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Posts posted by KyleJCrb

  1. After searching for ages trying to find someone to arrange the Sparring Match multiplayer theme, TWO artists grabbed it on the same day! I have already received a pretty well-developed WIP from the legendary JIVEMASTER (whose Sonic remixes right here on OCR were actually my very first introduction to the hobbyist arrangement community!) Now some of you might be asking, "wait, Jivemaster does rock? I thought he was all UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ" And to that I say you shouldn't pigeonhole artists like that, and yes, he most definitely does rock.

    As for the other arrangement, it was born out of an idea that's still developing as we speak, spearheaded by Tuberz McGee. Who are THE SHELL SHOCKERS, you ask? Well, you'll have to wait and see. ;-)

  2. awesome man, looking forward to it. can't stop listening to ergosonic's track he put on DoD. wish i could get a listen of hot for april. how soon after your final due date will the album be released you think?

    It depends on a number of factors, including how many songs actually get finished by then, how long it takes for the album (when it is completely finished) to get through OCR's album review process, and how many other albums are ahead of this one to be released at the time.

    In other words, I have no idea.

  3. Consumers will look at this and ask "Why not just buy a PC?"

    Obviously the console market is still quite popular among consumers despite consoles being dumbed-down home theater computers at this point, and the fact that most console games out there have been getting PC ports. I don't expect anyone except the hardcore PC gamer to even know there isn't really a difference between a PC and the "Steam Box", and even if they did, many consumers don't even own gaming PCs, prefer to play games on their TVs rather than their PCs, or don't have their PC and their TV close enough to each other physically to feasibly connect them. Not everyone is rockin' triple-screen 6-core 4-GPU 32GB-RAM 5-terabyte gaming rigs right next to their big screen TVs.

  4. What's the most economic place to eat in the area? I was about to pack mountains of ramen but...

    Last year, I went to the CVS drug store up the street from the hotel and loaded up on canned soup, pretzels and Gatorade. Not the healthiest of eats, but it was sustainable for a few days, and much cheaper than eating out.

    There's also a bit of discussion going on at another forum about the hotel not wanting any cooking going on in their rooms, so be weary of that when trying to bring in any cooking gear.

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