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Posts posted by Necro

  1. Finally crafted my first Soldier hat today. Got myself a Tyrant's Helm. I would have preferred the Killer's Kabuto, but I'm not too bothered since I like pretty much all of the Soldier's hats and the Helm is a nice second for me.Now if only it hadn't taken weeks of idling pre-idle nerf and some waiting since to get one hat.

    When I was at 300 hours I didn't even dream of having a hat.(Because they weren't invented) In fact, I was at well over 800 hours before I saw a random hat drop into my hands. You young whipper snappers and your crafting.

  2. Think now though, how much harder it is to correctly aim the medics syringe stream than it is to set someone on fire with a huge stream of flames.

    I always found that the flamethrower was harder to aim than syringes. This is because the syringes have a range advantage, and a tight cone of fire. The flamethrower has a large margin for error with a low margin for maximum damage. This means that even though you may hit the enemy with fire they will not take a large amount of damage due to the plume nature of the fire. Combine this with the fact that the flamethrower needs to be compensated because it is a projectile and it becomes more difficult to aim, especially in close quarters where movement is much quicker.

    I find it hard to believe that they would make what is arguably the weakest class weaker. Afterburn now does 36 damage meaning that burning to death will become much rarer.

    The new heavy is quite fun. That extra quarter of a second is helpful when spinning up and down.

  3. Oh darn, so I still haven't found a hat drop yet...:( that's not fair...

    I've also noticed alot of goofy hats that look like fucking Chappy the Rabbit lately...

    You only have 25 hours in this game. You should receive a hat around the 250-600 hour mark. Yes, I am completely serious.

  4. So I got the Magistrate's Mullet yesterday, continuing the tradition of me getting hats for classes I play but none for the classes I play the most. Well, except the Trophy Belt I suppose. It's a really nice hat and is my fifth one. Still have one Reclaimed and a Refined to go till I can craft my Pyro hat, which has been a long time coming now.

    Still hoping Valve implements a trading system so I can trade one of my Pickelhaubes for a Scout hat but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't see the light of day.

    I could trade you a pickelhaube for a batter's helmet. I have a couple of those.

  5. Coldfront was pretty good. I found the middle point to be a bit lacking simply because it was so open. Other than that, a pretty nice map.

    Sorry for harassing you so much Paranoid. Spies don't perform very well in a less than 12vs12 format with heavy Scout usage.

  6. from a Radeon HD 4500?

    You are aware that the Radeon 4000 series is from the same generation as the GeForce 9000 series?

    I was unaware. I upgraded to the 9500 GT because it had twice the memory of the 4500 HD. Video cards aren't really my thing so I am pretty bad at comparing them to each other.

    Your annoyance is often validated Paranoid. It rarely is bothersome. Failstabs are a legitimate source of complaint.

  7. I have a 9600GT. Is it really worth the 75 dollars more to upgrade? I mean, I play the game fine as it is.

    EDIT: I think I gave the impression I have a crap computer. I don't. I just choose to maximize my FPS, and with this config it runs very smoothly.

    Whatever works for you. Besides, I think that the Source Engine is bound more to the processor than the video card. This would make sense as I say nearly no difference when I upgraded from a Radeon HD 4500 to and Nvidia 9500GT.

  8. Round the top 100 is were you will start slowing rank progression to a crawl, as that is the wall of regulars.

    I will never make it back into the top 10. Makes me sad.

    It seems like once you progress high enough in Hlstatsx the only true way to get points is through completing objectives. The other thing you have to watch for is avoiding death since you lose so many points that way.

    Also, I have reclaimed my title as OCR's Best Medic once again.

    Does that mean you have the most healing? I noticed you took lead for syringe gun kills. One other question, does anyone know if healing gives points in Hlstatsx? I can't find a point value for it in the list but it does seem to be recorded based on ribbons and awards.

    I think I may try to broaden my strategic horizons a bit and diversify my frag-stock portfolio... aka I may actually slow down on the Spying and start getting some practice with Scout. Twitch-gaming, here I come...

