Hey! My name's DarkX and I'm a new user, but experienced gamer and music appreciator (as my job title "Audiophile Maniac," will tell you I recently have begun to take a deeper interest into music and have ideas for songs, but nothing on paper. I currently own Finale Notepad, but I only have a very limited demo that doesn't have a really good sound (or maybe it's the computer's sound card, I'm not too sure...) Anyway, I would love to be able to share these ideas once I
1) Get my own computer
2) Find the exact music making system I want.
If anyone can give me an idea for a Music Program that is I) Affordable II) Has real instrument sounds. III) Can do real instrument sound tricks (tremolos, glissandos, accents and the like...), please inform me on my profile. Thanks for your time and I hope to share some ideas and see new ones grow to great heights!