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Posts posted by Anti-Syne

  1. the retriggers are the issue i'm having - i can't seem to find an effect that really properly simulates a retriggering effect live, without rendering out audio and chopping it up. i know it's possible, but it seems that nothing's out there that does that without a ton of overhead.

    I know you said you use dblue and it doesnt quite do what you want it to, but what exactly makes it unwieldy for retriggering?

    Can't you just set it to contantly retrigger, then simply bypass dblue until you want the retriggering to happen? Or am I not following what you're wanting to do with the retriggering?

  2. Thanks for the feedback guys, I've tried to take it all into mind with Version 3


    The main changes are mostly just trying to add more variation by drastically changing the soundscape in a couple of the sections and trying to fill out those mids where i could.

  3. For quantising to work, you've really got to be playing along with a click track, or anything that is definately on the beat of what you're playing.

    Playing in time is a crucial (i would say THE most crucial) musical skill. From your point of view quantising will only work if you played something close to the beat, if you were playing something way off beat and out of time quantising will never work as it only snaps each note to the nearest beat division, it won't magically put things in time for you.

    So if you haven't been doing so already make sure you're playing along to a click track or otherwise a steady beat, this will not only help your timing, but also help you understand time signatures too

  4. So here's the first draft of my latest track, and it's another from Sonic 2. It's alot more slower paced that my other work, as always let me know what you like, but more importantly what you don't like and what you would change.


    and Version 2:


    and although I doubt many people need it, here's the source:

    Any comments very much appreciated!

  5. So I've been working on this recently:


    which is a remix of a track from an old DOS game by Apogee, 'Bio Menace'

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgP9YH0g7eE (20 seconds onwards)

    I plan on co-submitting this with whoever helps me, i've got the rest of it done, but I can't play guitar very much at all...

    So for the first time here i'm looking to collaborate with anyone who would be interested in being my guitarist. I'm leaving it largely up to you what you want to do with it (the guitar i've added is just some general, badly played, ideas).

    I would like the main guitar solo to play between 1:32 and 2:05, but I'm encouraging anyone interested to really make the guitar part their own, so if you want to steal the show somewhere else go for it, add as many guitar parts as you feel necessary, I just want that live feel to it.

    The track is in Gm and at 119bpm if you wanted to jam along or anything for now, but if you're genuinely interested message me and we'll discuss things.

  6. By my time, he posted the early morning of april first so i'll let him have it. I had my suspitions that this was a joke, but was scared it would hurt your feelings if i came out and said 'Oh! It's clearly an april fools cos it's shit!' When it was actually a genuine piece of work.

    In short well done, at the very least you had me doubting my judgement.


  7. No presets, it's just a basic, small analogue synth, 1 oscillator, 1 LFO (assignable to either pitch or cut-off) and a low pass filter. It also has an aux input so you can plug any sound source into it, using it as an external filter unit, that's handy in itself even without the synthesis part.

    But yes it is hard to play melodies on the small keyboard and does have a variable pitch knob so basically it can be tuned and detuned. I use mine more for making sounds rather than melodies. Still extremely good value, I strongly reccommend them

  8. yo, this is hot bro, i did a remix for dr.wily too, check out my post

    Oh come on, that's just shameful, at least give him a decent critique before hijacking his thread...

    Anyway, back to you data. I like these remixes, they're fun to listen to for the most part. For now i'll just focus on your Dr Wily Mix.

    My main criticism is that it just sounded a bit dated (although I understand that may very well be the sound you were going for so ignore it in that case) not that retro is bad, but it would be great to hear this with some bigger, newer and more exciting synth sounds.

    Also I feel the drums get slightly forgotten about in this mix, they tend to get a bit repetitive, also i'd like to hear the kick drum have a bit more prominance, that may just be me though.

    But yeah, I definately did really enjoy this retro sound, so it's a well done from me.

  9. It's been a couple of weeks so i Thought i'd come back with Version 4:


    Trying to take all the advice given the main changes i've made was giving to kick drum more punch and making the hats less dry, and added a low filtered arpeggiating synth for texture at some points. Bt there have also been more changes to the productions here and there.

    I'm changing this to mod review as i'd like to know how close to submission everyone thinks it is.


  10. Version 2 Here as Promised:

    stats.png (ok technically it's V3, I never posted V2)

    I've tried to follow as much of the advice previously given, except for Gario's ideas for vocals, sadly I'm no vocalist, so maybe if i am going to do it in the future it'll have to be a collab with someone.

    Again, any and all views are encouraged and welcomed before I work on V4 and/or put this up for Mod Review.


    Oh, and terribly sorry, but the blip is gone

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