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Posts posted by SonicSynthesis

  1. Well it only took me about 2 days to make, but seeing as i've never used any kind of DAW before i think this is a pretty good effort. I was just messing about with sounds and it ended up becoming a song, there wasn't really any plan for it. I thought it sounded like music that would be in the background if you were flying through clouds, don't know why. The metal part is meant to symbolise a storm cloud and turbulence, and the part after that is meant to be breaking through the storm into open air again. I didn't use the mixer because i've still not learned how to, so it'll probably sound really basic. I read DarkeSword's thread about youtube vids reducing sound quality but i'm not too bothered about it at this point. When i become more advanced i'll worry about every little part of the song being perfect. Anyway happy listening :)

  2. I want to use this pad called AirChorus to go in the background while a melody plays over the top of it, but i can't find a way to change the pads pitch or tone. Even on the piano roll, no matter which key i play, it will always sound the same. Because of this it sounds completely out of place with the melody. Is there any way to change which note the pad plays?

    Btw this is my first time using FL Studio so i don't know if this is a stupid question or not lol

  3. There's really not much to get, not sure why you're so weirded out by this.

    Yeah i don't understand that either.

    It's not just to do with xmas no.1. It's do with the fact that the xfactor machine has produced the same generic crap for the past 4 or 5 years. People only watch that show to laugh at the people who can't sing. That's not what music is about. It's about expressing your feelings musically, enjoying yourself and encouraging artists to reach for the stars. It's not about singling people out, telling them they're terrible and public humiliation. It's like that show doesn't want music to go anywhere, so it just churns out the same shit. There was so much experimentation in music between the 50's and 90's, but apparently trying to come up with something new isn't allowed any more, which is sad really.

  4. Lol this is weird because i was reading up on this for about an hour today while i was in college and my band has decided to play it at our gig to support the idea! I definitely want to see this happen. I'm tired of XFactor producing the same pop shit. The people who win it will always get xmas no.1 and then will be forgotten about. Succeeding in the music industry isn't about being hard work any more or being talented. It's about putting on a show for the retards that get sucked in by XFactor. There's no new areas of music being explored any more, it's just this giant machine churning out the same old crap each year. I don't even like RATM tbh, so i'm not supporting this because of them. I'm supporting it because i want the xmas no.1 to actually be fought for again.


  5. In LMMS there's a light on each track that flashes when a note is played. These are flashing which means the instrument is definitely playing, there's just no sound being produced. It's weird because i managed to get 2 out of 3 tracks producing sound when i began and now all of a sudden the second track stopped. Maybe my computers just crap. Well actually my computer is pretty crap. It's quite old and Souliarc mentioned something about my CPU peaking. Is that to do with me having a crap computer?

  6. You're bragging about something that's not legal. Despite what you or I think about the law, this is stupid to admit on the internet that remembers everything.

    What the hell man! I wasn't bragging about anything! I was merely trying to lighten the mood a bit by saying one sentence started this entire argument.

    Your attitude means I - and others - have to pay more. Thanks a lot.

    What attitude?! I already said i'm trying freeware versions (LMMS)! Maybe you should read the entire thread before you open your mouth and accuse me of something!

    Here's a good litmus test on software. With what you have learned, can you recreate a simple, classic pop song? Just try to cover something from the Beatles or something. If the sofware, despite what you have learned, makes you feel that it's just not thinking and working together with you to get the job done, you should switch.

    Thanks anyway. You're basically telling me the same thing everyone else has told me. Different software is compatible with different people, but it's not the software that makes people professional, it's the practice. So it looks like i've got all the helpful info i'm going to get. This thread should be locked now.

    Edit: Can someone who knows LMMS please help me here - http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=26756

  7. I've just downloaded the program and started to make a small tune to try it out. This is the first time i've really tried midi sequencing. I've only been using the bass editor so far and i've added 3 tracks, but only one of them is producing sound. They're not muted or anything. Also the lights on screen are showing that the instruments are in fact playing, but there's just no sound. I have no idea what i'm doing wrong. Here's a screenshot of my current state. Hopefully someone can tell me what i've done wrong by looking at the pic. Ask me if you need any specifics on what i've done so far.


