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Posts posted by Necro

  1. Also: Does anyone know if the game crashes less often if you disable Multicore Rendering?

    My game crashes less often when I disable multicore but I also lose the FPS boost. I have found that running Gamebooster while multicore is enabled fixes the crashing problem.

  2. New topic. Yesterday's update seems to have absolutely destroyed my ability to use voice chat.

    There was a Steam Client update that was supposed to fix this but here's a list of fixes for the update. There's a fix for sound issues in there.


    Second Thing:

    I did some research on the whole servers being tagged with an ID and good servers will be rewarded while bad servers will be punished. From what I got there was a bug that allowed the use of custom models serverside. This was used for things like Advanced Weaponizer and VS Saxton Hale mod. There were some unsavory people that decided to use this bug to sell others people's models and custom stuff on their own servers for profit, basically plagiarism. Valve patched this with this update which broke these mods as well as modifying the weapons.txt file.

  3. Does anyone know what the update notes about associating steam accounts with servers means? I'm referring to:

    Added a new system to associate dedicated servers with Steam accounts

    • Use the ConCommand "cl_gameserver_create_identity" in the Team Fortress 2 client console to create a server account using the currently logged in Steam account. This will generate values for "tf_server_identity_account_id" and "tf_server_identity_token"
    • Put the values for "tf_server_identity_account_id" and "tf_server_identity_token" into your server.cfg
    • Use the ConCommand "cl_gameserver_list" in the Team Fortress 2 client console to list all of the game server accounts owned by the currently logged in Steam account

    This is probably what they meant on the update page when it says:

    Servers can now associate themselves with a Steam ID, which’ll allow us to track servers better going forward, rewarding the good ones and punishing the bad. If years from now you’re wondering how the entire TF2 team got a God complex, it probably started here.

  4. Yeah, I just got more pissed off at TF2 than I have at anything in a really long time. It started with a 3v2 on Hightower where the other team went srs biznus with sniper, heavy, and scout. It only got worse from there.

    Ok so here's what you do. You will need classes that can do it all. The best choices would be 2 Soldiers or a Soldier and a Demoman. A Demo can easily kill a cart Heavy and a Soldier can make quick work of the Scout. The Sniper can be a non issue once the Soldier fires a few rockets at the Sniper.

  5. Damn, those are some depressing numbers.

    The one thing that sucks from my perspective is that I've never once had enough metal to attmept crafting a random hat.

    Luckily, there isn't a true need to craft random hats anymore with the advent of trading. Most non-vintage hats can be purchased for a flat 2 refined. (Stout Shako) 2 refined costs 36 weapons to create and drop rates give aroung 7-12 items a week on average. So we can assume you will have enough material to trade a hat about every 4 weeks.

    I think I get a random hat drop every 200 hours.

  6. Sweet, now I have a few extra Vintage items, including the Sun-on-a-Stick I just crafted like two days ago. It's kind of weird having items that were just released two months ago turn Vintage, though. :P

    In the grand scheme of things, though, this is a great idea. I've been trying to feed my brother any duplicate drops that he doesn't have, because I know it would take him months of constant playing to come close to crafting the entire weapons set.

    You may want to point him in the direction of the Reddit armory. Their purpose is to give new players some of the weapons that they do not have so that they don't have to spend months crafting them.


  7. Who here wants Natascha to return to its pre-119 state?

    They could probably remove the wind up penalty attached to Natascha since the slow down falloff change balanced it out pretty well.

    or did Valve stealth-add the crafting recipes for these items already?

    Boston Basher + 3 reclaimed = Sun on Stick

    Degreaser + Powerjack + Refined = Volcano Fragment

  8. On a related note, I've always wondered why waffleshots are on.

    I believe it was done to make shotguns behave more like shotguns. Previously, it was possible to do 20 damage at long range using a shot gun based on how the pellets lined up. This led to instances where a crit shotgun blast from long range would do +100 damage. I was able to play Scout and kill Snipers at range, which is unfair in a lot of ways. Then you would have instances where a perfect shotgun shot only did minimal damage because the pellets all spawned at the edge of the recticle. This was annoying to any class that relies on their shotgun.

  9. This came up more than once tonight, so I'll post it here: What do people think about making one or both of the servers nocrit?

    I'd be good if even one of the servers had random crits as well as damage spread turned off. If that's not an option what about reserved slot holders having the ability to bring up a crit vote without having to get a majority?

  10. Assuming that there are 3 Heavies on a cart it is possible to completely kill them with multiple scenarios. Assuming even numbers, 2 Demos + a Medic would do nicely as would 2 Soldiers + a Medic. The key is to keep at mid range where minigun damage is less than that of explosives. Another simple tactic is 2 distractions plus a Sniper/Spy. It is important to note that more than one of these will lead to failure as these classes rely on a powerful core to work effectively.

  11. I have an Unusual Magnificent Mongolian. Some nice dude apparently gifted it to me during my absence from tf2. I feel kinda bad.

    Does it say that it is a gift from someone? I thought that gifts usually have a name under them. I know that some of the items I received as gifts have a name under them. I don't know if the same rules apply to gift wrap. Also, congrats on your hat.

