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Everything posted by Cinderwild

  1. Where did you find that out at? I looked on the forums but couldn't find it.
  2. I'm available tonight any time. As for Sunday, it's my dad's birthday so probably anytime past 9pm EST for me, or before 3pm. Not sure what timezones you guys are in.
  3. Now that we're all signed up, I think you need to sign us up for the actual competition, BrushFire. http://etf2l.org/2010/08/09/the-highlander-community-challenge/ It has a link on this page for the actual sign up. Also there's a Steam group called Highlander Leaders or something for all the group leaders to organize practice matches against each other.
  4. I just want a cheap headset with a microphone. I'd actually prefer it not to have earbuds at all. Those table top microphones tend to make me want to hunch over like Gollum.
  5. By the way guys, whatever name you use on their website, you HAVE to use in-game during the competition. So '!!' you're going to have to name change to DoubleExclamation and Zephy has to be Zephyurs
  6. Team Pey'j & The Hylians Team Baby Mario Crying
  7. For anyone having trouble figuring out how to sign up (Don't worry, I did too!) Here's a quick guide: 1.) Follow this link http://etf2l.org/teams/10649/ and click 'Register' in the upper right corner. Make an account, check your email for your temporary password, etc. You'll need your steam ID, which you can find by going into the ocr server and typing 'status', or you can get from http://www.ocrtf2.com/stats/hlstats.php (just make sure you're looking at your own profile, since the search remembers everyone under that name.. making those nick swapping nights confusing) Your Steam ID will be a number sequence like this X:X:XXXXXXXX MAKE SURE YOU HAVE -YOUR- STEAM ID, YOU CANNOT EDIT IT LATER IF YOU ARE WRONG. 2.) After you're signed on go back to one of the main pages and you will see 'Team Admin' in the upper right corner. Click on it. It brings you to a Wordpress page. Click 'Profile' on the left-hand side bar. 3.) Under TF2 Options there are a bunch of 'team' drop down menus. Find the one for 'Highlander' and select OCR Team 2. (Please don't do this if you're not on the list BrushFire posted). 4.) PREPARE FOR ANNIHILATION.
  8. Okay, I finally got it.
  9. Yeah for some reason I can not figure out how to sign up for the team. Im also listed as a 'Team Admin' on the site, but I didn't purposely do that...
  10. The website has updated saying the original 160 slots are now filled, but because of the huge response they're expanding the tournament. To be on the safe side, I think the team leaders should sign us up as soon as possible.
  11. Hey guys, hopefully some of you recognize me from the OCR servers. I'm up for joining the second OCR team as Scout or something. EDIT: I don't know why, but for me this thread is showing new replies on the first page and the older ones on the last.
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