    Let me know if the pic isn't showing up

  8. Yeah i'll try FruityLoops because a few of my mates use it and they can give me a cracked version.

    Lol that's all i said that started this entire argument. To be honest i'm glad it did, because i feel i've gained from it. It is better to start small and if the freeware versions do that then that's what i'll go for. I'll try LMMS and see how that works out.

    Please feel free to continue debating though.

  9. To the OP, usually on any forum questions about "best software" have a tendency to end up like this. The easiest and best way to get good advice on this is to have more specific questions. The more specific your questions, the more people can get to the heart of what you are looking for. Good luck dude. :)

    Yeh, seeing as i'm a "midi virgin" i don't really know any specifics about things. I just needed a general idea of where to start. Thanks anyway.

  10. I find the controller a lot easier. It's easier to turn around to be honest. Doing say a full 360 is harder on the mouse. I find the buttons on a gamepad are easier to get used to than the keyboard as well. However i've always played using a gamepad. The only time i use keyboard and mouse is for Halo, which i almost never play any more. So i guess if you were raised on the keyboard and mouse you will find it to be better.

  11. Ok first of all, Wow! Didn't mean to cause arguments.

    I take advantage of anything i can get for free because i'm a typical student who barely makes enough to pay rent for his apartment, and seeing as the countries going through this fucked up recession i can't find a job anywhere. This doesn't mean i won't eventually support the software when i can. I'll always download a bands album and make sure i like it before i actually considering buying it. It's it's not that i don't have patience. It's the fact that i need to know this shit for my course by May next year. Now i came on here to ask for advice, not to cause problems. But seriously if you have a problem, then that's your problem, not mine! I appreciate all the advice people have given and i'm still open for more.

    Kthx <3

  12. In the metal genre, I have heard the good, bad, ugly and genius. It seems that the bands whom suck consist of this:

    100% energy and 0% concept

    *looks at DragonForce* ¬¬

    This looks like my type of thread. My favourite type of metal would be Progressive, but i like most metal sub genres. Here's a few bands i would recommened.

    Dream Theater, Black Label Society, Symphony X, Metallica, John 5, Trivium, Disturbed, Fear Factory, Megadeth, Static-X, Stratovarius, Racer X, Yngwie Malmsteen, Zakk Wylde, Machine Head, Bullet For My Valentine, Iced Earth, Rob Zombie, System Of A Down, Mnemic and Ozzy Osbourne to name a few

    Here's a song to check out:


  13. I never noticed this thread when i joined. I'm still a newbie though so i'll say hi.


    My name's Johnny. I live in Scotland. I'm 20 years old and my birthday is on 9/11 (aren't i lucky). I'm studying music at college which covers MIDI, live performance, theory etc. Really enjoying it. I'm an epic Sonic fan so if anyone needs a good conversation about the series then they should talk to me. I love all Nintendo series among other games. I am a mod on the site www.tweeaks.com/forums. If you like graphics and game talk then you should go there. I have no interest in graphics or making sigs but i really enjoy it there, mainly because it's not a huge community, so you get to know the people a lot better and they're all really cool. Plus it doesn't have any big restrictions when it comes to customising sigs, and you get your own ava and stuff. It makes you feel more individual.

    I love OC ReMix. I found it randomly on Last FM and discovered the Project Chaos album. It really blew my mind. I'd like to make my own remixes but i'm not sure where to start, so any help there would be much appreciated. My favourite remixers would be Sixto and SnappleMan. They just do my kind of music, me being a metalhead and all :P

    So hopefully i'll enjoy my time here and will submit a remix in the near future.

    Peace out <3

  14. They were saying Tracktion2 would be recommended if you're looking to get into computer based composing with minimum hassle. What are your views on that?

    What about Fruityloops, Reaper and Reason?

    Edit: I'm going to try out Reaper. It's said to be easier to get into than the others. Sonar is apparently really difficult to set up and use if you don't have much experience.

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