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Mr. L

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Posts posted by Mr. L

  1. WOW! Okay, umm... well then! *ahem*

    Wow - first place - I'm honored!

    I really appreciate the votes, and I'm also glad that everyone seemed to enjoy it! Thanks also for all of the comments / critiques you all had - they were very helpful and I hope to fix them in the next round.

    Once again, everyone's entries were great and I really enjoyed listening to them!

    *Hurries off to find an wintery entry*

    *EDIT*: Suggestion sent, HoboKa! Hope it fits the criteria, and I hope you all enjoy it! :D

  2. (All righty, it looks like voting concluded a while ago, so...)

    I enjoyed all of the entries for this round, so thanks to everyone for submitting! Here are a few quick thoughts I had:

    Chadlee: Very clean production and good synth choice! You could just drop this right into the game! Nicely done!

    satoka-eldon: I liked the more downtempo approach (at least, that's what it sounded like to me) you had here, but it still kept the kind of festive feel the original had. I also liked the 8-bit synth you introduced at 1:13, though I would've loved to have heard more of it. Overall, it was a very enjoyable entry!

    Silverpool: Taking Paper Mario back to the past! I'm a fan of that lead synth (I love 8-bit retro goodness). Good work on this, and I'm going to have to try this genre one day. :-D

    Thanks once again for the entries!

    *EDIT*: I was able to log in to my ThaSauce account! :) Thanks for the comments everyone! :D Also, thanks HoboKa for bringing up the issue and whoever fixed it so I could log in (sorry, not sure who the administrator might be at the current time, but if you're reading this - thank you very much!)

  3. 20 minutes ago, HoboKa said:

    UPDATE on ThaSauce accounts:

    Starphenoix: resolved!

    Chadlee: TBA - what account did you register as??

    Mr. L: TBA - account registered as?? (is it KlevarKoopa??)

    satoka-eldon: TBA - you SHOULD be in the system, but there was a communicato issue - should be resolved soon.

    Yes, indeed! KlevarKoopa is me!


    Still no success on activation, unfortunately.


    Also, on the current topic, I'm loving the entries so far! :)

    (Removed a question here, since it was answered below).

  4. I, too, am waiting on account activation - I registered about 3 days ago (under the name "KlevarKoopa" (my YouTube name)), but I didn't say much because I figured there was some maintenance work being done or something like that.

    But, yeah, I have something to submit! It's a collection of sounds, at least! :D

    So, in that case, I'll PM you a link to my entry as soon as I upload it on Soundcloud. I'll edit this post as soon as I do so.

    Edit #1: Uploading now. Just wanted to add in some basic metadata.

    Edit #2: Uploaded! I just tested to make sure it was downloadable, and it is! I'm sending you a PM now with a private link.

  5. It has been *years* since I've attempted to remix, well, anything, but I wanted to give it another try with this selection here!

    And, also, I've been wanting to give this competition a go for a while too, so, here goes! :)

    I've got *something* at the moment, but the transitions feel quite a bit abrupt and the EQ (my eternal enemy) needs some serious work. Fun times. :)

    I actually sat and thought for a good amount of time of where to even start until I listened to the MIDI and heard the bird and wind sounds - my genre / idea was set!


  6. I'd definitely be interested in participating! :grin:

    I still feel pretty bad about my last entries in the WCRG, so I'd like to try this again.

    I'm going to echo others and say that summer would probably be the best time for me as well (I don't think anything's going to be coming up then, that I know of, anyway).

  7. Ascent - Good effort! The orchestra comes off rather fake, but doing something like this with fake samples is going to be tough to be convincing anyways. Even if it's only a minute. :<

    Thanks, man. :)

    I had no clue what I was doing. I've just wanted to try orchestral for the longest.

    So, I just took my best guess and dove right in. :P

    I ran out of ideas after that last section, hence the abrupt end. :sad:


    ^ (That emoticon is hilarious!)

    Thanks for the reviews and comments, man! I really appreciate it! :)

    Looking forward to everyone's entries this week!


    Mr. L: nice change of pace from the usual atmospheric stuff man. Some of the note changes in the strings seem a tad off, and some of the harmonies are a bit odd, but it's neat that you're branching out.

    Thanks for dem reviews, man. :)

    I've been wanting to try orchestral for some time now, so I figured 'why not' for this round.

    But I'll study more about string arrangement, definitely.

  9. Entry submitted!

    Sorry about the incomplete entry this week - I initially thought I was going to have a bit more time to work on this than I ended up having.

    Nonetheless, I tried something a bit different than I normally do (hopefully...).

    And with that said, I'm definitely looking forward to hearing everyone's entries this week! :)

  10. Haze

    Mr. L: There's an unusually stark imbalance in the frequencies. I can hear the kick best, followed by the bass, then the piano arp, followed by the lead. Nice pads. You had some nice, spacey filters.

    So everything's reversed except the kick. Dang. :(

    Glad you liked the pads, and I'm glad you like the filters - I really wanted to try out phasing here, since it went with the general idea / soundscape I had in mind! :)

    Thanks for the review, timaeus!

  11. Thanks for the review, therex! :D

    As for the melody, I see what you're saying there. Probably volume issues (had it a bit low) and overzealous EQ'ing (after reading ecto's post) on my part sealed the deal on that.

    Gotta work on that for my next entry!

