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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. I really enjoyed the peaceful yet driving nature of this remix. The acoustic guitar was top notch. I don't know what the instrument is called, but that little wood-scrapey instrument was a nice touch. Excellent job on this!
  2. Well played horns! This was a fun piece of audio to listen to and a nice tribute to Street Fighter! Great job on this!
  3. Take is eaaaaasy. The percussion is a stand-out to me, very light and airy with just the right amount of crisp. This was an absolute delight, and really revels in the element of chill. I certainly felt compelled to take it easy after listening to this. ?
  4. The best way I can describe listening to this remix is... cinematic and driving a sense of longing and adventure. It was nice hearing how you integrated the main theme into this remix. Very well arranged, and overall an excellent job!
  5. This was super fun. Very excellent use of the samples. This remix has a very fun energy to it, and I want it playing in the background while I play games like Jet Set or THPS. Excellent work on this! ?
  6. Those claps were incredibly distinct to me for some reason. This is a total bop and a jam. Very smooth and cool. ? Great job on this!
  7. The title was definitely very inspired lol. The chugging metal fits the source well. You did the original justice while also throwing in your own style and remixing. Great job on this, rock on! \m/ \m/
  8. Some of the glitch effects and moments definitely got my brain feeling all warped and tingly. Whatever was happening starting around the 2 minute mark with those HUGE drums was super cool. This was a trip! Good job!
  9. This remix is bippity and it is boppity. I was foot tapping pretty much the whole way through. It's groovy, it's cool and It's good. Kudos!
  10. I was kind of shocked to see that "Never Forget" got a remix. That source is so incredibly good. This was definitely not a genre I saw fitting with this source, but it does a dang good job! This remix definitely hits some very high emotional points very well and has its' own unique style that gives it a stylistic flavor. Overall, great job on this!
  11. This was really good. Often with VGremixes I have a lot of trouble understanding what people are singing, but I was able to understand the lyrics very clearly! This remix packs a big style punch and was a lot of fun. Great job on this!
  12. Yarrr. This remix is a lot of fun! I especially liked when the vocals came in. This was a jaunty tune and a nice, fun listen! Great job!
  13. WaffleClap's review is pretty spot on actually. This remix feels like it would be right at home in a charming animated film. The remix itself is chock full of charm and a dash of whimsy. Well played and well done overall! :)
  14. Yesss there needs to be way more Contra: Hard Corps remixes. I was super stoked to hear a hard electronic music rendition of this source, as the original source was incredibly heavy and deserves a remix to match! Excellent hard driving bass and groovy wubs. That lead guitar coming in was a super nice touch. Excellent job with this, super cool remix! ?
  15. The tone of this remix fits the original sources incredibly well. This was remix was simple and a LOT of fun. I would definitely use this remix in a game mod or remake of SMB2. Bravo!
  16. The only Zelda game I've ever played more than 10 minutes of is the first, so it's always incredibly interesting to hear the reverence people have for the source tunes and lore. That writeup was as fun of a read as the remix was to listen to. The remix is simply enchanting and exquisitely well done. Bravo!
  17. This remix is very light and airy, kind of like a musical rest stop. A nice and peaceful soundscape that fits perfectly with a friday morning.
  18. Nice and slow paced jam. The percussion on this remix was very good. The minimal presentation helped lend presence and power to the instruments when they did play. This was a treat, great job on this!
  19. I love that piano. I knew I was in for a good time right from the get-go. The beat for this was SUPER good, and the little breakdown sections like at 1:03 were incredibly cool and snazzy. I didn't expect to like this remix as much as I did, super cool stuff!
  20. This is a nice and low-key remix that lives up to its' title very well. Very chill and very pleasant and fun to listen to. No complaints here, just good musical stuff! :)
  21. The moon certainly rocks today! I am always excited to hear another Moon remix, it's such a classic/legendary source tune. This remix definitely was a chuggin rockin good time, kudos!
  22. That remix (Especially the intro) sounds like the kind of music I'd hear in a spa. Very mellow and peaceful! An excellent rendition of the original with a creative take on it. Hats off to you!
  23. Once that familiar fear factory motif came in around 1:20, I was boppin my head along. This remix is one of the better fear factory remixes I've heard, and I've heard a LOT. That hard crunchy bass doing that repeated quad riff was exquisite! Great job on this!
  24. The quiet section around 2 minutes in was very cool, that transition to the final chorus was baller stuff. There are a lot of cool creative decisions in this remix overall. Excellent production as well. Great job! :)
  25. This remix feels very nostalgic, and I never played the original game. This remix definitely does a good job of capturing that kind of "looking back" feeling. It is an absolutely fantastic remix, GREAT job on this!
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