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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. If I hadn't seen the amount of sources and checked out the writeup, there's no way I would have clocked this remix for having this many sources. I really enjoy the idea of unifying the various forest themes in Zelda games! The transition at 2:45 was really good. Honestly the transitions are really good in this remix, which lends itself well to the various sources. Remix wise, this has a very mellow sort of brooding quality to it, with interesting and varied percussion throughout. Great stuff!
  2. I was tapping my foot along with this one for cure. This remix oozes chill vibes. I really enjoyed the swirling pads and the (vibraphone? Xylophone?). Excellent job on this one, it sounds great!
  3. This was a lot of fun. Absolutely groovin and schmoovin the whole way through! The electric guitar + Saxophone mix was quite the trip! Good job all who worked on this! ?
  4. I was so happy when I saw this remix pop up, because "My Lover" has been a low-key favorite of mine for YEARS. Making it in the style of an 80's ballad fits it like a glove. If they had made a Revenge of Shinobi movie, this would have been the perfect remix for the soundtrack. Fantastic job with this! ?
  5. A nice, peaceful and serene remix. This was a lovely work of audio and I enjoyed listening to every bit of it. Great job on this!
  6. I love the instrument choice on this one, the various bells and distant percussion effects were very cool! This remix was definitely a mood, bravo!
  7. Excellent kick and bass action. The production on this remix is definitely very tight and I dig it. The ramp up around 1:40 was very cool. This remix definitely exudes a fun energy, great job on this!
  8. This was a pleasant ride, one that I listened to more than once. Excellent job on this remix, well arranged!
  9. Excellent singing and instrument playing. This was very musical and definitely enjoyable to listen to. Fantastic job overall! :)
  10. JUM jiggity JUM jiggity. You really feel the triplet meter in this one. I enjoyed the bass in this a lot. Great energy and remix overall! Props to you!
  11. I reallllly enjoyed the humming in this. The vocals in general pushed this remix from great to SUPER great. This was fantastically done and it would fit right in home in many a triple A video game, bravo!
  12. This one definitely caught me off guard. I had to really listen to try and decipher what was happening most of the time. Definitely felt very experimental, kudos for the creative decisions in this!
  13. I knew I was in for a treat within the first 30 seconds. This was one of those storytelling remixes that is deeply cinematic and tells a whole story through audio alone. I was definitely not prepared for the ramp up around the 3 minute mark, but it was awesome! Kudos to all who worked on this, this was fantastic!
  14. Pure and simple, this was a solid remix. it was fun, creative and jammin. What more could you ask for? ?
  15. Nothing like some good ol DnB drums to get the party going and kick things up a notch! This was surprisingly chill given how nutso the drums were going most of the time. This was fun to listen to, very good job!
  16. When that piano came in around the 2:00 minute mark, that was my favorite part. So serene, so powerful. Overall a very mellow and nice remix, great job!
  17. This was splendid. I ended up listening to this on repeat a few times without realizing, that's how smooth it is! Excellent piano playing.
  18. I was tapping my foot, so that must mean this remix is good! I enjoyed the rhythm of this one, it felt uniquely varied yet punchy and crisp. This was very solid, awesome job!
  19. This was produced extremely well. There were so many fun things to listen to, awesome creative stuff especially with the call and response sections. Plenty of variety mixed with great melodies. Great stuff!
  20. Right off the bat this remix is steeped in whimsy. Also wow that is a LOT of sources to contend with, it takes some big brain to mesh them altogether cohesively. (Which I am assuming you did, I've never played BoTW. It sounds cohesive to me!) Great job on this, it was nice and chill. Kudos!
  21. This definitely has a unique feel to it. The droning sounds feel like they are always morphing/changing and manage to be interesting. Great stuff!
  22. Those twinkling pianos and (Glockenspiel?) were definitely a highlight of this one, added just the right amount of sparkle to this. This was quite a lovely remix, good job!
  23. I really enjoyed the bass in this remix, I found myself listening to it throughout most of the remix. Nice and mellow, and overall a great piece of audio! Good job on this! :)
  24. Definitely some very cool transitions in this one. I enjoyed the rhythmic pulsing of this one, always felt like a horror train that just was barreling down a track at a steady pace. Great job!
  25. Take it from me. If you have any sort of balcony or porch or anything where you can look outside, gaze outside while listening to this remix and you understand the universe. (Your mileage may vary. This remix was very good!)
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