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Everything posted by DrewGourley

  1. Good luck -- this guy is depending on you -->
  2. @Willrock No worries, this is just a teaser. The actual video for the album release will be longer, and feature more songs. Besides, washudoll needs more ocremix love! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4j0QzbUImI also uploaded an HD version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ozgorg6ByJk
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4j0QzbUImI
  4. What in the world is that horribly frightening dancing cat in your forum signature from?

  5. Contributions added. THANKS!
  6. All good things, exactly what I need. I'll be implementing these suggestions immediately. TANKS!
  7. Hello everyone, I am closing in on finalizing the website for this project but I need a few things from those involved in the project. First things first, we need to honor the director, Bahamut. Not only for his hard work on the project, but especially for the fact that he is making such a great sacrifice and will be gone at Boot Camp most likely during the release of the final product. If someone in the community who knows him better than I do could write up a paragraph about him and his involvement in the project, and his overall impact on the OCRemix community, I would love to include it on the site. Second, I wrote a small introduction for the homepage: If you think this could be better (and it definitely could be better) please help me write it. I also need a longer, more descriptive 'about the album' paragraph for the 'about' page. Third, I need to track down Dominic Ninmark. He did the album art, as well as a few tracks on the album. I have an 'about the artist' section on the album art page which he can have a small bio in if he wishes. Finally, if there are any special thanks anybody would like to make, send them my way. I have a section for them. The best way to submit any of these things if you wish to contribute is via PM or User Message, but I will also regularly check this forum post as well. Thank you very much!
  8. No problem, would it make sense to put a link to your website in it's place?

  9. The deadline is when the album comes out, I'll make sure that the site is as current as possible up until I hand it off to ocremix.org. Long story short, you still have time, MAKEZ A WEBZITE!

  10. Sure! Anything you'd want to provide that could point users on the site to more of your work. Nothing wrong with shameless self promotion!

  11. I was wondering if The OverClocked Plaid Muffins had it's own website for me to link to on the artists page of the Maverick Rising website? If so let me know the URL so I can link it up.


  12. If you have a website you'd like to feature as a link on the Maverick Rising website let me know the URL so I can add it.


  13. If you have a website you'd like to feature as a link on the Maverick Rising website let me know the URL so I can add it.


  14. If you have a website you'd like to feature as a link on the Maverick Rising website let me know the URL so I can add it.


  15. If you have a website you'd like to feature as a link on the Maverick Rising website let me know the URL so I can add it.


  16. Message about your website link for the Maverick Rising project noted and changed, thanks!

  17. Hello everyone! I've managed to round up url's to artist websites through ocremix profiles but I have a few loose ends to tie up. I haven't been able to find anything on the following artists from the project. If you are in this list and have a personal website you'd like me to link to in the album site, let me know via PM. BlackPanther BONKERS Dominic Ninmark Ergosonic Gario TheKrow melody M-H The OverClocked Plaid Muffins rexxz Washudoll XSTmusic EDIT: The grayed out entries have either gotten back to me or I have found sites for. Only 5 left. Thanks, and good luck with your tracks!
  18. Just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you, the staging version of the Maverick Rising website is up and running. Check your PM's for the address.

  19. Love all of this! These comments are giving me just the direction I need to get moving with this mix again. (not sayng she'll be ready to launch next week or anything, lol) A note on the ending: It is certainly a challenge to get a source song that was made to loop over and over again so well to end. The current end is admittedly kinda lazy... Nutritious: I agree with your observations on the difference between the sound of the snyth that comes in at :47 as far as meshing with the rest of it. This was the push that I needed to make this major change, and now I see why it always felt kinda wrong to me. The first synth really does compete with the sound, whereas the synth I use at :47 agrees. Emunator: My original musical background is in drums, you'd think i'd pay more attention to it, but before your comments I hadn't even realized that I had greatly overlooked this! Fully agree that the drums need some help. Thank you guys so much. Question: should I pull this back off of 'mod review' when I feel i've gotten enough feedback for now?
  20. Getting the ball rolling on this one again, edited original post with tindeck link.
  21. Just noticed this, and it makes this song 100x more awesome. 1:58: SUPER FIGHTING ROBOTS! MEGA MAAAAANNNNNNNNN! Great! When it comes to this sort of thing, these two have a vision that goes beyond most music.
  22. Hey I posted this in the MMX album project thread, which probably isn't the best way to let you know so I'll post it here too. I am a web designer/developer and I can handle putting together a webpage for that project. I am pretty megaman-X-obsessed and I already have a ton of graphics and things gathered over the years. I don't want to toot my own horn or anything but i'm a pretty good designer and I also code html/php/javascript so I can take it from the ground up. I was thinking of using WordPress as a CMS -- that way you or anybody else could make updates really really easily. In a couple of weeks i'll be able to host it and everything, given you or somebody else buys the URL and gives me the info to transfer the DNS. I can provide you with my email so we can discuss it in further detail if you'd like.

  23. Hey Bahamut, I'm a web designer/developer and would love to create a website for this project. Let me know what you are looking for.
  24. Alright, I'm throwing myself down on the sacrifice table... or something less dramatic. -- This is a remix of the Metropolis theme from Sim City for the SNESI recently got Reason and have been hobbling my way through it. It comes with a great demo track called 'Narrow Escape' and I was kind of using it to observe and see how things worked. It helped me learn how to build my own instruments and how to route stuff. I did this by having it open on the left and a blank slate on the right and seeing if I could go through all of the nuances and details and actually duplicate the same sound on my own. Through doing this, I half-accidently realized that the rough composition and sound would work really well with this song, and I was a big SNES Sim-City freak as well, so it all works out. Anyway, it may border on taking too much from the work of the artists that created the original 'Narrow Escape' (including the title, but I think it works) But I think it is made enough from my own to be classified as --paraphrasing-- especially the melody and chorus synths, which were born all from my own creation! Regardless of all of that, I've spent the last few weeks antagonizing over every little detail in it and I kinda want to share it with the community.
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