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Mr. L

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Posts posted by Mr. L

  1. Entry submitted!

    For this one, I resurrected an old concept I tried 2 years ago... of course, I'm not sure if it's any better now, but I wanted to give it a try nonetheless! :)

    As for source usage, Turbo Man's almost everywhere - he really drives this mix forward! In the second section of the song, I flip the two sources and try two parts of their respective basslines as leads - Turbo Man is the 'bell-like synth', and the Chrome Gadget Zone is the short-lived arpeggio... - albeit briefly. A part of Chrome Gadget Zone - Melody B then leads into the final part of the song. The second part of Turbo Man's melody is used... a lot - it just worked so well.

    EQ isn't the greatest in some places - the snare, at times - and I'm not sure if I 'mixed / rewrote too much' in some places, but, overall, I'm pretty happy with this one!

    Nonetheless, win or lose - it was an honor competing against you, jnWake. :grin:

    @Cosmic Sounds - Thanks for the comments! I'm glad and honored that you liked it! :)

    And with all of that said, I really enjoyed the Round 1 entries! I'm most certainly looking forward to hearing everyone's entries this round!

  2. It's review time!

    Mr. L - Nice pad the intro, seems to be typical of you :-P. Heavy dissonance at 0:23... I don't agree with the lack of melody mentioned by others, piano takes care of it nicely in my opinion. Biggest criticism would be that the pads drown out the rest of the instruments a bit too much during the mix.

    By the way, if you feel the kick drum is hard to notice, try two things: sidechaining and boosting the higher frequencies. It's almost silly how much the kick gains with a good click.

    Thank you for the comments, jnWake! :smile:

    I love using a pad as an intro - to me it just sets up the atmosphere / soundscape for the rest of the song; at this point, it's pretty much a tradition. :P

    And thanks for the tips on the kick drum - I'll have to try that if the issue arises again!

    Once again, thank you!

    Edit: Ah... dissonance... :(

    Can't believe I missed that...

  3. Thank you everyone for the comments / critiques! :smile:

    I was quite fixated on the soundscape in this one, but unfortunately the melody didn't get the attention it needed; sorry about that one. :(

    As for the kick drums - while I was listening to the song, I wasn't able to quite as clearly hear the kick drums in certain parts (despite being pretty sure I was using a high pass filter on everything 'on top'), so I tried layering another kick in those areas; at that point, it sounded "right", but... I guess that made it *too strong. :(

    And for the sudden fade out... I had no idea what to do beyond there (as I mentioned earlier, I *did have a couple more ideas, but wasn't quite able to get them to work out)... so yeah. :neutral:

    Okay, I've got some notes for my revisiting of this one!

    Once again, thanks for all of the comments!

  4. Entry submitted!

    Getting the EQ just right was definitely a big challenge with this mix; I'm not sure who won that 'battle'.

    Also, I did have a couple of ideas left, but I wasn't quite able to "translate" them from idea to DAW.

    Nonetheless, I'm pretty happy with this one, and I'm most certainly looking forward to everyone's entries! :-D

    Win or lose, it was honor competing against you, jefepatronjoshi.

  5. I hung out with zerothemother Friday. Couldn't get back to hang out with zerothegrandmother on mother's day tho :(

    ON THE ACTUAL TOPIC did I get in? I'm afraid I might have been the thirteenth entry. If so, I'll just be a professional cheerleader

    Wished Mama Luigina a happy Mother's Day and spent the day with her as well. :)


    On topic, yes you did make it in. :smile:

    Edit: A quick question for DarkeSword - is it okay if I tag my entries with my Last.fm artist name? If not, that's fine; I read the first post about the artist name, I was just curious. Thanks!

    Edit #2: Excited to remix Chrome Gadget Zone! :D

    Edit #3:

    All right!

    I wish you the best of luck, jefepatronjoshi!

  6. 8 vs 4, seems legit.

    The roster has not been updated just yet, but...

    A few posts back, therex agreed to switch to Team Sonic, and I'll gladly do the same thing.

    So, if it's okay with you DarkeSword, I'll switch to Team Sonic, and...

    ... that should even it up! :smile:

    I'm excited - 6 mixes in 6 weeks combining Mega Man and Sonic the Hedgehog themes! Excite Get!

