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Posts posted by FenixDown

  1. Yes, I was about to comment on that as well. I would appreciate it greatly if the Rudra no Hihou track were replaced with the OST version. Thank you once again for putting the playlists together by the way.

    Also, in case anyone missed my edit in my previous post, we have filled out the roster for 16 participants. I am pleasantly surprised with how diverse the overall selection has been and just how many under-represented games are going to get a chance to shine, not counting any tracks I've got up my sleeve for the Hero Bracket. If you guys are half as hype for this compo as I am, this is going to be great.

  2. The Villain Bracket is now full! And we also received another Hero submission which means we now only need one more Hero theme to max out the roster. The newest entrants are: Anorax with

    and evktalo with

    Edit: And today we got our final submission! djg-music has signed on with

    . That means sign-ups are officially closed. Thank you very much to everyone who signed up for the compo, and for everyone else who took an interest in it. The first round of the Hero Bracket will begin on Monday June/9.

    Here are the entrants who have all signed up:

    Hero Bracket:

    1) urdailywater - Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory - Nepgear (Nepgear's Theme Ver. V) - Hero

    2) Nonamer - Golden Sun: The Lost Age - Felix (Traversing Weyard) - HERO

    3) Ethan Rex - Chrono Trigger - Frog (Frog's Theme) - Hero

    4) HoboKa - "Parasite Eve" - "Aya" (Theme of Aya) - Hero

    5) NovaReaper - Etrian Odyssey - Ren and Tlachtga ( Rising Again) - Hero

    6) Yami - Rudra no Hihou - Surlent (The Spirit Chaser) - Hero

    7) evktalo - Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - Marth (For Tomorrow's Sake) - Hero

    8 ) djg-music - Final Fantasy Tactics - Ramza (Ramza's Theme) - Hero

    Villain Bracket:

    1) Jason Covenant - Earthbound - Pokey (Pokey's theme) - Villain

    2) MindWanderer - Lufia 2 - Gades (Battle Theme 3) - Villain

    3) Ghetto Lee Lewis - Icewind Dale 2 - Sherincal (Sherincal of the Chimera)- Villain

    4) Saint Paradox - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time - Team Skull (A Sinister Smell) - Villain

    5) gercr - Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Dark King (Battle 3/Dark King’s Theme) - Villain

    6) Xenonetix - Ni No Kuni - Shadar (Shadar's Attack) - Villain

    7) Supercoolmike - Golden Sun - Saturos (Saturos Battle Theme) : Villain

    8 ) Anorax - Breath Of Fire II - Deathevan (Evan ~ God of Death) - Villain

  3. If you don't get anyone else, you can do what Brandon did for the FFCC, and throw in a 3-way round against a "boss," and the best two move forward. In fact, this works more naturally for this compo than it did for his.

    Hopefully it doesn't come to it, but that is a possible approach I am considering.

    I'll be signing up later today.

    Awesome! I'm looking forward to seeing what you pick.

    Thanks for putting those playlists together, Xenonetix. It's something I was thinking of doing over the weekend after the sign-up period was over, so way to get ahead of the curve there.

    freakin sweet idea u got going on. just suks that i'm figuring out about this now (as its about to begin) and the rpg maker vx ace tournament is under going right now (ughh so musch work!).

    I'm here to ask if this theme is applicable.

    this song plays when Chrono is being judged in a courtroom. I have always thought of this song as a theme for that (evil) judge.lol

    Sign-ups are still open until Friday at midnight so it's not too late yet. Don't sweat it if you've got a lot going on and don't think you can join, you can still participate by voting on tracks to help decide which mixers advance to the next round. Regarding that track, first I don't think that track really works as a character theme; second, I wouldn't accept the judge as a villain anyway. Thanks for taking an interest all the same, regardless of how things go, I hope you follow along.

  4. Here's the latest update on the current status of sign-ups for the rRPC:

    Hero Bracket:

    1) urdailywater - Hyperdimension Neptunia V - Nepgear (Nepgear's Theme Ver. V) - Hero

    2) Nonamer - Golden Sun: The Lost Age - Felix (Traversing Weyard) - HERO

    3) Ethan Rex - Chrono Trigger - Frog (Frog's Theme) - Hero

    4) HoboKa - "Parasite Eve" - "Aya" (Theme of Aya) - Hero

    5) NovaReaper - Etrian Odyssey - Ren and Tlachtga ( Rising Again) - Hero

    6) Yami - Rudra no Hihou - Surlent (The Spirit Chaser) - Hero

    Villain Bracket:

    1) Jason Covenant - Earthbound - Pokey (Pokey's theme) - Villain

    2) MindWanderer - Lufia 2 - Gades (Battle Theme 3) - Villain

    3) Ghetto Lee Lewis - Icewind Dale 2 - Sherincal (Sherincal of the Chimera)- Villain

    4) Saint Paradox - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time - Team Skull (A Sinister Smell) - Villain

    5) gercr - Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Dark King (Battle 3/Dark King’s Theme) - Villain

    6) Xenonetix - Ni No Kuni - Shadar (Shadar's Attack) - Villain

    A very nice selection we've got going here, but we still need four more people (two for each side) to meet the new goal of 16 participants. If you guys know anybody who might be interested in joining in on the compo, get them to check it out. They just might come on board.