    There are some scout discussions a few pages back that may help. You also may want to turn off mouse acceleration and viewmodels.

    Here's a quick bind to toggle viewmodels. Put this into the console if you want it. Change the f9 key to whatever you want associated with it.

    bindtoggle "f9" r_drawviewmodel


    Choose your own adventure.

  9. Note: I'm not suggesting adding new maps to the server, just re-adding ones from this list back to the nominate menu.

    So this means that all those maps are actually on the server? Awesome, I will be putting up some nominations then during the late night period. I particularly want to try out aerospace because it has such nice design.

    The biggest issue with customs is that they're good in small doses, but when played en masse they get really annoying really fast. That's neither here nor there though.

    EDIT: The guy who made Waste has another 5CP map out, Coldfront. Worth a try?

    He speaks the truth about customs. They should be used as a garnish, not a meal. I'd be willing to try out Coldfront, but then again, I usually love most 5 CP maps.

    Having said that, there has been discussion of moving !votescramble to admins only.

    There could be good and bad consequences to this. The good part would be that a scramble would not be activated when one team loses a match quickly during an attack/defend map such as Goldrush or Gravelpit. The bad part would be that there is no way for the regulars or randoms to fix stacked and unbalanced teams once the admins go to bed. This problem would likely show up during the late hours, around 1 AM to 4 AM depending on time zone.

    If scramble is removed I suppose we could also just talk out balancing teams and do a spectator switch. The server is Alltalk and I am usually willing to jump teams for the sake of a good game.

  10. I would probably agree with that...it should go on the first page as a guide for new players...it would be helpful...alot of that stuff I've already discovered...I've tried pretty much all classes so far...although I tend to like Pyro/Heavy at the moment, although I did get a headshot as a sniper tonight...:)

    Here's a thread that details a bunch of videos that cover how to play the classes.


    Here's the site that lists all the technical information that you may be interested in.


    Other things.

    Open up your options and go to Keyboard settings. Under advanced settings you will find two checkboxes. One turns on fast weapon switch and the other turns on the developer console. Turn them both on. The console allows you to access a large number of helpful commands.

    Multiplayer Options

    Under multiplayer options you will find some good stuff. There are things such as a Medic autocall, an autoheal button, and autoreload. Turn on damage text as well. This tells you how much damage you are doing.


    Turn on hitsounds so that you can tell when you hit your enemy. If the sound is too loud you can lower it by opening the console and typing "tf_dingaling_volume" and setting it to your desired level. I personally use 0.4.

    One final note. Do not feel bad for scoring low on the OCR server. From my experience the OCR server has a very high level of skill in its player base. Several of the regulars have played in leagues and the normal crowd is very skilled.

    Feel free to ask any questions. The regulars are a friendly bunch.

  11. Engineer Update will be a three month long Stalemate.

    Cause everyone will be turt' lin'.

    Cept Aeronaut, cause he will be busy fungineering.

    The one good thing that will come from this is that most people will stop playing Scout, helping class balance. At least I hope.

  12. I give you me playing engineer on Turbine:

    When I notice Ubel or any other engy playing fungineer on a CTF map I equip the Direct Hit and have a good time.

    He can't leave his gear for more than 1.5 seconds lest it be molested by super fast rockets.

    This also reminds me of why I can't play engineer. There is way too much downtime.

  13. I'm also trying to get better with Scout and I find myself running into problems with Soldiers as well. I think it usually boils down to me being too aggressive when I need to back off, or just bad luck. Also have trouble running out of Scattergun shots, so I probably need to time my shots better and make each one count.

    Yep, Soldiers win in straight up combat. Never feel bad about retreating. Just make sure you don't turn your back to them. If you fall back steal some health or ammo to add insult to injury. Sometimes the best way to beat the heavier classes is to out think them. Try and make them run out of loaded ammo. Pick off their health little by little. Force them to deal with you every few seconds. Annoyance is a strategy. As far as running out of scatter shots, I like to take three shots and take cover. Constant combat doesn't have this benefit in which case you can switch to your pistol. It reloads faster and has a higher dps. The downside is that is lacks the spike damage of the scatter.