    Edit: I checked your backpack and you received it from Dark_Stool. He's on your friends list and I think he frequents tf2auctions as well.

  12. Anyone know how much a Demopan usually goes for? I'd love to snag one if I can, but not if it's like 5 Refined or something absurd.

    A quick search on TF2 Trade Post seems to put its price pretty low. At the highest end I saw people requesting a hat for a pan and the lowest price I saw was 2 scrap metal. You could probably grab one pretty cheap.

  13. Heavy is overpowered.

    Currently the Heavy has the Fists of Steel which are generally agreed to be too powerful for the trade-off. The FOS negates one of the Heavy's hard counters (Sniper) while also negating soft counters. This allows the Heavy to put opponents in unfavorable conditions with little to no risk.

    For the most part Heavy is fairly balanced. He was quite underpowered before the spinup and movement buff but has since fallen into a place of usability. Looking at the Heavy we can surmise certain strengths and weaknesses from him.


    • High HP
    • High damage at close range
    • Valuable rally point (people follow Heavies)
    • Holds positions well
    • Good Medic buddy

    Now we look at the weaknesses:

    • Low mobility
    • Large frame
    • Low speed
    • Line of sight damage
    • High damage falloff past mid range
    • Wind up/wind down time on primary weapon
    • Poor burst damage
    • Must often engage in unfavorable condition (mobility)

    These inbuilt weaknesses allow several classes to effectively deal with a Heavy. I propose the following classes all can counter Heavy to some extent.

    • Sniper (1 per team)
    • Spy (1 per team)
    • Soldier
    • Demoman
    • Scout (barring effective Natascha)
    • Focus fire from any 2 classes

    The key to killing a Heavy is to treat him like a sentry gun. The key it to attack where he is not looking or from outside his effective range. Rockets and stickies do more damage than the minigun at mid range. Heavies can also be edged very easily because they move slowly once spun up. The key is to remember that most everyone will lose a straight fight with a Heavy due to his mechanics.

    If anyone wants to give me some tips or resources on how to make videos I may make some informational ones on TF2 strategies and how to deal with certain situations.

  14. And while I'm thinking about it, I'd like to apologize for what I'm sure is intolerable bitching when I have a particularly shitty round as Spy.

    It never bothers me, vent away. Sometimes a poor round as Spy has its source in a poor core team. A support class performs poorly when there is no team to support it. If other classes are not doing their job then this makes it harder to play proper Spy.

  15. Added:





    ctf_haarp_test6 (against my better judgement)


    pl_swiftwater_frc14 (that's Final Release Candidate 14)

    I also removed a lot of the outdated maps from the map mirror.

    Thank you very much. I really want to see how takeback plays. If Haarp is a bad map we could always replace it with koth_rainbow, voted best map by the blind community.

  16. Since suggestions were asked for custom maps:


    Gravelpit style with a lot of routes.


    Very fun 5 CP map. The last point also doesn't instantly cap, which is nice.


    Has interesting two-tiered capture points allowing a point to be defended or attacked at multiple levels.

    To add to what Rambo stated earlier. Projectiles exit from the right side of the character by default. This can be reversed by switching to left handed viewmodels. This is why it is impossible to change viewmodels once connected to a server because it offers a heavy advantage. I think all bullet weapons exit from the center of the character, though.

  17. Sure, more customs would be nice - now that it doesn't harm the complexion in the vote often with the new configuration of the plugin, having more certainly isn't a negative.

    I like custom maps. That includes testing maps that aren't finished yet like Paranoid's map.

  18. Bucking the trend of last minute scheduling, we have finalized our match to be on Sunday, December 5th at 9 PM EST. I'll schedule it in the Steam group.

    On an unrelated note, Chili's birthday is the day before, on Saturday.

    EDIT: Something we did for the first few matches and have since neglected is doing a walkthrough of the map and discussing strategy. Should we attempt to do this again?

    Sounds good.

  19. We need to do Medieval mode with Huntsman Snipers and Demoknights only, on that one Medieval castle map.

    This has been known to happen from time to time. It usually starts out as medieval times and then morphs to who can obtain the most heads. I think last time we did that the head count reached close to 100 on a single Demoman. I think that was the same night we used the weapon switch glitch to uber an equalizer soldier. Chili or Paranoid might have a video of that on Youtube.

  20. After talking with the other team for the Highlander match, they're asking if we can make a 5:00 PM Eastern match time. Date's still Sunday. Yes/no?

    Also they're checking if some people they know in Portugal can let us use a server there.

    EDIT: Due to the time crunch and no one chiming in to say they can't make it, I went ahead and rescheduled the event to 5:00 PM EST.

    I would not be able to make that time. The default time will work just fine. I know this sounds cold but we have tried to schedule the match for over a week with a server ready to be played on. They are still looking into renting a server and are trying to reschedule with less than 24 hours till the match. This team is acting disorganized and our team should not be penalized for it. The default time was set by a director of ETF2L and confirmed by the admin. A 5:00 PM time will severely hurt Bonzai as well as Frogg if I thinking of the correct schedules as well as the fact that we would still have to inform and confirm with the other 7+ people. We should use the default time and take a win due to forfeit if necessary.

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