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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. My neighbors throwing a wild orgy party or he has a porn addiction and can't be bothered to turn down the volume.

    World war 3 is going on in the apartment upstairs or my neighbors playing Battlefield 4.

    My neighbor downstairs has is fighting to collect all the dragon balls and save the world from Freiza or he's watching dbz very very loudly.

    I don't quite think that's what this thread is for... :tomatoface:

  2. Supposedly the gift will arrive at its destination by Tuesday. That's what the gentleman at the post office told me, anyways. 8)

    By Monday, actually. ;-)

    Thank you Mr. Flexstyle! Now I've got plenty of music to listen to whilst I procrastinate on studying for finals! :-P

    EDIT: on a related note, I just received notice today that my gift has shipped, so they should be arriving soon.

    If I ordered incorrectly (you'll know what I mean), let me know so I can commit honorary Sudoku or something like that.

    EDIT 2:

    Gifts sent.

    I was going to order striper-grams, but it seems you are no longer allowed to mail people anymore. Plus, the shipping would be like, at least twenty more bucks, and fuck that noise. Not to mention having to give them food and something to read or something for the duration of the delivery route.

    Not worth it.

    A striper?


    ...ooooooh you meant a stripper. D'oh.

  3. Historically people post what they got and who they got it from (or who they think if they're no indication) when they get their gift. Works out well I think.

    ok, because I didn't have any way of indicating who I was to my recipient when I had their gift sent.

  4. With this being my first year of OCR Secret Santa, I've got to ask - when are we allowed to reveal to our recipients the identity of their secret santas? Like is that done in the thread once everyone's confirmed their gift has arrived, or what?

  5. Ok, so I've seen that people have been sharing their NNID's in all sorts of threads, and I was wondering— should there be one big master thread for Nintendo Network IDs, seeing as they are no longer system-specific (unlike Wii #s and DS Friend Codes)? Because until OCR adds NNIDs to profiles (like they have with XBox Live and PSN game tags), we're all going to have to post our usernames somewhere, so why not one big dedicated thread?

  6. My-Body-is-Reggie.jpg

    Totally didn't hunt down a "my body is ready" meme with the above text and edit it in post-script

    On a side note, I love how awkward the translated discussion sounds. I know that has partially to do with the fact that it's a translation and they're lining up the translated dialog the best they can with the original dialogue, but still.

  7. can we get a dedicated list of Wii U FC's? add me at relyanCe for games anytime

    wouldn't that be a better thing to do in the Wii U thread, or even better, have a dedicated thread just for NNID/FCs?

    (Nintendo Network ID is Anorax btw)

  8. Oh, crap. Whomever is my Secret Santa: next week is exam week and I don't know what the student mail center's policy is during exam week. While it's probably open, I'm not 100% sure. I'll find out and update this post, as well as give info on what happens to mail received during the winter break (in case it doesn't arrive before the campus closes down).

    EDIT: Ok, so as long as my gift arrives before next Friday I should be able to pick it up without issue.

  9. One problem is that a lot of people aren't really qualified to make meaningful musical judgments like these tags. A community member may hear a saxophone and type "jazz", for example, even though his or her judgment is hasty and inaccurate. This is why Pandora selectively hires people to do so instead of letting everyone do it. Last.fm is the opposite, where the people do the tagging.

    Still I have no idea what the OCR staff are up to and how they plan to update the system, but rest assured, it is coming, as staff members have said.

    If community tags were allowed, what if taggers were allowed to pick from a pool of tags (a "mood" pool, a "genre" pool [<--this could get messy], an "instrument" pool, etc.) instead of creating their own (because we don't need a "penis" tag for any reason). This way there's not a large collection of useless tags thrown about.

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