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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. This was a very ambitious remix! Some of the ideas being presented are really cool. I enjoy the symphonic metal aesthetic! I enjoyed this remix, great job everyone who worked on it!
  2. The hat hit at :48 was so clean. This remix is produced extremely well. This was an absolute delight, bravo!!
  3. I enjoyed the mellow pace of this remix. I was able to let myself get swept away in the simple enjoyment of the various instruments and melodies. A great orchestral-style remix!
  4. The drums/percussion were the main highlight of this remix for me. This was a nice ride of a remix, perfect for playing in a car on an evening cruise.
  5. This remix definitely feels like the backdrop for a dream sequence. It's etherial yet has that touch of whimsy that makes it pleasant to listen to. Good job!
  6. That's a lot of contributors to this remix! This was a very lovely remix to listen to. It has a bright tone to it that gives great clarity to the melodies and the different instruments. I really enjoyed the ending. Bravo on this! :)
  7. I really enjoyed some of the harmonizing in this remix. I am a big sucker for good vocal layering and this remix did that in spades! Very excellent remix. :).
  8. I dig the slow grand vibe of this. Those big drums fit nicely into the schema of this remix. Great job!
  9. I really enjoyed the intro to this, it was well executed. The focus on keys gives this remix a nice fresh quality to it that makes it a joy to listen to. Great stuff!
  10. Eyeballing the breakdown for this remix made my head spin a little. I have never played Terrranigma so I'm reviewing based purely on the remix. I enjoyed the DnB drums mixed with some heavy Electronic elements. The energy drives in this remix pretty well, it creates a sense of musical motion. Great remix!
  11. Hearing Carol of the Bells in the beginning definitely threw me a bit. This was simple and constructed quite well. Great remix!
  12. This is a bonafide foot tapper for sure. I really enjoyed the tone of the acoustic guitar, the additional instruments and effects were excellent also. The tune that starts around 1:42 is my favorite part. ?
  13. Quite chill. I was tapping my foot along at some parts, very nice job on this! :)
  14. There is definitely a pulse to this song that remains consistent throughout. That bass was going up and down like a steady seesaw. This was fun, great job!
  15. The synhwave groove is very good. The percussion stands out as being especially good in this remix. Good stuff!
  16. This was definitely quite mystical! I have nothing profound to say here, this was simply quite good. Great job!
  17. I liked the tone of the guitar in this. My favorite section was around the 2:30 mark, those chugs were awesome! I had to listen to that section repeatedly because it was so good. Great job on this!
  18. That guitar sounds so far away! It's like a distant reverberant memory of a lead. It's really cool and unique and I dig it. Great job on this!
  19. This was deliciously dark and foreboding. I felt a little bit creeped out while listening to it, though I attribute a good chunk of that to those haunting background vocals. Excellent stuff!
  20. Supremely well done, especially considering all of the people who worked on this. Kudos to all involved!
  21. This was incredibly dense. I felt the absolute weight of those chugs throughout this remix. Good stuff!
  22. Slap bass and piano just make such a good combo. This lives up to the title and is insanely groovy. Definitely a foot tapper! ?
  23. The acoustic guitar in the beginning was superb. This overall was pretty dang amazing, I forgot that this was a remix for a minute. Well made, well performed!
  24. Very nice job. The piano playing has a very distinct flow to it, like it's tugging back in forth in a sort of sway. The melody shines through here well.
  25. If I hadn't seen the amount of sources and checked out the writeup, there's no way I would have clocked this remix for having this many sources. I really enjoy the idea of unifying the various forest themes in Zelda games! The transition at 2:45 was really good. Honestly the transitions are really good in this remix, which lends itself well to the various sources. Remix wise, this has a very mellow sort of brooding quality to it, with interesting and varied percussion throughout. Great stuff!
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