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Everything posted by Ginnsu
Sonic 3D Blast (SAT) 'Snow' Well this is something interesting. Somebody should go play this in a mall on the eve of Christmas while everyone’s shopping. That ought to get some heads bobbing in the heat of the Christmas rush, especially with that little interlude at about 1:03. Great work, Jivemaster, keep it up.
William Wobbler 'A William Wobbler Christmas' This one is a much more up beat Christmas tune then most. It’s comparable to Jingle Bells, but only if it’s done by one heck of an innovative and imaginative orchestra. And the name Slow Poison defiantly doesn't suit this, I’d say that’s really got to go. Besides the name, Mr. Poison, I love this piece work. Go to court and get something done about that.
NiGHTS into dreams... 'Merry Little Christmas' This is a very light, very Christmassy piece. It’s too bad its late spring, because I’m sure I could give this a much better review on December 24th. But I will say that it does put me in the mood for some eggnog, regardless of what time of year it is. Excellent work, Dale North, keep it up.
Donkey Kong Country 'Christmas Cave' I love what Deimos has done here. A very interesting melody, but don’t think that just because I say melody that it’s boring. This one keeps changing things up, and moves to a new feel, and then back again. Not for those who need high energy techno, or hard core rock to survive, I’ll admit, but calm soothing music has its charm as well. I love this piece, Deimos, great work.
Yoshi's Island 'Yoshi's Lullaby' I've been waiting for the chance to review something by McVaffe that isn't Street Fighter. Not that his Street Fighter mixes don’t rock my world, but I just need a change every once in a while. And here it is folks, a big change. This is a nice, soft, and dare I say, cute piano melody. A very peaceful piece of music, and very well done. Great work McVaffe, I love it.
Final Fantasy IX 'Losing Me Is Not an Option' When the intro starts, you’re defiantly not expecting break beat, but just wait for it because that’s exactly what you end up with. That and some kick ass vocal samples, and a very deep bassline. Then at around 2:14, I’m not sure exactly what you hear there, but it makes my ears tingle with delight. I also have to say I love the scratches. Man, this one is a real piece of work. Excellent stuff, DJ Pheonix, I hope you keep this stuff coming.
Streets of Rage 'The Last Dragon' I love very deep 303’s. This mix defiantly has a lot of that going on. As well as a whole bunch of awesome distortion, and some kick ass vocal samples to wrap it all up. I must say Mr. 44 this one is a treat, excellent work.
Legend of Zelda 'Fear and Sufferance of a Loved One in the Hands of Evil' This is just simply awesome, especially if you’re a Zelda fan. Mr. Praslowicz really knows he’s guitars. A nice steady beat and an excellent sounding reverb. It does get a little overwhelming around 3:00 but nothing too harsh. Great job Mr. Praslowicz, and keep up the great work.
Spy vs. Spy 'Y2K Style' Smelling fruity, anybody? I just got a whiff coming off the top. Mostly that plucked instrument, which I can’t say I’m all too fond off. Besides that I would have to say that this one isn't horrible. It’s actually really good. I do like the drum arrangements and the choir synth. Nice Job DJ SheerDark, but please try and get more original samples.
Ristar 'Ocean Flame Groove' This is a cool mix here, I especially like this instrument stabs. It’s been a while since I've ever heard stabs used so continually in a song, never mind being the basis of that song. Great mix here, 4-Eyes.
Sonic Crackers 'Dirty Beta' This is an awesome hard hitting mix with a lot of high energy and ear engulf strings. Also has an obviously very fruity vowel that takes the song to its end. That is one thing you got to watch, though is if you use generic instruments from a program like FruityLoops (Especially FruityLoops) then you should tweak them to at least attempt to make them sound original, or people might rag on you. Personally, I love the sound. Great work here, Mr. Malcolm.
Dragon Warrior 'Dragon Hop' This is a short little piece of musical excellence. A little too short actually, but the organ more then makes up for that fact. It just leaves me wanting more. Stevie-G, here’s the deal, you give me a longer song and I’ll give you a longer review. It is great stuff man.
Super Street Fighter II 'Dee Jay's Caribbean Rave' Here is some more sweet McVaffe Street Fighter music to lift your spirits. I'm kind of thinking I'm going to burn all of McVaffe's stuff to one CD and make a point of listening to it for 1 hour and 20 minutes every day. It sounds simply amazing. Excellent work McVaffe, as usual.