    Sign-ups wrap up Friday night at midnight Eastern time.

  5. Just a reminder, we are currently on the final week for sign-ups. This coming Friday at midnight Eastern time will be the cutoff point, so please get your character theme lists PMed to me before then. If you caught last night's

    , then you probably know that DarkeSword and I talked about the likelihood of settling for 16 participants total (8 per bracket) and cutting out one of the rounds. So unless we get a sudden surge of submissions (21 to be exact), that will be the most likely target for us to shoot for. Right now, I need two more heroes and two more villains at least and the fifth can go in either bracket as one of our current entrants has volunteered to fill in the final slot of whichever side I need.

    Also, if anyone checking out this thread is interested, I will be in need of someone who can design the brackets and any signature images for the participants. Get in touch with me if you're interested. Much appreciated!

  6. My favorite runs of AGDQ 2014 were blindfolded runs of

    I won't tell you exactly how well each of them do, but rest assured, each of them certainly "go the distance"; far better than most can hope to do with their eyes on such difficult games, let alone blindfolded.

    These were absolutely fantastic. This might not be your speed but Brossentia does a glitchy speedrun of Final Fantasy IV for the SNES dubbed

    . Lots of unusual sequence breaking as it gets near the end.
  7. So if a character doesn't have a specific theme we could just use a song from the game?

    If the song is associated with the character closely enough. For example, Cecil from FFIV does not have a theme that is specifically his own like Rydia or Golbez do, but the Red Wings theme is close enough to his character that it would be an acceptable alternative. So long as the theme in question has a simple, logical connection to the character (theme of the group he/she leads, a track that plays during a key point in his/her story, etc.), it should be fine.

  8. I'm wondering about the whereabouts of the hype myself. I received sign-up number 11 earlier today though I need it resubmitted with the names of the intended character themes. Still got a long climb to get to that lofty 32 participants goal.

    Also, since it got brought up, I should weigh in on the Zelda: RPG or not? subject. I do not consider the Legend of Zelda to be an RPG series, they are action/adventure with puzzle-solving elements. However, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link does contain quite a few RPG elements and would likely qualify as an action RPG by today's standards. If someone were to sign up as Link with the overworld theme from Zelda II as his theme (I can't think of any other tracks from the game that would fit better), I would probably give it a pass. But that's the only exception.

  9. I think the temptation was there, but most of us are choosing more diverse sources so that we can see more potential remixes of our source. I chose Fenix not because I can remix it best, but because I want everyone else to work on tracks for Golden Sun. A subtle nudge.

    Speaking of Final Fantasy, are there any rules regarding that series? For instance, can there be one person remixing Kefka from FFVI while someone else does Zidane's theme from FFIX?

    Oh yeah I definitely get you on that. That thought process was one of the driving forces that got me to start planning the rRPC.

    Anyway, in regards to the Final Fantasy question, there are no special rules regarding FF that wouldn't apply to any other series.

    Edit: Is that game an RPG? Also, the music would have to be original to the game and not from the cartoon since this is OCR. The deadline is midnight Eastern time on Friday, June 6th so you've still got time to think about it.

  10. No worries man. It's all good and thank you for resubmitting the sign up list.

    Inseparable pair.

    Alright, thanks for clearing that up for me.

    It's still early but I am amazed we haven't had a single Final Fantasy theme as a #1 pick yet. While I was still preparing the opening post for the compo, I was imagining half the line up being FF-related. I'm not in any way saying we need that much FF in the compo (but I'll take it if that's what people want to run with), I'm just pleasantly surprised by the selection we've had so far.

    Keep 'em coming!

  11. Did you guys give him a pm with your picks...and in the right format? I got into trouble by not doing it the way he wanted :tomatoface:

    Trouble is such a strong word. I'm just trying to keep all the sign ups uniform to keep it easy to organize. I got their PMs now but I'm just going to leave this here since it's kind of a recurring thing:

    Submissions for characters should be typed as: [“Game Title” - “Character’s Name (Theme Name)” - “Hero” or “Villain”].

    Also, NovaReaper, for your number one pick, are you running as Ren or Tlachtga, or are they an inseparable pair like Zorn and Thorn or Solt and Peppor?

    Edit: You're more than welcome if you change your mind, evktalo.

