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Everything posted by DrewGourley

  1. I don't live there, but I've been there for an extended stay twice and I know it, and it's public transportation system (yummy) quite well. I think Chicago could keep quite a few of us busy for sure.
  3. I live in Omaha and would LOVE to go to a Midwest Meetup. Chicago is a decent drive or a cheap ass plane ticket for me, but anywhere is possible, I'm good to go!
  4. Hey guys, I must be full of post-holiday cheer or something, but I feel like spending more money on this little venture so here goes. Would anybody prefer to use a voice comms server in association with MineCraft? Out of curiosity I was looking at Multiplay's teamspeak and ventrilo server prices and they are dirt cheap! Anyway I would have no problem with paying for a 10-15 slot voice comms server if even a few people want to use it. If so, do you have a preference between TS and Vent? I've used both and don't really care, so its up to you guys. I've just been on a lot lately and it has been a little inconvenient to stop and type all communications while playing. Anyways, let me know, my finger is on the checkout button!
  5. 20 Dollah make-a-u Hollah! I posted up 20 bucks, thats another $10 from me and $10 on behalf of my close personal friend and new user tramz2004! Thanks for making this available guys, here's to the next 6 months and beyond!
  6. Hey aba, I have a whitelist request in the minecraft thread. Can you message me when you have a chance to get around to it?

  7. Can I get the username tramz2004 whitelisted. He's a friend of mine and won't need a new stake, he will just live on mine. THANKS!
  8. Situations like this make you wish that something like this would go crazy-ass-viral and elevate this company to a new high.
  9. My website was busy taking a shit for a while there, images are back up.
  10. WOW! Tons of cool feedback, I'm really glad you guys like this so much! I really don't want to start a big fuss over a logo change or anything because I understand there is a certain amount of equity built into the current logo and it doesn't NEED to be changed. My motivation for this was just to create something that would translate better to a screen-printed T-Shirt. That said, what Gollgagh did makes a pretty compelling case to how nice this could look in the header... but by no means do I think I have the right to initiate discussion for that kind of sweeping change to the community's site. Anyways, here are some changes based on your suggestions, I also used the source files to better execute Gollgagh's idea for the header.
  11. I think it would be pretty cool if the controller was interchangeable. I just used the SNES controller because it is in the header.
  12. But I made this just because I got a spark of inspiration and I think it would look PRETTY GODDAMNED GOOD on a T-Shirt. Thoughts? Updating OP with new image for convenience:
  13. Baha, just let me know when you need the final files for the website and I'll get it all zipped up for you.
  14. Hell yes I was getting too much work done. Time to log in.
  15. Probably a preemptive strike for SOPA and PROTECT-IP. This is what the United States Govt. is allowing our internet to become. I'm frustrated beyond words.
  16. time to break the tension with another awesome BONER JOKE ...I'm actually all out of boner jokes.
  17. My unintentional boner joke was way more offensive than this. (intentional boner joke)
  18. I'll be spinning these tracks and more all day today in the unofficial official OCRemix turntable room, get on in here! http://turntable.fm/overclocked_remix
