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Melbu Frahma

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Status Updates posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. Yeah, I toyed with the idea of starting one back when I was unemployed. Never got around to it though... and TBH, I don't think anyone would sign on to a project with me as the leader. :-P

    I'd love to see that happen though man! I think it's totally doable, especially if the album was kept on the smaller side - 8-12 tracks in length.

  2. ! I hadn't even noticed I won, lol! Thanks for the heads-up, lemme go find an image.

  3. Lol. Well, sorry, but I figured I should snag my namesake since it's my first Boss Month and all. But you're definitely welcome to use him next year. ;-)

  4. Your signature is just... just... wow. I love it and am petrified by it at the same time. Awesomeness. :-)

  5. Yeah, well, it'll take more than their pathetic attempts to rile me up. :-) As it was, they barely annoyed me.

  6. Heh. The funny thing was, if they had come to me and said up front, "Look, we feel that you're being a suck-up," or "We're offended by your posting style," I would've been more than happy to have had a civil discourse with them about it, even though I think those are stupid reasons to have issues with someone - especially when they're not true, as the former is not. But derailing a thread in order to attack me just didn't sit well with me. -_-

  7. You cheeky fellow! :-) I like it.

  8. Haha, well, I've always been a bit of a completion freak, so I'd go and do all the sidequests, which gave me an extra 2-3 levels and made the last battle really easy. But he was still fun to fight.

  9. Well, thank you for the welcome! :-) And I always enjoyed fighting Melbu Frahma, too - that's partially why I picked him.

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