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Everything posted by Nickno

  1. I downloaded this song a long time ago, but I've listened to it substantially since. Mainly, when I have to read a book for school, this song actually makes me enjoy the reading, because its soothing, and a moving piece, but not on the distracting side. Great background music, only thing I can listen to while reading lol. Thanks for this mix.
  2. Well, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go all jumpy on you. I apologize for my immaturity.
  3. Ah wa? but, it couldn't be passed as an 'official' remix could it? I mean, that's like taking credit for something you didn't start, and the fact that he gives no credit to the original remixer? babadeeboda.
  4. well, I feel kinda stupid, cuz I actually found some plagiarism, but I didn't know what to do. Tried contacting mods, and they ignored me. They looked, and did nothing....Anyways, since i didn't know, i kinda posted my reason here: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=733293#733293 So do something please. I've had a rough time doing this. HOPEFULLY this won't go ignored and unsolved this time.
  5. Hey, sorry to bother you, but I need to point you toward a thread please, since your an moderator, you might be able to help out.I was also (semingly) rudely ignored by another mod, so... :Dhttp://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31481


  6. Hey, sorry to bother you, but I need to point you toward a thread please, since your an moderator, you might be able to help out.http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31481

  7. Um, ok, not to be an accuser (actually I AM), but i don't believe this remix is original. 1: I've heard this before on a video game MIDI music site, which explains the midi sound. If I may just put out the original song for you, you will notice. Nice try, Mr. Nice. http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/n64/dk64_aztec_elec.mid Look on here and scroll down to DK64, 2nd song: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/n64/index-af.html The info link next to it also says its from waaaaaaaaaaay back in 2002. Just making sure nobody's own creation gets STOLEN.
  8. Well, TBH, none of those appeal to me. XD But still, I wanna request someone on here to make one so, yeah.
  9. I've never done this before, but I'd like to request this song. It's one of my favorite Sonic songs, so I hope someone will remix it. (I'm new here, so bear with me XD). http://www.youtube.com/watch_videos?more_url=%2Fmy_favorites&video_ids=1ePpiyJDdwQ%2CSdk4r2cYFW4%2ChkbdP7sq0w8%2Cb7B6l5CVFEo%2CyaRe7subimY%2C9FXMYsMvs1A%2CCsGYh8AacgY%2CQFCSXr6qnv4%2CeaCCkfjPm0o%2COr4DJQWRUDA%2CfmVYhVoAMzY%2CGKRkOFlIdsQ%2Cqw5TQZhNNOU%2C-Ne49KtcQlA%2C34vSntj3jxo&type=7&index=11&no_autoplay=1 Thanks!
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