  19. SO, since your mix made me rock hard I should vote you as 1, 2 and 3. Done.
  20. I know... I'm going back to my hole now...
  21. Then you are the sexiest WILDMAN anybody could have ever asked for.
  22. I'd like to add this clarification because I've been notified that some things about how I voted may be unclear. I feel since I respect Halc, Will, and Nutritious as much as I do, I owe them at least some sort of explanation. I had every intention of voting Halc, Nut, and Will's #1 because it is simply awesome, but after hearing Ben's LAST after having done all of these writeups, I couldn't rectify un-voting my #3 and shifting everybody down in that fashion. I realize it seems a little fucked up, but I had to pick 1 to be #1 and since both are worthy in my mind, I made the decision to instead replace my #1 vote and leave the others alone. It was based on a lot of factors, one being that your mix is doing so well already, being bumped off of my little list isn't going to have a big impact on the outcome. Another reason is because I'll be the first to admit that WillRock and Halc are HUGE favorites of mine, and Nutritious is right up there too. Making this decision to drop them completely after having listened to Ben Briggs entry helps to dispel at least my large feeling of giving them the nod just because they are who they are, which I am very capable of being guilty of. In conclusion
  23. I'm gonna keep this shit light, because there's already some heavy stuff coming down the critical chute. Last time I got caught up giving some artists tough love feelings were hurt, a stir was created, and I came off as an asshole. That's not what anybody here wants. These guys are really great artists and if sometimes they end up falling flat on their face it's our job to pick them up and dust them off - because the more they do, the better we all fare. That said: Two Minds Without a Single Thought - Zero, let me pick you up and dust you off... Moving on. Under Construction - I really thought the use of the Piano throughout this mix brought it a great deal of interest and success, but that main synth fell really flat and kept me from getting into it. The Last of the Clan - I like the epic kung-fu movie theme here, the intro is a tad bit corny, but not off-putting. Really like the use of instrumentation here, it seems to almost tell a narrative. There's definitely some awesome creative stuff going on here, but for me the problem is towards the middle. It just got a little tired and repetitive and I became disinterested. It felt just the tiniest bit too slow. Totally Rad Winter - Awesome, AWESOME TO THE MAX! Nice little 80's tune here. I'd have to say that Sir_NutS is the balls. Overall pretty solid, I didn't notice any glaring offensive things in this mix. Though I liked it quite a bit, the 80's thing isn't winning votes from me too much anymore. The Knight who says ROCK! - Straighforward 80's rock anthem here, REALLY NICE stuff. Can't hate it, but can't vote it because there are better things happening in the other submissions. If I could vote for five groups, this would certainly get my fifth. A large part of me hopes that other votes for this group will carry them over, I can't stress enough how much value is in this submission, but it just can't make my cut. I think I'm becoming a whore for electronica. WHY CANT I LOVE ROCK THE WAY I USED TO? She's a Squirter - WILDMAN Strikes again (we'll credit him with that title, because Strader is a fucking Wildman), and does really well. All members of this team highlight well throughout this mix. Great example of using full collaboration to bring this one together, and it's catchy as hell. Nice work WILDMAN and team. If I could vote on four submissions you guys would definitely get my fourth. Burn the Castle - Oh, I think I just found a way I could love rock the way I used to. AMT comes in here and MELTS MY FUCKING FACE OFF while Jewbei and Neblix loom overhead spreading waves of electronic joy all over the place. So I guess for me to love rock, it just needs to be a rock threesome with a couple of electric chicks. That reference may be a bit of a stretch, since they are all dudes, but this song is spot the fuck on. Right at the very moment things could have gotten repetitive or boring... STOP... ROCK ORGAN... STOP... ROCK OUT. Finally, the building up while fading out is a really cool way to end it. Leaves me wanting more, and if all goes well, I'll get it. You guys get my #3 this round. Double Doctors - MainFinger, I was following your progress with this one via your updates on Twitter, and you were showing some frustrations. Whatever you did to pull through, you definitely made it. I love your use of that great WILY LAUGH, it's a perfect example of EXACTLY how to do this in a mix. I don't know enough about your partners in crime to pick them out of this mix, but I can definitely feel your style here. Fast paced, fun, and golden brown delicious. You're my #2 this round! Don't Make Me Cut You - Halc! You CRAZY DEVIL! You're doing some kickass dubby type thing here. Some may say it's a trending topic, but if I could have anybody throw some dubstep in my face, I'd rather it you than anybody else. And nobody else can do what I hear William James Rocketboom the Third doing near the end of the tune. Of course, the polish of nutritious is sprinkled throughout this puppy - he knows just how to include all of the major food groups to create a healthy mix. How could this NOT be my #1 this round? ...because Benny Benassi Briggs came in here and fucked my shit up! thats why. Dubious Brother - There are so many good things going on here, I can't help but love it. All of the variances in sound and pacing, all of the takes on themes, and that really cool canned voice thingy, which is used so, so well. That intro, just popping around in its own happy bit world, then the piano comes along, building, building. DROP - then all hell breaks loose (in a good way) The subtle strings in the background, the bitty stuff accentuating everything throughout, and that PERFECT piano riff sprinkled in just the right places. I had this whole thing figured out until you came in here and knocked my #1 pick off. Ben Briggs, Emunator, Ectogemia: #1 this round, hands down.
  24. I believe setting the cameraElevation var to 30 degrees will give you that nice 2:1 isometric view that is typical of most pixel art/sim city 2000 - It is best. Phill, make that note if you ever switch to tectonicus.
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