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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. The 50 characters you can vote on are in the first post. Professor Layton's already a mascot. Read the first post. :lol:

    I blame the ass-backwards latest-post-first default layout for registered users.

    Seriously though, until you get used to it, the first thing you see is the most recent discussion, and you might not bother going back to read the first post(s).

  2. I know my idea is probably really dumb but maybe we could perhaps create our own mascot. It'd save us from a lot of copyright infringement.

    Heck, if you want, I could share what I've developed so far :D (of course what I have thus far is a long-haired youth (similar to how SFIII's Yang has his hair) with a sleeveless hoodie, handwraps, and kanji (Japanese lettering) on the hoodie mentioned earlier.

    It was a design I had for my school's "Anime Society", but of course, even though I'm the art director, I got brushed off again. So I figured with some improvement, you guys could use him. :D

    The only thing missing is colors. If anyone's interested I'll post the sketch so you guys can help me choose colors.

    For the mascots, they're low-res versions of character images paired with information from the bios, so, not that I'm a lawyer, but I believe we have an instance of fair use. We've taken down mascots by request, but overall we're not worried about infringement due to the nature of the usage.

    We're not going to use unrelated non-VG characters as our mascots, since we're a video game arrangement site. That said, when we change forums (hopefully sometime in Q1 2015), people should be able to upload their own avatars and you can use whatever you want, including the OC you're developing.

    If you want to vote on the 3 characters from the OP that you'd like to see added to the rotation, go for it!

    Wasn't OCR-Tan a thing once upon a time?

  3. I dare say you have a pretty good sense of depth with the AoT characters in this video (possibly contains spoilers AKA most definitely contains spoilers).

    Oh who am I kidding it's an "AoT Abridged" video, how deep could the characters be?

    please don't take me seriously with this

  4. I'm fortunate enough to live in a place that gets all four seasons, lol, so I don't get too much winter, thankfully. It's easily my least favorite, mainly just because I hate driving in the snow. I'm even reasonably ok at doing it, I just hate to do so. Also, SADD (Seasonal Affective Depression Disorder) is totally a thing that happens to many of us, myself included. I don't get it so bad, but yeah, there are days in the winter where I'm just much gloomier for no apparent reason, and then I look up and remember.

    Well, keep your head up, because with all this "global warming" stuff, NC won't be seeing much winter in years to come! :tomatoface:

    That being said, I'm like Garrett W. Don't mind winter, but I hate the "blah" days. Cold, dreary, gray, rainy. If it's dreary and snowy I hate it too, but usually it's the gray and dreary that'll do it for me, even in summer.

  5. I've recently watched the anime "The Devil Is A Part-Timer!" on Netflix. It's only a season long (possibly because it was made to encourage sales of the original light novels and manga), but I enjoyed it. A part of me hopes they begin work on a second season.

  6. You're not too far off the mark to be honest.

    OC ReMix Presents Chernabogue's Mëtäl Örgÿ!

    I can't help but notice there aren't any OCR Albums that don't contain subtitles. Just about everything is in a Title: Subtitle! format, with the exception of the original soundtracks and the Heroes vs. Villains arrangement album.


    I'll be yet another person to vouch for Tuberz' mad guitar skills. He's got some serious chops.

  7. (by saying "usted", in South America is normal but in Spain is only used to speak to unknown people or old people) :razz:

    Probably my english will sound like you were speaking with an Indian.

    Nah, you're fine.

    I keep forgetting about differences between Latin/South American Spanish and European Spanish. Another difference is ustedes vs vosotros.

    By indian do you mean India or Native American?

  8. Is requiered any type of experience to participate in this album?

    I didn't make any song/remix before and this could be a good (and hard) challenge for me, or should I make various song before attempt to participate in any project? (for the shake of the quality) :-?

    Si está haciendo su primera vez un remix, usted tendrá un tiempo muy difícil conseguir en un álbum. Usted puede intentar, sobre todo si quieres un reto.

    As far as quality goes, the album directors for any OCR album will want to know what you are capable of, quality-wise. Therefore, it is a good idea to have some example work on hand before diving in (I tried that once, and it didn't turn out well).

  9. This is probably old news, but Shovel Knight is the bomb.

    It's probably my biggest purchase I've made so far on the eShop, so if you haven't got it yet and you're a few points away from a $5 code, then you know what to get :)

  10. https://p.nintendo.net/deluxe/ - Today and tomorrow are your last day to take advantage of this!

    If you've been buying anything on the eShop on your 32gb Wii U in the last few months at all, go here and log in with your Club Nintendo account to see how many points you earned. The promotion ends at midnight on New Years, and you get reward cards in 500 point sets, so if you're, say, 30 points away from another $5 in eShop credit, you should buy some random cheap game on there right now to make sure you get dat money.

    Despite only having had my Wii U for a month now, I had $15 in credit sitting there that I just redeemed. I'm pretty pleased.

    Dang, you've been buying a LOT of stuff to get $15 in credit in a month. I've barely managed to get $5.

    Be careful what you purchase though - even though 32gb is a lot of space in theory, some of the larger titles may require several gigs of data. Hell, the eShop says that Smash Bros. takes up about 15gb of storage (if you're on a laptop, you can check download size by viewing the "buy digital" page for the game). In comparison, MK8 is a little under a third that size. Getting two or three massive titles will make you run out fast, which is mainly why I've held off on purchasing Smash through the eShop.

  11. I may start a track myself for this. Hey Flexstyle, hit me up in PM with the sources that are free for SMB3, and I'll get started. I hope.

    You've got three days to finish it. (See Flexstyle's project spreadsheet) :lol:

    If you think you can get it done, by all means, go for it and see what Flexstyle says, but damn; what a time crunch.

  12. clothes, clothes and more clothes :-P

    Today I looted a cool $100 and an AKAI MPKmini (still waiting on the AKAI website to start working again so I can register it and nab all the downloadables). I also got a roomy SPIGEN New Coated Backback 2, which I really need since my old bookbag has bit the dust (I've been using it since middle school, so I'm glad it survived this long). I'll probably gift myself with a physical copy of bLiNd's newest album as well.

    I also gifted myself with Mega Man V, VI, and VII for the Wii U Virtual Console, along with Shovel Knight (again for Wii U). Holy shit is that game fun, and the music is top notch.

    Oh! Can't forget my OCR Secret Santa stuff:

    Four cool CD albums: Three by Flexstyle (Eye of the Storm, Don't Try This At Home, Trace Vector OST), and one copy of Porter Robinson's "Worlds", as well as a couple of Don't Try This At Home stickers and a Flexstyle wristband/bracelet... thing.

    I'll update when I have my second Christmas with my family tomorrow night (Secret Santa round 2!).

    tumblr_nh484pjgwj1rbeu21o1_1280.jpgI'm not sorry


    more clothes.

    Merr crismas!

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