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Posts posted by BONKERS

  1. For certain things, like character themes. Melodies can be kept from the original songs or just general arrangements of those songs because those are THOSE character's Theme's.

    I would also recommend keeping tunes like

    Because it is used throughout the series in many games.( I may be remembering this one wrong actually lol)

    If not the original, some variation/arrangement of it.

    I can't stress that enough. Character Themes and the suspense theme are just how the music has worked in those games and it should stay that way to retain the Gyakuten Saiban feeling when playing the game.

  2. Whoah, hm. I dunno.

    I am a huge Ace Attorney/Gyakuten Saiban/Kenji fan!

    I'm so much of a loser that for the past 9+ months I have listened to the OST's of Phoenix Wright 1,Apollo Justice and Miles edgeworth in bed nearly every night as I go to sleep.

    Who did the music for the trailer or is it a mash up of various arrangements like the official Orchestral albums?

    Personally, I think if you want it in the style of the games. Then the same styles of instrumentation/low quality sampled instruments should be used.

    And the only real barrier with that is getting down the near exact same audio/sample quality.

    Perhaps modern samples can be used(unless someone for example, makes a soundfont of the instruments from GS4/AJ) and then plugins can be used to degrade the sound quality to give off that same sort of feeling.(The samples would also have to be Dry. So that means no to samples that have un removeable reverb)

    Also: Possibly the sound limitations of the DS should also be taken into mind in order to get similar results to the originals.

    "A SSEQ can have at maximum 16 tracks, notes in the range of 0..127 (middle C is 60). Each quartet note has a fixed tick length of 48. Tempo in the range of 1..240 BPM (Default is 120). The SSEQ will not be played correctly if tempo higher than 240."

    From: http://kiwi.ds.googlepages.com/sdat.html

  3. So far I like the album. Haven't gotten through all of it yet, with personal preference I do agree with General Gilliam on the over use of Iris bits.

    With that said I have a question about Disc 3 track 5, Bullet Fists of Lightning Fury by Ergosonic. The two source tracks mentioned are Spark Mandrill Stage and Boss 1, however the start of the song is Stage Start this is mentioned on the website but different on the tags and file name. Is it both or just a mistake?

    Anyways slowly making my way through and liking what I hear. Thanks for the music.

    Don't like it, don't listen to it.

    There are 3 songs that use Iris Voice clips.

    Big deal.

  4. I have to say, this album blew me away. Everything is just done so well. I'm listening through it for the 3rd time right now.

    My only gripe (it's not even a big one) with the album is I felt soundbites were a bit overused. The bites of Iris and such comes across as a bit cheesy to me, but it's really just personal preference, never been much for sound bites in music.

    PS: I Whipped up some quick album art to go with The Grand Maverick Remix Battle album that's included in the torrent for personal use, if anyone wants to use it feel free.


    Yeah, that's it.:<

  5. Without a MIDI??

    ....I transcribe 99.99% of my music by ear. Either directly into a sequencer, to sheet music or on to an instrument.


    Learn to use your ear folks!

    It comes in so much more handy than just being able to transcribe music. It helps oodles with mixing and production on audio/music.

    But most importantly, how you arrange a song depends on the feeling/mood and style you are going for.

    Always though, ALWAYS keep the melody relatively conservative (not always during a song, just long enough for people to recognize what the song is) IMHO.

    Some amazing arrangements completely change everything but the melody and end up sounding totally unique.

  6. Gotta say I agree with Tuck and roll being over compressed.

    You also did the mastering on Thorn in my slide didn't you?(if not then the person who did read it, and still read it for Tuck an roll)

    Listen to the Hi Hats and the Crashes, That is Ducking from over-compression. That's a big no-no i've learned the hard way.

    The songs still sound good, but i'm surprised none of the higher ups gave you crap about it. Because I had a similar situation on an un-released album and they made me fix it from ducking/over compression

    Amazing awesome album everyone. I never knew Mega Man could rock so hard! Love it! :-D

    I'm also curious how many times "I have no choice" was sampled on this album, although I guess the majority of those are probably from Gario's track :razz:

    AFIK, Just Gario's Track and one of mine.

    Mine actually had me imitating General for the first 2 years with my shitty 8$ mic.

    Until I figured out how to rip the voices from the PC version of the game.

    I have conflicted feelings about it. Because I almost feel like me immitating him sounded better.

    See: @the end

  7. If you've got a problem with a so called "Nerd scene" and you aren't even comfortable admitting to what you like ,and don't give a fuck what it's labeled. Then good riddance.

    (it's one thing to be upset, or disgruntled about something you disagree with , but this is another whole story)

    We need less people like you around. Honestly, i'm glad really. I can't stand people like you. And there are relatively few people who irk me enough to dislike them.

    Paying tribute to something we love in a way everyone can be proud of is serious business.(Though that doesn't mean we can't have fun while doing it or anything else related to it)

    Video Game Music ;so called "Nerd music"; is 90% (other 5% being John Williams, and the other 5% Various bands I heard growing up)of the reason why I became interested in music like I am today. And it means a lot to me. Without it, I have no idea who I would be right now.

