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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. Ah, I see my problem. My default URL for going to OCR is OCR/forums/usercp.php, which does not currently redirect to any part of IPB. It simply shows the "migrating forum software" page, while showing I'm logged into vBulletin in the upper corner. I'm going to need to stop using /forums/usercp.php and train Chrome to forget that specific URL as a default.

  2. It's unfortunately an either/or thing, and I personally prefer the auto-embedding. In fact, I want to enable SoundCloud embedding as well - I think folks will get a lot of use out of it.


    Ideally this would be a user preference, and users could choose to disable auto-embedding based on their personal preferences. Hopefully such functionality will eventually be available to us, but until then, my inclination is to leave auto-embedding enabled.

    If IPB has some method of having partially concealed text (like "spoiler" tags that don't load their content immediately), could that be a default for YouTube embeds? If a link is posted that has a valid embed (youtube, soundcloud, etc.), a "spoilers" collapsible item could appear around the embed, letting forum users decide on whether or not to actually load the embed, thus speeding up initial page load times, as the extra resources are loaded manually.

    Kind of like this.

    text test text



    holy shit it works. Media tag doesn't seem to support Soundcloud yet, or else I can't figure it out.

    real question is, do the resources within the [ spoiler] tag load with the page, or after the tag is opened?

    Unfortunately, this does not appear to be an option.

    Damn. Really, really got used to that ass-backwards layout over the past few years. Gotta conform to the standards now! :evil:



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