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The Smitchens

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Profile Information

  • Occupation
    Male Escort

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
    Recording Facilities
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm

The Smitchens's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Couldn't be the official sound track. That's been available for more than eleven days. I'd bought it quite some time ago from Danny B's website. A whole remixing of that album would be cool. The music there is certainly worthy of that kind of attention.
  2. Figured I ought post a message and say thanks for your efforts before I forget to do so. Sounds great.
  3. Ah, gotcha. Text killed it for me. I hope they don't remove the piano roll. My life depends on it.
  4. I'm not afraid to admit it. I stand corrected.
  5. That's the best thing about FFX right there followed in a close second by the voice acting.
  6. I misread the title of this thread at first and immediately thought to myself "oooh... don't worry. It happens to a lot of guys."
  7. Why would you want to play a game like Mega Man with anything other than a controller anyway?
  8. I think the last MMO I played was Diablo 2 way back in high school. I dunno. I did enjoy a lot of aspects about FFXIII, but I thought it was an obvious surpassing of graphics in lieu of game play. I really liked how in the more open areas they gave it a grand feeling of nature with animals running around and what have you, but the almost total absence of civilization? That really killed a lot of it for me. Regretfully I don't see that changing any time soon. I find they spend too much time trying to make it look prettier than other games. What I think they ought do is look at the more monumental games in the franchise and consider what they'd done right with them. I mean. Christ. The demand to remake FFVII alone should be a clue enough on where to look.
  9. "Sure, the boys in Ryan's labs can make it hack-proof. But that don't mean we ain't gonna hack it." - Pablo Navarro
  10. Maybe he felt you should've done something more for the whole ice thing. And if you consider guys that throw dirt and cigarette butts in your eyes good friends, then I'm curious what you consider an enemy.
  11. Is there a problem with having a piano roll?
  12. Now that you mention it... yeah. Jasons are the same way for me too or in my case Jaesun. Went to school with a guy who's name was spelled like that.
  13. I dunno. Briggs is fine, but Bens and Benjamins always raise an eyebrow for me. Probably because all the Bens I went to school with were weird douches so the name is forever tainted for me. That being said I plan on naming all of my daughters Ben. But hey. In a vain attempt to turn this around so the spotlight is on me. I get a lot of compliments on my name. I mean just look at it.
  14. I usually do comparisons for volume levels, but people suggest doing the same for EQing as well and I can't say I've ever done that. Maybe that's why I'm such a shit mixer.
  15. Yeah, I'm no stranger to the cell phone recording. Sure some people look at me strange when I'm humming out of key into my cell phone, but hey. We're artists. People are supposed to look at us weirdly. I have no problems when I'm home, though. I'm always ready to record.
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