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Deep Thought

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Everything posted by Deep Thought

  1. Now that I've finally got a copy of FL Studios, I can become a part of OCR! [Looks at computer screen] [mouth gapes] [cue tears]
  2. Little known fact: The ReMixinator runs off of the brains of recently deceased ReMixers, now that they are obselete. Your purpose is to be recycled for the sake of the site. Make yourself useful to society, become one with the ReMixinator.
  3. IMO there'd be very little room to work with without filling in plot holes. And it seems that capcom would refuse to do so in order to capitalize on the resurgent Mega Man series. If they actually went with the whole "cataclysm" plotline it could concieveably be worth the money.
  4. Looks like you have an oscar winner right there.
  5. Personally, I can't wait for Pong: the Movie
  6. took a bit of thought, but all I can come up with is 42. Go Figure

  7. Will 5 billion years do?

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