Xenogears 'Indie Rock Dajil' Oh! Check out this India ethnic thing The Pancake Chef has going on in this Xenogears piece. This is great stuff. There is never a dull moment when The Pancake Chef is around. The Pancake Chef, stop flipping those paper thin crepes and do more mixing, because this stuff rocks.
Mega Man 4 'Let There Be Light' Wow, this is something sweet. There are some very interesting and very odd sounds in this one. I must so those deep drums intrigue me as does the lead instrument. This is very well done, AmIEviL.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 'Ice Cap Zone (Frozen Knuckles Mix)' I love the intro voice sample. I love the bassline. I love the drums. I love the game samples. I love those strings. I love this whole gosh darn mix. Rayza really puts on an excellent show for us here and shows us just what is the fastest thing alive is. As a final note, I just have to say that damn frozen knuckles would hurt. Anyways, excellent work, Rayza, keep it up.
Kirby's Dream Land 'Bubbly Cloud Cafe' Wee! I love this. Wee! This is great. Can you guess what my favourite game for Game Boy is? Huh? Can ya? I think I've already given you the broadest hint possible. I’m not going to lie to you here, this mix could have probably totally sucked ass and I would have liked it just because I've waited a long time for this. I was even contemplating doing a Kirby’s Dreamland mix myself, for a while there. And believe me when I say that you would not have wanted to hear that. Trying really hard not to be biased now, I have to say I think this one needed a higher bit rate. Some of the cymbals sounded a little off which seems to me that this is usually because of the bit rate being lower then it should be. Besides that I honestly can’t find anything to complain about. Thank you for this excellent piece of work, Mazedude, you just made my day.
M.C. Kids 'po! kidz' This is defiantly an interesting piece of work. I’d imagine that Mustin could take any genre of music and make somebody who totally doesn't expect it, and make them like it. And no, I don’t mean by shoving it down their throat or holding a gun to their head, I mean really like it. This one sounds like a jazz piece with one really awesome instrument here which I can’t think of the name glockenspiel maybe? The type of instrument isn't relevant anyways, the fact of the matter is it kicks ass. I love this one Mustin, just excellent, keep it up.
Cybernoid II 'CyberRubbish' I'm afraid I can't call this Rubbish. Awesome, amazing, down right kick ass, or even super duper excellent maybe, but its not going to be Rubbish. This one really makes me spin; I love the drums and the 303’s. Excellent work Rubbish, keep this stuff out of the trash and in my ears.
Mega Man 2 'Quick Draw' I'm not sure about these voice samples, they sound as if the reverb is a little too heavy. As for every thing else in the mix, I really like it. Well laid out, with nice panning, and I love the distortion. Evil Horde, great mix, and keep up the good work.
Final Fantasy VII 'Seven Degrees of Judgment' I'm going to have to say that my final 'Judgment' for this mix is going to have to be that this one is just not for me. The snare panned to the left is much too loud, to the point of being obnoxious. While I really like the guitar, its reverb has been way over done. Most of the other instruments aren't loud enough to tell if I like them or not, and they more or less sound like a mess all clumped together. Some good stuff here that really shows promise, but maybe next time.
Great Giana Sisters 'Epic Diva' This is an excellent piece here by Zeratul. Nice synths and some very interesting string instrument work. I don’t really like the samples of 'water splashing on a beach' but they don’t really effect the main core of the song which is excellently executed. A job very well done, Zeratul, I love it.
Ghouls'n Ghosts 'Psycho Underpants' There are many things that can be said for djpretzel’s excellent pieces of music, stunning sounds, and brilliant experimentation. But does anybody stop to look at these song names? I know we get a lot of really weird ones around here, but I think that djpretzel’s are by far the most consistently crazy. Sorry, I just had to take a break from discussing music, because djpretzel’s stuff kick’s so much ass that there is no need to say much more then just that. djpretzel’s stuff kicks ass. And you’re very welcome.
Street Fighter II 'Retro Russian' Yet another excellent McVaffe Street Fighter remix, they just keep on coming, and I keep on loving them. The synth in this mix seems to be more the fore front then the previous stuff I’ve heard, and what a nice change it is, but I think I prefer more realistic sounding instruments as the lead. Regardless, an excellent piece here by McVaffe.
Final Fantasy V 'ROBOVoice' If this mix is anything, it’s a very memorable happy tune. I am noticing a pattern that the mixes with lyrics are usually the most memorable to me, although not usually my favourites. Joe Redifer has very comical excellent lyrics here, with the perfect instrumental to match. Great work here, Mr. Redifer.