  7. I've been very on the fence about this. I definitely want to do it, but my track record in the last couple compos I've entered has been pretty....low-output :(, and I really didn't want to take a spot that someone else really wanted. If the roster's not full by now, though, I think I'm gonna spring for it. Gonna have to go Mega Man, as that's all I really know, so if I get that and push someone onto the Sonic side, my sincerest apologies. Gonna research some Sonic music right now, and should be signed up soon.

    There are two more spots, my friend! So it's certainly not too late!

  8. This format would work with any even number of participants, so it could in theory be run even now. On the other hand, Team Mega Man is at 6 while Team Sonic is only at 4, so without two more Sonic players, someone has to switch sides.

    Hmm, it hasn't been a week just yet (6 days, I believe?)...

    But, in the end, I'd be happy to be on either team here. So, if we can't get two more mixers for the Sonic side and / or if DarkeSword wants to go ahead and start, then I'll be happy to switch teams so we can begin remixing! :mrgreen:

    If, on the other hand, we get two more Sonic mixers, then I'll just change my Mega Man choice to another choice so DarkeSword doesn't have to flip a coin.

    Regardless of team - remixes combining Mega Man and Sonic the Hedgehog themes - everyone wins anyway! :)

    Edit: Misunderstood the first post; sorry about that. Leaving the above anyway. Still fine with either team, though! :)

  9. Yes there is!

    You'll go to your profile, and then go to the 'Statistics' tab.

    Under that, you'll see a box labeled 'Total Posts'; the third option down will say 'Find all posts by...' - you'll click that and you'll get a list of all of your posts.

    Hope that helps! :-)

  10. Well... I guess it's safe to say that pretty much wraps it up for Blizzard Wolfang in this competition, but that's cool; it was really fun! :mrgreen:

    Once again, Pete (if I may), awesome job on your track, man!

    And a great job to everyone in this round, as well. :)

    And with that, I'm most certainly looking forward to the future rounds (especially the Zero Bracket's mixes this Sunday!)

    Until next time. :grin:

    Edit: A big thanks for all of the comments and the votes, everyone; I really appreciate it! :D

  11. Sorry I'm a bit late in replying, but thanks for the comments, everyone; greatly appreciative for your time in writing them and then reading them, good or bad! :grin:


    The strings were added in a bit late, so I didn't get to spend quite as much time as I would've liked with them to make them 'flow' a bit better :(... will definitely have to put that on my to-do list.

    As for the 1:45 'weirdness', that's where I have Shield Sheldon come in again on the strings... you're most certainly right, that is definitely awkward timing.

    Thanks for your time in reviewing / commenting, man!


    I love the piano, so I tend to overuse it in any mix that I attempt, sorry about that. :( I've tried using more synths, and will keep trying to do so, but, for some reason, I seem to always come back to the piano. :mrgreen:

    This time, I did want to keep the mix a bit quieter and 'happier', but the volume, after listening again, could use some adjustment.

    Still working on arrangement; one of these days I hope to get there!

    Anyway, thanks, once again, for your comments! :-D

    Edit: Thanks, SuperiorX, for your comments! Just an idea, if you will, that I wanted to try! :D

  12. Entry submitted! :-D

    Well... after having about 5 different attempts pretty much "crash" (they either sounded downright depressing or just didn't work out -- the SNES soundfont mix was one of the former type), I finally just started "winging it" with any idea that came to my head... at 5:30 P.M. this Friday and finished just an hour ago...

    ... seems to be happening more often lately... a big mental block the entire week... suddenly get ideas on Friday... :?


    I'm certainly looking forward to what everyone comes up with this week, and just as I said to AMT: Phonetic Hero, win or lose, it was an honor competing against you, good sir, and I'm looking forward to your entry! :grin:

    Edit: Awesome job, Zero Bracket; loving the mixes! :D

    Edit #2: Finished voting; some HARD decisions. :(

  13. Any word on the week's mixes? L, how we doin'? Gonna give me a run for my money?

    I'll do my best to give you a run for your money, good sir! :grin:

    I'm trying to utilize SNES soundfonts -- trying something different -- for my entry this week.

    I had a similar situation this week as with last time -- only recently did an idea start to take shape.

    So, as for a status update -- right now, I don't have much (was only able to start recently), but, rest assured, you shall have something from me. :)

    Other than that, I'm also attempting to bring in another source from a non-Mega Man game (otherwise, my sole idea at this moment goes 'kaboom' and it's back to 'writer's block'... and it's only really 'dominant' for the first 7 seconds)

    ...should be able to recognize it from the first note of the song.

