job where i can settle down, and i know gigging about in a band is definetly not the way you do that. I would probably get into a band as something to earn a few extra pennies. This summer i'm also going to try and get an unpaid internship or something similar at one of the local recording studios so i can get some hands on experience. If i do end up starting my own small studio i know quite a few bands who i'm good friends with around the country, so hopefully they would let me record their stuff for them. On top of that i'd be composing and recording my own work too. AND on top of that i'd need a day job to keep a steady pay. If i could eventually get a job in more of a 'big shot' studio after i've gained a certain amount of experience it would be helpful for some extra money. That or i could continue with my day job and try to expand my own studio.

    This isn't going to happen any time soon, i'll need to work to get money for the equipment first haha.

  8. I really do need help. I'm in college studying music and i've been given a project where i basically have to plan out the next 10 years of my life and how i'm going to suceed in my chosen area of music. Thing is i have no chosen area in music, i have no idea what i want to do.

    I don't know where i'm strongest. I'm good on the guitar and have been playing for a number of years, i enjoy working with DAW's and composing songs. I like the idea of working in my own home studio making music, but i don't know what careers would involve this. Maybe something in making music for the media or games or something? I honestly have no idea, it's kind of hit home that i don't know what i'm doing with my life and i was just hoping i'd figure it out later and something would happen for me.

    So basically something that involves making music in my own studio, what careers involve that kind of thing? It would be a massive help if you could offer me advice and send any useful links to information. Thanks in advance.

  9. Another thing i need to mention. When i was recording in FL i would have the bass and drums playing while i was recording. I noticed the sound seemed to fade a lot on the guitar then on the midi then back on the guitar, like it couldn't handle all the sounds at the same time it was decreasing the volume to accomodate the other sounds. Is this because my laptop sound card can't handle it and will the audio interface stop this from happening? I am a total noob at this, i know nothing about recording stuff.

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