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Deep Thought

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Everything posted by Deep Thought

  1. Minecraft Topographical Survey: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=20817 it caches the map so that it runs faster each time you use it. It also gives spectroanalysis of mineral deposits
  2. I'm a poor college student, so that option is out of the window. However, if that means that I have to wait before I can get back to work, I'd be willing to live with wait. And by poor college student, I mean debt up to eyeballs coming from a no-income family with absolutely no money in the bank. Why I decide to play games on the internet is completely unknown by me.
  3. Whereabouts in Buffalo are you from... I'm only stuck in Potsdam due to school, but I'm from Hamburg

  4. Yeah... I need something to do while my beloved Bills lose again. I need a distraction from that mess.
  5. I hate trolls... you can't feed them after midnight, you can't get them wet, and they die if they get exposed to sunlight. Whoever decided that trolls make good pets really screwed the pooch on that one.
  6. Powerlord has spoken!!! But seriously, you'd think that a game like minecraft wouldn't take that much cpu to run... Looks like I'm playing the Halolz TF2 server tonight... again
  7. Looks like somebody struck a nerve
  8. I'm not worthy
  9. I'd like to be on the whitelist too
  10. Turn Bottle Rocket's wall into a wall saying THE END IS NIGH and stuff like that. I want this apocalypse to kick ass
  11. Reroll will work, but I'll be dissapointed to lose all my hard-earned diamond items
  12. halc's I Want You Inside Me made me laugh pretty hard.
  13. And BS was never heard from again...
  14. We have glass highway, glass walkways are irrelevant I own the Floating Islands, and need a death egg floating nearby... probably made of obsidian. Does anybody have a working obsidian farm yet?
  15. If by visit you mean burn my scaffolding, I must warn you that I do not forget, I may forgive, and I usually go berzerk before anything else happens. Also, if you want to get another monolith going on another continent, (maybe in the shape of a pair of mammaries) I'd be willing to put my services to use.
  16. Looks like somebody beat you to it... just help out with mine and I'll give you a place to keep all your stuff and access to my extensive mining operation.
  17. I think we should set up a gold exchange rate, and currency in the form of gold bricks... it seems to be a logical solution to the need for certain items and their lack of abundance. I'm sure that it would end up fair if the consensus agrees on certain prices and/or decides to impliment it... I'm talking about creating one of the first minecraft economies! (at least I think it is)
  18. Perfect time for someone (you know who you are) to make a topographic map of the server, in order to find the diamond deposits
  19. I can't believe that this game actually made me watch grass grow... and actually be anxious about the results... also is the game down for anybody else?
  20. I think that Fire has to use this, since he's the one hosting the server. The spectroscopy of diamond and mossy cobblestone might be useful
  21. I'm getting the same problem...
  22. http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=20817 we can use this to survey the map.
  23. The farther I get away from everybody else (or spawn, I can't tell which), the less I crash... I actually haven't crashed before today, when I was collecting sand near spawn.
  24. Speak for yourself
  25. Count me in... This I've got to see
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