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Posts posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Not feeling well tonight. No other staff around to run Talkback. We'll have to postpone. Maybe do it another time this weekend.

    Take it easy and get well, Shariq! We can hold off until later. I should be available anytime tomorrow, but I have NGI and a DoD listening party to host on Sunday, so I wouldn't be available for that unless it's sometime in the morning PST.

  2. Hey dudes, remember when OCR released a TMNT album? That was pretty swell. Remember how it came in high-quality FLAC and not-as-high-quality-but-still-pretty-awesome MP3s? That was cool. Remember how the quality of encoding didn't really matter because the songs were so good that they blew your face off and melted your brains regardless? Yeah, me too.

  3. I think that would be a shame.

    I agree, and ideally Rexy's original vision wouldn't be compromised. My thinking was that it's taken so long and Dragon Quest isn't hugely popular within our community that it might be easier to focus on and recruit for the most iconic game in the series (the first one.) With a focused reboot though, I think it may work.

    As for co-directing with you: it's tempting, but I'll have to think about it. I'm a little burnt out on projects (I've been at this project thing for almost 9 years straight at this point!) I stepped off of VROOM because of that as well as time constraints, so I don't want to just go hop on another project and abandon them now that TMNT is out.

  4. Excellent on all levels but one:

    mp3 file quality. I am amazed by OCR's constant failure to deliver 320kbps mp3 files with their releases. You already have FLAC files, so why not have 320kbps ripped from them?

    Honestly, I don't really care for 320kbps MP3s. The quality doesn't make up for the file size difference, and it seems a little redundant to have near-lossless 320kbps MP3s right next to truly lossless FLACs. But hey, at least with FLAC you can make the album any MP3 bitrate you want!

    I'm actually kind of interested in taking a listen to the album at 32kbps now...

  5. As long as you get to include clips of Will Smith shouting "Welcome to Erf!" in every song as a result of this new Bay partnership, I'm okay with this. :-P

    That would be kinda weird since Independence Day was by Roland Emmerich, but I'll pass it by Michael and see what he thinks. He will probably be down with it.

    Do you want pizza?

    Kyle I don't think that is a

    haiku there buddy

    A haiku does not

    necessarily need to

    be in sev'-five-sev'

  6. Yeah, turns out the album was too good for OCR, so they decided they couldn't release it. I've been shopping it around and it looks like it will be picked up by Michael Bay. We'll have to add samples of explosions and moaning women, and rename every song to something stupidly racist, but I think it will be nothing but a major improvement.

  7. TMNT600.jpg

    KICK SOME SHELL! Shell Shocked is now available. Grab the album and let us know what you think!


    Shell Shocked around the web!

    ReMixer & Director Stuff

    Nitro Game Injection Listening Party: http://kngi.org/nitro-game-injection-251-pizza-time-tmnt-shell-shocked-listening-party-featuring-audun-akumu-audi-sorlie/

    KNGI Records Press Release: http://kngi.org/presenting-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-shell-shocked/

    CarboHydroM: http://carbohydromusic.com/entry/launch-2014

    DusK's tracks on YouTube:


    Chernabogue's track on YouTube:

    DusK's Tumblr: http://blog.itstartsatdusk.com/post/82231615870/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-shell-shocked

    NGI Playthrough of Turtles in Time & Hyperstone Heist w/ Shell Shocked music:


    TotalBiscuit's Content Patch feat. "Star Turtles II":

    The SML Podcast: http://www.savecontinue.com/2014/04/sml-podcast-episode-62-perxerl-nerr-kunal-dick/

    The Arsenal Podcast: http://www.theouterhaven.net/the-arsenal-podcast-42-recap-of-the-dickwolves-wait-what/


    News Articles

    VGMOnline.net: http://www.vgmonline.net/overclocked-remix-to-release-album-of-tmnt-remixes/

    Nubuwo: http://www.nubuwo.com/posts/overclocked-remix-posts-tmnt-shell-shocked-album

    GoNintendo: http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=225890

    Destructoid: http://www.destructoid.com/rock-out-with-the-tmnt-turtles-in-time-tribute-album-273098.phtml

    RetroGamer.ca: http://www.retrogamer.ca/retrogaming/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-shell-shocked-le-dernier-album-de-oc-remix-est-lance/

    G3AR: http://g3ar.co.za/2014/04/10/turtles-in-time-album-rocks/

    Reset Mexico: http://www.resetmx.com/videojuegos/tmnt-turtles-in-time-album-tributo/

    The Punk Effect: http://thepunkeffect.com/?p=15951

    ColeMono: http://colemono.com/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-shell-shocked-es-lo-nuevo-por-parte-de-oc-remix/


    /r/gamemusic subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/gamemusic/comments/22n7pm/teenage_mutant_ninja_turtles_shell_shocked_a_rock/

    /r/TMNT subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/TMNT/comments/22ncfa/music_tmntturtles_in_time_snes_hyperstone/

    The Shizz: http://theshizz.org/forum/index.php/topic/39428-shell-shocked-album-coming-soon-tmnt-turtles-in-time-hyperstone-heist/

    Dwelling of Duels: http://dwellingofduels.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=258

    GoNintendo: http://www.gonintendo.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=136389

    TheColorless.net: http://thecolorless.net/posts/43985?offset=&offset=20#post-72869

    TheColi: http://www.thecoli.com/threads/ocremix-has-released-a-free-tmnt-turtles-in-time-hyperstone-heist-remix-album.204628/

    Mugen Fighters Guild: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/lets-kick-shell-tmnt-remix-album-ocr--158770.0.html

    DreamerRO: http://playdreamerro.com/forums/index.php?/topic/18876-i-found-this-a-little-present-for-you-fellow-dreamers/

    ninjaturtles.ru: http://www.ninjaturtles.ru/forum/let-s-kick-shell-tmnt-remix-album-by-ocr-t22592.html


    Shiryu on Kotaku TAY: http://tay.kotaku.com/ocremix-shell-shocked-1561556358

    Living Myth: http://living-myth.blogspot.com/2014/04/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-game-remix.html

    Spinning Piledriver: http://www.spinningpiledriver.com/2014/04/tmnt-iv-turtles-time-remix-album-free-download/

    Treon's Realm: http://treonsrealm.blogspot.com/2014/04/get-shell-shocked-with-tmnt-remix-album.html

    Nitouhei's VGM Blog: http://nitouhei.blog42.fc2.com/blog-entry-2097.html

    Fighting-Games-Elite on DeviantART: http://fighting-games-elite.deviantart.com/journal/Let-s-Kick-Shell-TMNT-Remix-Album-by-OCR-446623855

    Octorock: http://octorock.com/post/82316188202/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-shell-shocked

    PopulationGO: http://populationgo.tumblr.com/post/82416651495/weekend-remix-one-shell-of-a-time

    Gameplay: http://ostgameplay.tumblr.com/post/82444575581/download-download-the-full-album-here

    Lost in the Music: http://lostwithmusic.blogspot.com/2014/04/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles.html

    artiom-shorohov: http://artiom-shorohov.livejournal.com/713515.html

    Dorkly: http://dorkly.tumblr.com/post/82820688526/shell-shocked-a-tmnt-vgm-tribute-album-you-can


    VGMdb: http://vgmdb.net/album/45153

    MusicBrainz: http://musicbrainz.org/release/9f61b205-2d28-4685-9cce-de8763686e16

    OCR Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ocremix/posts/10152137236123375?stream_ref=10

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