    Looking forward to what you and everyone else comes up with this week! :)

  14. Well if you want a bit more of advice, I think it wasnt as much of a sample problem, but a choice of how you sequenced them and presented them. i think that for a track as chill as this one, something more spaced out than a 4 on the floor would've worked better, that's one of the reasons why the song and the drums felt a bit disconnected. Also I would have processed them a bit more to make them sound more in tune with the ambience. But doing something other than 4 on the floor would've made a difference, I think. You could have done a spaced out beat for the most part of the song and bring the four on the floor for fuller sections, for example.

    Anyways hope that helps a bit.

    This is what I was wondering. Thank you!

    I wrote everything in that post except the question, so thanks again, man.

    That was indeed most helpful! :)

    EDIT: I'm really excited to hear the Zero Bracket's mixes tomorrow!

  15. Crap! I thought voting was due tomorrow! sorry guys

    3-AMT vs Mr. L : Not much to say, AMT rocks the fuck out of mega man. I am afraid of going against this amount of face melting mega man rock later on. A big contrast vs Mr L's subtle rendition of the themes, which wasn't bad at all but I felt the drums were a bit disconnected from the song, not off-time or anything, but kinda doing their own thing. I'll have to go with AMT on this one.

    (And now, the post I should've made before...)

    Thanks for the comments! :grin:

    Hmm... so two comments about the drums... to be honest, I'm not that great at picking out drum (kick / snare) samples just yet; so, sorry beforehand if it sounds like I'm making the same mistake(s) over and over again. :(

    I'm gonna make this work eventually! :)

    Edit: Sorry to hear about your program crashing, Trism. :(

    Edit #2: *does Jedi hand gesture* pixelwave, your current mix is awesome like sliced bread; you'll be happy to submit it! (Okay, I gave that a try.)

  16. I think I'm going to have admit defeat on this one. Mt opponents source is awesome and u could definitely make something of that, but mixing it with my source is far beyond my meagre abilities.

    Hey man, don't give up!

    For example, I know when I started on my entry, one of two things happened: I stared at FL Studio - completely blank, and then closed it, or I started putting in random chords / various key scales -- nothing sounded right. Friday afternoon, I finally found something that sounded... well, decent enough I'd say, and went from there; I just did a ton of experimentation. :-D

    Of course, I'm not saying that you haven't done that, but the point is... you'll find something that makes you say -- "hey, this sounds kind of neat!"

    Also, keep this in mind:

    - each song you make, no matter how 'terrible' you may think it is, will help you increase your abilities - by getting feedback, what was good and what wasn't so good, and taking that into account and incorporating it into future songs.

    Also, you've still got time: today, tomorrow, and the early part of Sunday, as well!

    So, don't give up, because this is what I came very close to doing a year ago in the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet... in fact, I said just about the same thing. :(

    If you want proof (after you're finished with your mix)... just take a listen to 'Glacial Age'...

    Anyway, sorry -- I'm not too great at getting to the point sometimes, but I hope that helps.

    So, don't sell yourself short, okay?

    Spike Rosered is an awesome theme as well, and there are ways you can put these two themes together! :D

  17. Awesome entries, everyone!

    Freakin' hard votes all around.

    And props to AMT for a way better job on all three criteria and just an awesome remix. :grin:

    EDIT: Thanks for the comments, Bahamut. I didn't realize about that snare until it was too late. :( As for song length, I couldn't really think of anymore; once I got to a little over 3 minutes -- no more ideas. :(

  18. ...And my entry is submitted!

    The whole week (up until Friday afternoon) consisted of writer's block - never getting anything past 30 seconds.

    Around Friday afternoon, some ideas finally started coming to me and I just started putting them in the song one after another until I found myself at 3 minutes and 12 seconds worth of material and finally finished at 2 A.M. this morning.

    Overall, I'm quite happy with this one. One thing for certain - I'm really hoping that I've addressed some of the issues that were brought up with Lumitron Quadrant in the Sonic Zone Remix Competition here and not made another Glacial Age.

    Either way, I'm looking forward to all of the entries, and, win or lose, it was an honor competing against you, AMT.

  19. If you got a place left I'd give this a shot :)

    Mega Man X - Storm Eagle

    Mega Man X - Spark Mandrill

    Mega Man X - Launch Octopus

    Mega Man X - Flame Mammoth

    Mega Man X - Armored Armadillo

    Yes! Awesome! :grin:

    And, indeed!

    In fact, there's two more slots open!

    And with that, back to listening to GMRB (2010)'s awesome music.

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