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Everything posted by DrewGourley

  1. That recent blast of 300 or so likes happened REALLY QUICKLY. I had originally thought 27000 may have been a little lofty, but I have an immense respect for Liontamer because he runs the social media like he knows his shit, so I didn't say anything. It is becoming evident that Larry's vision for this sort of thing is spot on - It'll be there sooner than you thought guys! GET EXCITED!
  2. Oh it's all in good fun, plus OCR's Facebook page is the rare case that it is actually useful to listen in on the feed. The more people get involved with it the greater the community benefits.
  3. I'll have you know that it is a PURE BRED VELGUARDER goddammit.
  4. Firefox nightly builds are ALMOST there, and IE 10 is rumored to support it - All the vendor prefixes are in place, but if there's one thing the album's release is going to beat is (SPOILER ALERT) support in browsers.
  6. Add this to the list of GOOD problems to have.
  7. Why I Love OverClocked ReMix
  8. From Bukkit: I am extremely pleased and proud to announce that, as of today, the Bukkit team has joined Mojang. Holy shit.
  9. HRRRRRMMMMMMPPPPPPHHHH I just came online.
  10. OHHHHHH I need to burn this puppy!
  11. Oh, and yeah, totally just kidding. Way back when it got 'leaked' Emunator and I kinda decided hell with it, the more exposure and things that it garnered the better for the album overall. Plus, it's not like it has any active download links to any sensitive information (like the music). We're all cool here.
  12. robots.txt - existed and was promptly ignored, evidently. User-agent: * Disallow: /
  13. Maybe you'll go there now. Maybe you'll look at the music page. Maybe you'll use firefox or chrome. I dunno, maybe.
  14. Yeah, I'm fucking around with the type styles quite a bit in that version, STOP LOOKING BEHIND THE CURTAIN!
  15. Best year ever.
  16. Thanks to everyone I tracked down on chat, especially WillRock for your help with making everything right and accurate on this post!
  17. Hell yes! This is Fan-goddamn-tastic! BROWN GUY? AGREES!
  18. March 23rd might be OK, very early spring might bring decent weather, we can only hope.
  19. OK! That's no big deal, just thought I'd ask before I started.
  20. I have at least 3 structures that hit that limit...
  21. Hey, I was just wondering if there was a torrent available for the latest few hundred mixposts. Otherwise, do I gotta just go one by one and download them?
  22. It would seem that the multiplay server is having a special moment, I'm sure it will be back up momentarily.
  23. If you need any help or ideas for the Chicago, I'll throw in my bid to be your co-chair.
  24. I second at least the Chicago portion of this proposal. If this happens, I will be there, and I know the city pretty well.
  25. You wanted a builder? You've got one.
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