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Posts posted by Necro

  1. Maps:

    Most of the stock maps are good enough. Customs should be handled with care.


    As long as there is some sort of voting functionality I can't complain.


    I prefer no random crits no damage spread yada yada so pro competitive tryhard.

    Alltalk is fun.

    There should be some sort of votekick functionality just so we don't have to bug admins to get rid of asshats.

    Reserved Slot:

    If we need to buy reserved slots that's cool.

  2. I was wondering, Powerlord, if it would be all right if we made use of one of the servers for our UGC Highlander match on Monday, Feb 6? I apologize for short notice. If that is all right here is the link to the page with the and maps.


    Here's a direct download to the configs.


    Here's a direct download link to the match map, Warmfront.


    Oh and Paranoid, I taunt because I care.

  3. Tomislav lost its fast spinup, so its stats are now silent spinup and -20% rate of fire.

    Picking up your own Sandvich from the ground merely returns it to you, instead of restoring HP.

    The Enforcer affects decloak speed instead of cloaking speed and removes the ability to see enemy HP.

    I am liking these balance changes. Hopefully Valve will start scaling back its recent trend of power creep.

  4. Okay, so... I don't play this game but I have a bunch of preorder exclusive items that are just sitting in my backpack doing nothing.

    I know that Bill's Hat is pretty rare, but I don't really know the value on the rest, so I'll just assume that I won't get scammed or anything. I'd be okay trading them for Steam games or even paypal cash. :<

    Bill's Hat: ~10$

    Genuine Deus Ex Set: ~20$

    The rest: ~2-5$

    You may be able to find someone willing to trade a 30$ game for your backpack. You can even do it securely by opting into the Steam Trade Beta. That way you can't get scammed.

  5. Oh, and I just unboxed an Unusual Dead Cone w/ Blizzardy Storm. :D

    Now I just need to see if I can trade it for a Nuts and Bolts Engineer hat (preferably Hotrod).

    The hat you want may not exist yet. Actually you may be able to get a lot for it since it's a new effect. You may want to post it up on TF2TP, SourceOP, and the SPUF forums to get a feel for some decent offers. I guessing you can get ~5 buds (50 keys) for it. You could also start asking the guys that know unusuals like Sun Spy and Pink Taco.

  6. ...I just crafted some of the weapons in these new recipes like a couple of hours ago. Uuuuurgh.

    Seriously, anyone else feel like we need a moratorium on new weapons? At least for a couple of months? I still don't have all of the Uber Update stuff yet, much less anything that's come out since then.

    Hit me up. I can equip you in a way that pleases us both. I have many multiples of almost every weapon. That goes for the rest of you. Look through my backpack to see if there is something you need.


  7. So, anyway, during a party on another server earlier today, I managed to get an interesting backstab.

    What was it interesting? Because his Steam ID was STEAM_0:0:84901, with Steam username robinwalker.

    Yep. The Great Lakes Reddit server had invited Robin to come and play with them. I forget the reasoning or event. Good stuff there.

  8. Moondoggy. I actually ran into him once way back when I was first starting out TF2, got stairstabbed. Seeing him on OCR was kind of a blast from the past. He's really good at trick stabs, which would explain how he does so well against paranoia.

    I like Moondoggy. He's good at that one thing and once you counter it he can't do too much. He's good but he's used to easy stairstabs so you can bait him really easily. I just like to go Scout when he's around because he only uses the DR. He also hates the Shortstop.

    Yay replays:

  9. Seriously, a Valve Software Employee asked why we'd have SourceTV and Replays both on at the same time? Despite the fact that only the last map or so of replay files are saved on the server?

    Tried to figure out who Jon Lippincot is. Here is his profile.


    The only other mention of him I can find is from when the blog mentioned Minecraft. Weird that they wouldn't think about a reason to have both on at the same time especially since the replay function has literally been in development for over a year.

  10. And you forgot binding "/slap Necro" to some key.

    bind Mouse1 /slap Necro

    Will you be shifting back to old voicechat codec temporarily for allowing micspam or are you just going to troll everyone with your voices? Got a lot of quotes I could micspam from things I've watched recently, alongside rick roll etc.

    Try this. It's still under heavy development by the guy doing it but it will allow you to bypass the SILK codec.


    So I'm expecting no less than the following commands to be in full swing on Admin Abuse Night. Because I expect a high standard of abuse from my admins.

    • Slay
    • Blind
    • Gravity check
    • * Bomb (Time, Freeze, Fire)
    • Burn
    • Beacon
    • Teleport

  11. Edit: My bad, it's only melee crits that do triple damage. Normal crits do double.

    Actually, you are correct. All crits do triple damage with no fall off based on their base damage. This means that the crit damage is figured from doing damage at mid distance. Crit damage does not include damage ramp up which adds about 50% to the base damage. Example: Shotgun pellet does 6 damage at mid range and crits at 18 per pellet. Damage ramp up at point blank brings each pellet up to 9. Most weapons barring a few follow this rule.

    Interesting... cp_dustbowl config turns crits on. Will fix shortly and continue checking.

    pl_goldrush had the same problem. Also fixed.

    I thought that was a tongue in cheek joke that you left in. It was pretty funny.

    So the patch notes about rewarding players that craft new hats means this: If you craft a new hat it receives a number. It has yet to be determined how far up the numbers go but it seems to only apply to newly released hats. This should make metal very valuable very quickly.

  12. Does anyone else think each update brings less useful and less inspired weapons? The individual updates were all great, and Polycount was also great, but controversial. Then the Australian Christmas update was disappointing, and finally the Rift and Shogun weapons which completely and totally underwhelmed.

    I don't have much hope for future weapon updates.

    The reason that it appears that the weapons are less inspired is because the new weapons that they are releasing are simply stat changes to existing elements already in the game. The truly new ideas came with the class specific updates because they introduced new mechanics. These updates are new models with different stats but the same mechanics which is why they feel underwhelming.

    Another note. The beta seems to have added a user made mod that added in a bunch of unused lines from all the classes.


    Final note. Saw a post about a new DJ that supposedly works with the new SILK codec. I don't know how well it works though, I am not knowledgeable on this area. Apparently servers can choose to use the old codec as well which would make HLDJ work again.


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