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Posts posted by Necro

  1. Tracked down the exploit they used and now using a modified version of customvotes.smx that doesn't contain !votemenu.

    All of [sex] was banned and a couple other guys. If anyone knows for sure who was instigating the bannings (The logs don't) then I can narrow them down.

    The only person I saw last night consistently using the !votemenu command yesterday was Mr. Hilter. He was using it on Turbine using teamchat. I think he was using teamchat to hide it from Vimk. I have listed his Steam page below.

    Steam Page:


  2. It looks like some trolls came in and votebanned Frogg. I thought the ban vote was restricted to reserved slot owners? Either way could we get an unban on Frogg?

    (Edit) Nevermind. Already taken care of.

    (Edit)(Edit) It looks like I got banned to by the trolls. I think it was the guys with the [sex] tags.

    (Edit)(Edit)(Edit) Thanks for the unban. You guys are fast.

  3. medic gets you barely any points

    1 point for uber

    0 points for any amount of healing

    4 points per assist but you dont get the high amounts you get for kills

    but if you want me to show you the ridiculous amount of points you get as an engineer i can show you that

    I thought it was 3 per assist.

    Anyways, the easiest way to increase your Hlstats score is to play Heavy in maps that have dense populations and close goals. Heavy kills the most people which tends to be the quickest way to adding points since you get bonuses for more kills. Add to the fact that Heavies must be near the objective to be useful means a Heavy will be on the cart, gaining points.

    Hlstats is not perfect in its scoring. Unfortunately Medics, the class that matters the most, does not perform well under Hlstats.

    I wouldn't worry about the scores or stats. They are poor indicators at best.

  4. Had fun playing until Windows Update shut me down... -_-

    I got a question. What else can I change to lower so that the game plays better? I changed a lot as low as I could, even turned on multi-core something or other in the video settings. Are the lowest and fasted settings typically at the top for each box? Some of the lower ones are outside of my comprehension. Like the 8x anti-aliasing and stuff. o_O

    I'm not sure what your specs are but I have found that setting the Dx level to 8.1 helps a ton.

    To set dx level open Steam.

    Right Click on TF2

    Click on Properties

    Under the General Tab click on Set Launch Options

    In the box enter "dxlevel 81" without quotes

    Exit this menu

    Start TF2

    Exit TF2

    Now go back to Set Launch Options

    Remove "dxlevel 81" (This stops the game from resetting your visual settings everytime your start the game)

    Your game will now run dx 8.1 shaders instead of the standard 9.5. This option removes some phong shaders and makes the game look less shiny but you will see an increase in FPS.

    Check your specs to make sure that your PC can run TF2 in the first place.

  5. Brain slug!!

    Raisin Bran Slug!!!

    How are you able to control Scouts so well with the airblast? My experience generally ends with the offending Scout shooting me mid airblast.

    Amusingly, I was called a hacker last night by some Spy that kept uncloaking close enough for me to hear him plain as day. Like, a body length away.

    It must be the headphones because I swear that the range for the decloak sound is around 15 feet. It has a very deep sound which is quite different from the general range of battle sounds which makes it easy to pick out.

    Also, holy hell stairstabs are fun. I think I'm beginning to find that sweet spot on top of players.

  6. Hey yallz. I'm a tf2 noob. How do I go about getting invited to the Steam group and what is the difference between the two? Thanks

    First of all, welcome to the game.

    The OCR Steam group is private and by invite only. I'm not sure how you would go about getting invited. Public groups on Steam can be joined by anyone. There is a button at the right side in Steam that allows you to join these groups.

    Since you are new to the game feel free to jump onto the OCR servers. It is an alltalk server meaning both teams can freely communicate via voice chat with each other. It is also a very friendly server with active admins and a number of helpful people. Feel free to ask around. I doubt anyone will give you a hard time.

    You can also change your ingame name under Steam by going into Setting and clicking on the Friends tab.

  7. That's what crits are for. Random spread is just dumb.

    I mean really, it hardly affects the gameplay for people who can't aim anyway. So why shouldn't people who can aim be slightly rewarded.

    I enjoy having random spread off simply because it reduces the power of the shotgun at ranges it should be weak at. With random spread on the user simply has the ability to use the shotgun at range with more effectiveness. If random spread is on I will happily use it to my advantage. Who doesn't love dying to a Scout from Sniper range? I just don't think its fair that I can snipe better due to random spread and crits than a class dedicated to sniping.

  8. Frogg has double what the next guy has got.

    Other than that, no.

    Frogg has 500 hours as Heavy and 24 days of connection time on the server. Heavy is the class that garners the most points per hour. Hlstats is skewed in that it gives more points to high killing classes. If Hlstats gave points for healing you would be in the top 10. I don't think that Hlstats is the best indicator of skill versus usefulness.

    If there is a reset in hlstats is there a way to make sure Medics are not getting shafted point wise? 1 point for ubers, no points for healing, 3 points for kill assists with no points for multiple assists. Just asking.

  9. So I tried turning on the "ting!" sound on hit as I've seem many very good players on youtube that have it on. However, when playing pyro, each flame hit triggers the sound (which stack, audibly) and it ends up very annoyingly loud. Any work around for this or should I just turn it off when I play pyro?

