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Everything posted by RegicideX

  1. sorry to say but my song got delayed... i have been doing alot of things to try to get my broken water heater fixed....
  2. dude, there are language barriers you can't break, there are rules to follow... plus there may be kids or very language-wary people on here, control yourself and i /CENSORED\ it just to emphasive it your lucky im not a moderator 'foo
  3. if language wasnt a problem it could be DKC3: bad@*$ banana birds
  4. both of us are doing a marathon recording and both of us have wiped computers, trying for the same song.... nice going XD
  5. one of the ones that did the same for me, i like it a lot
  6. thanks abunch electrolisystem, i just finished recording the bass and i am working on the vibrophone (of course im talking about the instruments in the song, im not saying which im using in my version) so emunator, my WIP will most likely be delayed until later in the week unless i manage to work all night on it, which i may just do hmmm.... or
  7. apparently there was a free version, and ive been searching for it, since i heard its a good program, but apparently there isn't anymore, anyone know a free software that i can use thats like it? right now im severely limited to programs, as i just got my computer wiped... either that or find some way to get me the program...PLEASE
  8. hey, how are you feeling after the wisdom teeth?

  9. i just finished listening to the preview... holy crap is all i can say
  10. i honestly dont knwo much about either, but with the right computer program, the yamaha MM-08 works great
  11. i need help getting the song on my computer, im trying to get the bass, but the videos and anything i listen to online dont boost the bass enough for me to hear it all, so can anyone help me get the mp3 or.wav or anything please? DKC 3 SNES - jungle jitter
  12. hey, totally unrelated to anything to do with this entire site, what ps3 games do you have?

  13. ill try to have a rough wip in by sunday, ill probably pm you about it emunator
  14. wow, i read the old posts, apparently this is almost a raggae exclusive album, yet i dont think 420 was to blame, DKC 3 songs sometimes fit into that genre very well
  15. awesome mix, i love it, personally i dont really think its needs much, maybe a little bit more bottom end, but that could be my speakers dont mind the underlines if they appear, it wont let me turn them off....
  16. if he didnt tell me, its none of my business, but if it doesnt get onto the album, im still remixing it, because now i have the song stuck in my head
  17. well, thats if i just do whats on the song, my plan is to learn it then add to it

  18. what time will you be on tomorrow afternoon?, by then i should have the xylophone and bass parts done and i can send you a sample for the DKC3 song

  19. im going to try the SNES jungle jitter one, jazz style just seems to catch me
  20. would you accept a first time remix?
  21. one question, if some tracks are still available (black font) why does it say they are claimed?
  22. using one of the programs the list said would work to use (foobar2000) i couldnt connect or ormgas, but could to dracoirs, is it the same?
  23. im jacob, ive been playing games for years (probably 10) and so i have heard many great tunes, my friend showed me a final boss ocr tune for chrono trigger and i just found it to be amazing, so i found out that it was from this site, and i have been checking out songs for quite a while, im interested in remixing, but my first few pieces may...suck, but i shall give it a try, nice to meet you guys people were listing musical proficiency so i will too, well i play piano, some guitar, handbells, and violin
  24. i remember playing a game a few years ago, you payed as a small red and white robot, and the only thing i remember is that the game background was a snowfield, and that the terrain that you walked on was varyiong colors of things like trapezoids and squares, but it wasnt a kids game, like this sounds, also it was a 2d sidescroller i cant even recall the system sorry for the lack of info, but thats all i can remember now,
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