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Posts posted by FenixDown

  1. If you haven't already done so, you should check out Redline. The best anime movie I've seen in recent memory. It took them about seven years to make because the whole film was drawn entirely by hand without the use of any CG. It's visually amazing and the cast and story are engaging.

  2. I downloaded it this morning and gave it a quick listen before I went to work. It was a nice, solid assortment of tracks with enough variety involved to keep the main source from getting stale. I'm going to have to give it another listen soon before deciding on a favorite, all the tracks had their merits, but Liquid Metal was my least favorite solely on a personal tastes with that vocal style basis. I loved the instrumental version at the end though.

    Thanks for putting this together, it was worth the download.

  3. So far, I've only finished the first disc, but I'm really enjoying the album so far. Not a single bad track to be heard as of yet. Tunnel Rhino is surprisingly catchy, I get the feeling the next time I play X3, that'll pop into my head during that stage. Tuck 'n Roll was pretty impressive. I also liked Sigma Opus and Vile Needs to Galvanize, but really, they're all good so far.

    Onto Disc Two!

    Edit: Disc two was also really good. So far this has been a rock solid album. I've never heard the source before, but Primulaceae Rosa was a very nice track. Dusty Dune Devil, Stay Frosty, Duality, and Shadowclimber are among other tracks that stood out to me on my first listen.

  4. I just posted a link to the OCR Sigma page on the 100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3's page on Facebook a few minutes ago. They are the largest collected group of Mega Man fans I can think of, aside from maybe posting on Capcom's wall as well. I wasn't the only person to post there, which is good, since it improves the chances more people will see the link. Hopefully that helps.

  5. Exactly. Where are we gonna find almost 3,000 people?

    The 100,000 Strong for Megaman Legends 3 Facebook page? Not that they have 100,000 people, but this does seem like the sort of thing they would want to support.

    Either way, I'm eagerly awaiting the release of this album. Whenever that may be.

  6. I realize it hasn't been that long since I last posted a request but in this case, I figured it would be best to bring it up while it's still on my mind. I dug out my old NES yesterday so I could play some classic games that aren't available for download on the Wii, namely Battletoads, and as I played it, I found myself remembering how catchy the soundtrack is, and I checked OCR for any arrangements that might have been done, but I did not find any.

    Possible tracks include (but not limited to) :

    Thank you for taking the time to read this/follow the links.

  7. After months of mulling over it and having it be suggested to me multiple times, I finally decided to make an offical request for a remix of the music of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4. I put The Almighty in the thread title since it is the best battle theme in the game (imo), but I hope that other tracks from the soundtrack are also considered.

    Other tracks that might be of interest:

    Fog (also known as Mist)

    Long Way

    Secret Base

    There are plenty of other pieces to choose from as well if anyone is interested. Thank you very much.

  8. This turned out to be a pretty great album. Thank you very much everyone involved for making this possible. It's hard to pick out favorites so far, the album has been pretty consistent in terms of quality. Vampire Hunter Dan's String Quartet piece was impressive, and the vocal performances were all top-notch. Persona 3 is the only game represented in this album I've actually played, and its arrangement was interesting and not quite what I was expecting after hearing the 13 tracks before it. I hope this leads to more Persona (or any of these games really) arrangements on OCR. Good job, everyone!

  9. I've listened to the album a few times now and enjoyed it very much. I like the smaller album format and hope more (but not all) future OCR albums do something similar. It's hard to pick out any specific favorites as all the tracks ranged from good to great. As someone who gets excited whenever an FFV arrangement gets posted on the main page, having five FFV albums lined up for the next couple years is too good for words. I'm looking forward to the next album.

  10. Speak for yourself, because those extra bounty hunter bosses I could never beat.

    Those were some tough sons of bitches.

    Or in the case of the IxaTaka sisters, hot bitches.

    Sorry, I meant consistently challenging. Aside from a couple early bosses, the Gamecube port-exclusive bounty bosses and Piastol, the game is not overly challenging. You have to fight defensively against some of those bonus enemies, Aika's Delta Shield and Enrique's Shield of Justice are lifesavers against Piastol in particular. Gilder's Aura of Denial nulls instant death spells too.

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