    Also try adjusting your hardware to work better. A lot of people say that you should turn off mouse acceleration to improve your aim.

  14. Awww... I don't get to be on the list?


    I basically just sampled the list from the top 20 people in Hlstatsx.

    hey necro ive been playing a lot of scout lately and im having trouble with 2 classes

    medic and soldier

    medics i cant hit at ALL and i have no idea why and it drives me NUTS and soldiers i can do a decent amount of damage to but i can rarely take em out unless i run up behind them when theyve got no idea im there

    what do i do?????

    Honestly I still have trouble with soldiers. You know all the basics so that biggest tip I can give it to make sure the medic never is not taking damage. Obviously the key is to flank the medic and quickly kill them but this is not always possible. If their pocket is actively defending them use the pistol to pick off the medic. The key is to make sure they can use their regeneration. This is why you need to keep constant pressure. I like to lead in with a scatter gun shot to the back and finish off by retreating while placing a few more shots. At mid to long range they can be finished with a pistol. I find that medics are easier to hit once they actively start dodging me because they often try to fight. Jump in a corkscrew motion to make sure you avoid needles.

    As far as soldiers go the scout is mostly at a disadvantage. You are out damaged at all but long range so killing soldiers comes down to a war of attrition. The goal is to make them use all 4 rockets so that you can engage them at mid and short range. Once you get in a solid shot don't feel bad retreating. The pistol is their so that you can finish them. Honestly, soldiers are always hard to beat because they have no inherit weakness.

    You should ask Stinger for some tips. He is generally better with the scattergun and he plays leagues so he should know how to deal with soldiers.

    On a final note, very nice job on the site Fireslash. Happy April Fools Day.

  15. I think balancing based on players would quickly become a nightmare. There are certain players that are better than most but they are only better with some classes. If several good people are all on the same team but playing as their non-standard class then teams don't feel unbalanced. That's the problem that this kind of idea would run into.

    Just listing off some of the people that are good in the server and the classes they favor.

    Frogg: Heavy, Engineer

    Miyako: Demoman

    Pav: Sniper, Demoman

    Stinger: Scout, Sniper

    Seldon: Soldier

    Ubel: Soldier

    Vahn: Soldier

    !!: Spy

    Scythe Messiah (GUN!): Demoman

    Lumpy: Sniper

    Stag (Ride the Beard): Soldier

    Paranoid: Spy, Medic

    Chives: Pyro

    Hish: Scout, Sniper

    Maniac: Pyro

    Fireslash: Soldier

    Mrflea: Spy, Demoman

    Chili: Spy

    Brushfire: Pyro

    Bark: Medic

    Necro: Scout, Medic

    This is just a small list with a lot of holes in it. Balancing by player would have to account for too many variables to truly be effective. If I think that teams are unbalanced or stacked and that it will affect the game outcome, I generally vote with a scramble. It is just hard work to make sure teams are balanced with the number of players and skill levels that the server gets.

  16. Song

    I decided to watch the chat roulette video that went along with this song. The results were hilarious.

    Drop waste please.

    It is terrible.

    Also 5CP right before a 5CP.


    I can agree with changing gametypes every map in the same way that dustbowl should not be adjacent to goldrush.

    I still love custom 5CP maps, though. If any more are ever added I will rejoice.

  17. actually whats more funny is that valve decided to forget about fixing the crashed clients bug and release more hats instead

    Are we talking about the client disconnect bug that drops you from the server even when you have a stable connection? That one has been occurring lately. The only real crashes that I have had have come from running multi core support. It seems to have turned itself on without my knowledge. It does seem to be giving a large boost in FPS lately.

    But bug fixes would be terrific.

    The master server list is divided up into zones. As far as the US goes, there's east and west coasts lists. tf2stats lets you search the full list, so it'll always be larger. The east/west split is probably a bit extreme, but you'll probably ping better to servers on your own list than you will to ones you find on tf2stats.