    Nothing much to say on that middle part except 'sorry, I'm working on it, man!' :(

    Glad you liked the pads (the beginning two sounded weird and cool together, I had to use them :P) and the kick. :)

    Overall, I enjoyed making this, despite the flaws.

    Except for the drums, the piano and one synth, it's all Sytrus. :)

    On another note, stellar entries this week, everyone!


  12. Looking forward to all the entries! Fingers crossed for full participation.

    Submitted earlier today, but otherwise, same here, man! :D

    Looking forward to everyone's entries this week!

    Source reveals are as follows. The theme this week is Mega Man Rivals:

    Here are the Mega Man Killers (music from Mega Man 10):

    Enker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxpGwlfZct4

    Ballade: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKJPy5YYruY

    Punk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y70EJM52htk

    Also available is Quint's theme from Mega Man II for GB:

    And Bass & Treble from Mega Man 7:


    Wow, awesome!

  13. Inspiration came late this week, and I grossly underestimated the amount of time needed to polish this into something even decent. Just woke up after crashing late...well, early this morning. It won't be feasible to wrap it up by the end of the round. :sad:

    As Prophecy and Trism mentioned -

    Whether it's 15 seconds or 1 minute or so... please do send in what you have, man (or, I'd be happy to give some last minute feedback before you submit it, if you'd like).

    Would love to hear what you've got (or came up with at the last minute), my friend! :D

  14. Grime: The electric piano has a nice sound and you set up a nice chill atmosphere. Arrangement feels like it's meandering a little bit and the overall volume is pretty quiet. It has a very 'happy go lucky' feel to it almost though, I like it. Reminds me of some of the early Sonic special stage zones themes in a way haha. Nice job Mr. L, you keep improving!

    Thanks for the review, Matt / SuperiorX!

    I definitely love that e. piano and will have to use it more often. :)

    I was having a lot of fun writing for it.

    Sorry about the volume - I'm paranoid about something being too loud, even just a bit. I have it low while mixing, but I always neglect that last part of turning the volume back up and evening everything out. I definitely need to learn more about that.

    Glad you like it man, and thanks once again!

    I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's entries tomorrow!

  15. Mr. L: Bass is too big and bassy in the beginning. Arrangement needs more voices to provide musical complexity. Snare needs more fundamental.

    Dang, I was hoping I got the bass just right this time. :(

    My goal was a really mellow / subdued song, and I was wanting the bass to be quite prominent this time.

    Jesse noted the second point you brought up, and I saw / heard what he was talking about... I just couldn't quite think of anything (in time) to add in. :!:

    So... yeah. :(

    The snares sounded okay on my first few listens, but, hearing it again, I seems they do drown out at a couple of parts (if that's what you meant).

    With that said, thanks for the review, man. I really appreciate it! :D

  16. Grime

    Mr. L: Slight timing issues in the EP, chill atmosphere. Tiny bit bare. Seems to doodle a bit sometimes, but pretty cool entry. I could kind of spot Moliarty's Tower, but it may be a bit too liberal in interpreting that source.

    Thanks for the review, timaeus! :D

    (The video I'll be referencing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G0x5YrMgCI)

    In case you were curious:

    That bass at the beginning is playing my attempt at a transcription of 00:14 - 00:20 of Pump Man's theme. The e. piano (which is the jRhodes3 soundfont, just in case you may have been curious) is playing Moliarty's Tower until 00:41.

    Afterwards, until 00:54, was my second attempt at transcribing Pump Man's theme (00:27 - 00:33) - that part didn't go so well - I tried to get 'most' of the notes. :(

    I try to combine little bits of the themes in the mean time.

    The breakdown is playing a part of Moliarty's Tower.

    Moliarty's Tower comes back at 01:53. I did change the timing of the some of the notes... so that probably made it harder to recognize. :(

    At 02:18, I used 00:46 - 00:53 of Pump Man's theme to end the song with Moliarty's Tower. At the time, it sounded like the two worked together all right, but I'm not quite as sure now.

    Once again, thanks for the review, good sir!

  17. I would hope that voters would give each entry at least one full listen through; I personally make sure to listen through each entry, regardless of how good or bad it sounds. But everyone has their own methods, and in the end, everyone's vote counts the same.

    This is basically what I do. :)

    Apologies for not bringing my best for this round - I do hope I can make something you'll like the next time around!

    Finally, once again, great entries this week, everyone! I still don't have a top three! :D

  18. A little bit of an informal survey: how closely are you guys working with your team members, week to week?

    I'm trying to get more involved this time, but so far we're sharing WIPs with each other during the week and getting feedback on them rather frequently.

    ... two days ago I learned what a 'parallel fifth' was from Jesse - my bassline was doing just that in Grime. I fixed the area where I thought it was happening before submitting (at least, I *think* it's fixed). Didn't know that before - so Jesse and Zach are schooling me. One day it'll get through my dense head.

    So far - feedback and education.

    I'd like to collaborate on something, now that I know how (...I'm a ridiculously slow learner at this, sorry).

  19. Speaking of ... What's wrong with 6 and 9? DarkeSword doesn't seem to like them (at least not in the point system) :)

    I subbed my song also. It's my first remix of my first compo. Remember you had your first one once! :)

    This competition is where I started as well - the one in 2011, that is!

    With that said, welcome to the world of remixing! :)

    Looking forward to hearing what you've come up with for this week!

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