    So , see ya!


    PS. I'm probably completely mis-understanding this whole thread. Some stuff seems like /Troll.

  8. I just listened to the majority of the songs. (since the last time I listened to old versions a long time ago)(not all because I am tired as shitsonabrickaBon. yeah I haven't slept since I got up yesterday):sleepdepriv:

    Everyone else's seemed so much better than mine.(that's probably because i've heard mine a BillionFregginTimes!) Fuck, everything is super polished and almost near consistent in quality.

    Except for Gario's amazing Final Weapon track! Something must've gone wrong during mastering , because it's got some distortion/clipping shit going on in various places(mostly the high end it seems like)

    Whoever mastered this , should be slapped. And then Hugged for a good effort!

    PS. DJ SymBiotiX, I still love the hell out of your Zero Song!

    Such a great arrangement. It chills me to the bone!

    I'm getting goosebumps just listening to it again right now!

    Otay, I think I need to go to bed. KBAI.

  9. Your argument is immediately nullified by the fact that the album will not be available only to those who liked OCR on Facebook, but to everyone. If OCR only cared about Facebook, the album would be exclusive to Facebook fans only.

    "must like this page X here in order to get album released" "the album will not be available only to those who liked OCR on Facebook, but to everyone."

    So, it's going to be available to everyone, but everyone only get's it if 27,000 other various people(who have a Facebook and actually "like" things on Facebook.) like OCR's Facebook page. And not everyone uses Facebook.

    You might as well make Google+ and Twitter pages and all that other junk(if you can make pages on those types of things. I wouldnt' know I dont' use 'em) and link all the follows, etc together and tally it to 27,000.

    Maybe'd that'd work better.

  10. This is how I feel about all of this.


    Already been worked on for 2+ years(off and on personally for me). I suppose we can wait another 2 until we reach 27,000 likes.

    Just being honest, not every legitimate VGM fan uses Facebook.

    Also :

    I don't want this anymore, because it might get popular.

    Facebook will NEVER know that I like nerdy things.

    Some hipster or closet VGM fans may be like that hahahah
    but we are finally ready to release, and yet...people want to diminish that achievement over a fairly common social media technique that's largely about free music, and not even over a commercial product? It reeks of entitlement to be honest.

    How is it entitlement? You guys are all like jego.jpg

    (FFS you guys are already the biggest and most well known VGM remixing community left on the Interweb. Nearly Every fan of VGM knows about you already. You've been around for 10+ years already)

    It's a punch to the gut to people who've been patiently waiting.

    I'm not saying it's wrong or right. Just you guys seriously could've picked a better way of going about this.

    And anything I say or do won't change anything. So i'm not going to be super critical and say stuff like "YOU GUYS ARE ATTENTION WHORING DICKS" or shit like that.

    Hey , off topic. Maybe you guys can get around to the backlog of songs that need to be posted to the site while we wait eh?

  11. Would love to get back into this. Stopped playing just a bit before around the time subscriptions were implemented.

    MMO's are a tough sell for me. But I enjoyed this, more than I enjoyed my time with XI.

    Or at least I enjoyed it when it was broken and it was easy to pick it up and play solo for an hour and make good progress.

    Need a job to pay for it first though.

  12. Because you get file sizes that are substantially smaller for almost no tradeoff in quality (only audiophiles can hear the difference).

    Also, lol at counting opinionated article written by one guy riddled with contradictions as consensus.

    I agree.

    320Kbs Mp3 is much smaller in size than say a FLAC file.

    320kbs MP3's aren't even really that large. Size should only be a problem if you are using a cheap low storage MP3 player or are using MP3 players from years ago that only have small amount of storage.

    Next to VBR (and OGG)320Kbs MP3's is the best way to go imho for audio quality/Storage tradeoffs. Sure it's a known fact that down at the basic level 320Kbs is not lossless and there IS information loss. But, audible? I don't hear it.

    But If you can tell me now, that you can hear an significant audible difference between this.

    A Lossless .Wav of one of my songs recorded @24-bit downsampled to 16-bit for the .Wav


    And this

    320Kbs MP3


    Then you are full of shit

    Free audio format... why the fuck bother for a "free" audio format... ?

    Mp3 is free to me. VBR powa

    I think the OP's intent was merely as he said "This, in order to support the campaign and to have a free and high quality audio format in which we can rely on, with no patent issues or particular owners."

    With MP3 when you use it commercially you have to pay licensing fees depending on several factors.

    THIS, is why you RIP the Music/audio from MANY modern PC games. You will find .OGG format music files.

    Still, there really isn't much point for a place like OCR to use .OGG anyways because OCR is not selling music commercially. Or anything remotely like it.

  13. Reverb done well and correctly for certain types of sounds with Rhythm guitars does work.

    Especially for example, if you were trying to mimic a "live concert" type of mix.

    Or just trying to get them to fit in to the space you are building with your sound. Which can be subtle or not.

    People even use multiple mics on one cab at different mic positions (or with custom made ones) to mimic the small room quality of a recording studio rather than a purely direct approach.

    All depends on context and what you want out of it.

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