    Also, OCRemix isn't on tf2stats' list anymore. Something's weird with the master server, and I haven't been able to pull a list for a while (And they dropped off when pav was doing upgrades).


    I thought ORC not being on the server list was a client side problem. Glad to hear it isn't.

    When I do use tf2stats I just ping the specified server from the command prompt before I connect. I honestly think that it's mostly a client side problem with my connection. I have yet to find the Steam support article that fixes it. I think it involved slowing down how fast TF2 refreshes the server list.

  18. I do know that you can reliably facestab someone by hitting them as they back away from you, and there are many reports of Heavies being susceptible to failstabs, especially when they're munching a Sandvich. But the link I posted is what Chili's using to get his infamous facestabs.

    Which, I should quickly mention, are only facestabs in the sense that the Spy and the target are facing opposite directions. Because the attack falls in the rear 180 arc, it's technically a legitimate backstab.

    Yes, most facestabs are just the difference between client and server latency. The game tends to favor the attacker when events happen which explains most facestabs. The only true facestabs are the ones you mentioned above.

    On a side note, I never knew that tf2stats could be used to search for servers running specific maps. That is awesome because I have been able to find some servers running takeback mountain. It is also awesome because my server list only shows a fraction of the servers with TF2. I get around 1800 when the list is probably closer to 4000.

  19. If you were referring to me when I was last on a couple of days ago, I apologize for that.

    I can only say that I fail miserably and should not be relied on to do anything right.(and that valve shouldn't have made that an achievement.)

    Unfortunately you can almost never catch a Scout using the syringe gun. The best way to kill Scouts with it is to kite them. Lure them in and spray in their direction. That achievement was difficult.

  20. Speaking of which, I had two hats until yesterday: The Professional's Panama and the Stainless Pot. Yesterday, I got a third: Master's Yellow Belt. So I craft it with the Panama and what do I get?

    Soldier's Stash.

    I swear I am doomed to have nothing but Soldier and Sniper hats. >.<

    I have been there. I crafted a Panama and a Football Helmet only to get a Trophy Belt. Now if only I was as good a Sniper as I was a Scout.

  21. OCR's servers are for OCR community members, not for attracting as-many-players-as-possible.

    As long as everyone is in on the joke then I have nothing against it. That being said I really don't have anything for it either. I still worry about the achievement lag bug that some people get. I don't know if this mod would have this side effect. I also worry about visual clutter. That seems to be the reason Hlstatsx was hidden from the chat box.

    If achievements do get implemented I would like to see some really difficult ones. When I say difficult I mean IWBTG difficult, I mean harder than the Medic achievements difficult. I think I might have a bit of sadism in me.

    Valve is porting all their existing Source games to Mac next month.

    This includes TF2.

    So, tell your Mac friends!

    One last thing, if you're a weirdo who has both Mac and PC... owning a copy of one version means you actually own a copy of both versions.

    This should be fun. I'm interested in how the Mac will run with the Source engine. The question that's on everyone's mind is "How do you play with only one mouse button?"

  22. I don't think that custom achievements are necessary for a couple of reasons. The addition of custom achievements will make the server less vanilla which creates a niche server. Some servers are popular for niche reasons which cater to certain crowds. Does the OCR server want to cater to that crowd?

    Another problem that may come up is the visual clutter that appears in game and on the chat box. I don't have any experience with this mod but with recent updates many people have been experiencing lag and stuttering upon earning an achievement. Would this carry over to custom achievements? If so, then I would suggest not implementing it.

    The final problem comes from redundancy. Hlstatsx already monitors a lot of useful information as well as gives awards to players without being intrusive in normal game play. The addition of custom achievements might look like we are beating a dead horse.

    On another note, custom achievements are fun for the regulars. Obviously some players will be inclined towards certain achievements and this will show over time. I believe this comes down to a matter of why we would choose to implement custom achievements. Are we doing this for random people or are we doing this for OCR regulars?

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