  12. We're 1/4 of the way to filling out the target roster. And everyone's number one picks are split evenly between heroes and villains too.

    So far we've got in the heroes bracket:

    urdailywater with Nepgear's Theme Ver. V from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory

    Nonamer with Felix (Traversing Weyard) from Golden Sun: the Lost Age

    Ethan Rex with Frog's Theme from Chrono Trigger

    HoboKa with Aya's Theme from Parasite Eve

    And in the villains bracket:

    Jason Covenant with Pokey's Theme from Earthbound

    Mindwanderer with Gades (Battle Against Sinistrals) from Lufia 2

    Ghetto Lee Lewis with Sherincal (Sherincal of the Chimera) from Icewind Dale 2

    Saint Paradox with Team Skull's Skuntank (A Sinister Smell) from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time

    I'm pleased with the amount of diversity in everyone's number one selections so far.

  13. Also just wanna throw out the idea of doing source selection like all the other tourney compos - post 5 sources and do a coin flip for any conflicts. I know with the way this one is set up that might be a bit hard, so maybe have two different lists for heroes and villains? I just think it would really bite if a lot of the rad sources were taken in the first couple of days.

    In all honesty, I don't think we'll have to worry too much about running out of awesome sources. We've already had a nice representation of various RPG soundtracks in just the first day. I don't think the first come, first serve approach is unreasonable (I know you didn't actually say that); so far everyone's first choice has been unchallenged so anything they listed from choice 2-5 is fair game for others. It's only when two people have the same first choice that the second person will then drop to their second choice if it's not taken already. But if both competitors in this case agree to it, I am willing to flip a coin to decide who moves on to their next available choice if that is what they'd prefer.

  14. Interesting that you don't want these public. You realize there's a higher chance for conflicts this way, right?

    I wasn't really aiming for secrecy when I decided to go with PMing sign ups, I just assumed people would be more forthcoming with their selections. An oversight on my part, I'll edit the sign up posts to better emphasize that. I fully encourage people to post their picks in the thread.

    May I offer a suggestion FenixDown regarding sign-ups? You should have people choose 3 hero themes and 3 villain themes along with a bracket preference. That way if you get 32 submissions of people picking hero themes, you can have an easier time delegating between which side of the bracket people want to be on. Just a thought that could make things a little easier for you when form the brackets.

    If people really want to be on the hero bracket, their top picks will be hero themes. The same goes for villains, and I will announce as quickly as possible in the event of a bracket's roster being filled up. I think the way things are now in this regard will be fine, but I do appreciate the suggestion and I've made a note of it for future reference. Thank you.

    Oh yeah, do strategy role-playing games (SRPGs) count?

    Yes they do. Any kind of RPG is welcome.

  15. Sign-ups are now open.

    - Sign-ups for the rRPC will last for two weeks beginning on Friday, 5/23 and will end at midnight EST on Friday, 6/6.

    - You may sign up for the rRPC by PMing me (FenixDown) a list of 3-5 characters you want to run as in order of preference. This will be managed in a first come, first serve manner.

    - Submissions for characters should be typed as: [“Game Title” - “Character’s Name (Theme Name)” - “Hero” or “Villain”].

    - Please be courteous and post your list in the thread so others know what themes are taken, just remember only lists submitted via PM will count.

    - Only characters from RPGs will be accepted. If you are unsure if a character qualifies, ask me. Generally speaking, if the game they are from contains enough RPG characteristics (i.e. leveling systems, emphasis on story, an example being Super Paper Mario), I will probably allow it. Non-RPGs that feature RPG characters (i.e. fighting games like Persona 4 Arena) will not qualify.

    - Presently, I am aiming for 16 Heroes and 16 Villains (for a total of 32 participants). Depending on how sign-ups go, those numbers may change. If one bracket is filled up when your character list is submitted, any characters for the opposing bracket will be bumped to the top of your list.

    You don't have to do this, but it would be helpful to have youtube links to the themes you are submitting. I am fine with digging up the music myself but it would save me a little time down the road. Best of luck everyone and if you have any questions, let me know.

  16. Can we use boss themes if the person doesn't have a character theme?

    If the boss theme in question is associated with the character you have in mind. Gilgamesh (Clash on the Big Bridge) from Final Fantasy V and Magus (Battle with Magus) from Chrono Trigger are good examples that are acceptable. If the boss theme is just the standard boss theme of the game, it probably isn't tied closely enough to be any character's theme.

  17. Just a friendly reminder that sign-ups will be opening tomorrow. It will probably be around noonish EST when that happens, give or take. Just wait for the official post, instructions on how to sign up will be included there and edited into the opening post as well. I will be asking for a list of characters when you sign up, so be sure to consider possible back ups in the event your first pick is already taken.

    Good luck to all of you!

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