    You can change the volume of the sound in the console.

    tf_dingaling_volume is the variable that you will want to change. Volume starts at 1. I find that 0.4 works very nicely. You can also see other dingaling variables by letting the console autofill the other dingaling features. You can change the pitch of the ding sound with the maxpitch and minpitch commands. This will change the pitch of the ding when you do large damage versus small damage.

    In short. tf_dingaling_volume 0.4

  10. Only at point blank. At range, the sound falloff makes it nearly impossible to hear over the usual battle noises. The unique sound is its downfall more than anything.

    It may just be my volume levels, but I think that the range is much larger than that, somewhere around 15 feet. I know I can hear decloaks through at least one wall as well. Then again, I have focused on sound ever since I played Thief.


    If you haven't taken in your laptop yet I have some more ideas to bounce off you.

  11. not really

    run memtest to see if its the ram

    see if you have an old video card or someone you know does lying around to see if its the video card

    you can test stuff yourself you know


    The problem Paranoid will run into is that he is using a laptop. As soon as he starts removing parts he might be voiding warranties.

    When you say run a memtest are we talking about running a program on the RAM? Or are we talking about a problem with the sticks of RAM, as in hardware?


    Is your laptop still under warranty? If the issue is hardware then you may be able to force the manufacture to replace the bad parts. Just make sure to keep your hard drive/personal information.

    If the issue is overheating then you may want to install a hardware monitor. I use this one currently.


  12. also oh god dont bring it to a repair shop youre gonna get ripped off horribly for the money youd pay them just get newer hardware (starting with the video card)

    I have to agree with Atmuh. Most computer repair places are paid to sell hardware and not fix computers. Approach that idea with caution.

    Did you check the integrity of the game cache? It's under properties when you right-click TF2 inside of Steam.

    Have you tried disabling any custom content that you are using? I know that you have some custom HUD elements. Other things you can do.

    • Rollback drivers (Atmuh
    • Update drivers (Still not working?)
    • -autoconfig in advanced launch options (sets visual settings to default)
    • defragmenting the game cache
    • Check for Windows updates. There was an update for my PCIe firmware a few months ago and that's where memory cards sit.
    • Check your internal temperature
    • Check the error message from you BSOD and Google the results.
    • Have you tried filing a Steam support ticket? It's a long shot.
    • Turning off windowed mode

  13. So the Sniper gets a pseudo-afterburn...that does more damage over less time...and ruins cloak, including the Dead Ringer... (This last tidbit via word of mouth.)

    FFS, the only new Sniper weapon that ISN'T anti-Spy is the Huntsman.

    I have a theory that the TF2 team passive aggressively hates the Pryo and seeks to make him weaker and less useful in most situations. Strange that bleeding is now stronger than afterburn. If another class every receives the ability to field projectiles and juggle ubers I think my theory will have solid proof.

  14. It appears that there have been some ninja updates to crafting. It now only takes two items to get a scrap metal. It also appears that certain combinations will give out community drops. Class tokens also appear to take three items instead of four.

    So far:

    • Razorback + Targe = Gunboats
    • Kritzkrieg + Bonk = Crit-a-Cola
    • ? + ? = Pain Train
    • Sandvich + Bonk = Chocolate Bar
    • ? + ? = Homewrecker

    Here is a the thread following the news.


  15. Edit: Some of you may have noticed this already, but Valve is backporting some features from Team Fortress 2 into an updated Counter-Strike: Source. Beta here.

    The stuff they're porting:

    -Orange Box game engine

    -Lifetime player stats and summary screens

    -Match player stats and summary screens

    -End of round display with MVP and interesting fact about a player

    -TF2-style scoreboard with new icons, visual style, MVP stars, and avatar pictures

    -Cinematic death camera

    -Domination and revenge system

    -Added avatar icons to scoreboard and end of round display (and voice chat, but TF2 doesn't have that)

    Oh, and they're adding achievements to the game... 144 of them.

    I didn't know they still did development for that game.

    In other news, the server crashed at least twice last night. It was strange because the server still remained on the map and the time still counted down but everyone was forced to reconnect. Has anyone been seeing this on other servers? I'm wondering if the problem is update related.

  16. Server, mirror, mapcycle, and maplist (for voting) have been updated to RC3.

    Edit: Also, the server's been lagging a lot lately.

    It is likely a data center problem? Is the server shared among other users? I have noticed a small increase in server side lag. The few seconds where everyone freezes because the server lags for a bit.

  17. if you move onto servers that HAVE set groups of regulars ocr is pretty low from my experience

    OCR is not the highest but not the lowest. The skill level improves in your 16 man nocrit servers. Apopelexy Industries is pretty good and the STD servers used to be good when they were up.

    This is just embarrassing: I'm now the most dominated player on the server. Guess I should work on pulling back earlier. This is the same problem I have with DotA games, too...

    They only kill you so that they can get to the music inside your head.

  18. sure ive got one

    itll make the game even easier for less skilled players like every other update

    actually nevermind engineer does that already but im sure valve could take it a step further

    competitive play isnt the issue here

    the unlocks make pubbing a lot less fun for people that have actually taken the time to improve their skill only to have the people who dont be the ones rewarded by valve

    I can't think of any unlock sans Equalizer that breaks the game in relation to skill level. Most of the unlocks are specialized and therefore not as good as their vanilla counterpart. Which unlocks are you referring to?

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