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Everything posted by Cinderwild

  1. My friend and I are considering going to this, may need some people to room up with/split costs.
  2. It says you need 10 games on your wishlist to qualify, I only got 5 so far. Can anyone recommend games? I like platformers and adventure games most, but anything with a unique style/interesting story could catch my eye. Here's my list so far: Super Meat Boy Fallout 3 GOTY Edition (really not sure if I even want this one. I tried out Oblivion and didn't really like it, and the only thing I've ever really seen from this game is, "You can do whatever you want in an empty wasteland!") Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition The Undergarden Amnesia: The Dark Descent
  3. Pretty odd this happened right around the time of Gamemaster's mod.
  4. IJ you have hate for a good thing. You're the devil.
  5. Ever since I started thinking about the old TF2 characters from the picture in the Engineer comic, I've thought about a game mode (possibly mod?) where every characters abilities is stripped down a lot with way smaller amounts of ammo. Like instead of designing every class to be capable of fighting for themselves, making them more interdependent. An example would be making it so Demoman only has a sticky bomb launcher and nothing else, effectively limiting his role to territory control and nothing else. Like hyper-defining every classes role. Maybe make Scout extremely weak but also make him cap points very, very fast. (with a class limit on how many there are). Not sure it would be fun so much as interesting to see what comes out of it. I know its drastically different than how TF2 currently works. Another idea would be to make pyro's flames extremely powerful, but give them very low hp and take away every other weapon. Basically, making everyone way weaker so that games end up defined more around group skirmishes than general death match style.
  6. Bleed effects are the worst thing in the game and adding them to sniper rifle makes me want to tear my eyes out.
  7. I gotta say, I love how Scout can now die in one rocket and every one of his nearly useless unlocks is made even more useless.
  8. Just curious, how many of the server regulars have done remixes that got posted on the site?
  9. Could we get a list of the changes you're making?
  10. They have a really good sniper.
  11. It'd be better to do it unexpectedly, like temporarily replace the regular map files.
  12. Valve should make a game mode out of the old TF2 characters from that picture in the Engineer comic. New models and new weapons that are much more conservative with less ammo.
  13. Is it vain that I started watching Paranoid's videos just to see if I'm in them? EDIT: I got my Voodoo Juju >
  14. We need to do Medieval mode with Huntsman Snipers and Demoknights only, on that one Medieval castle map.
  15. Someone give me a key out of the kindness of their heart please.
  16. I came across a Heavy eating a sandvich. Started stickying up the ground under him, a Medic turns the corner and immediately ubers him. Okay, no bother, I'll just leave. HE FUCKING CHASES ME DOWN WITH THOSE FUCKING GLOVES AND KILLS ME.
  17. Can any of you suggest a new mouse to get for Christmas?
  18. I think we should always have Thriller. Forever.
  19. He just said you can use them all year.
  20. Just wanted to say the Interactive TF2 video they posted about in the blog is pretty entertaining.
  21. That's the thing I don't get about the Saharan Spy weapon set. The L'etranger and Eternal Reward don't really seem like they would mesh well together, but you have to use them together for the set bonus. Reminds me of how Bushwhacka seems more suited for Jarate instead of Darwin's Danger Shield, but once again, to get the set bonus they go together. I think the TF2 dev team just does things without much thought.
  22. I banged Natascha in every hole.
  23. Played the new Halloween themed map from the Art contest with MAV for a few minutes last night. The most apparent flaw in it was that there were A LOT of invisible walls. There's junk blocking off paths that look like there's stuff behind it, but if you try to jump through you just hit a wall. It's confusing design.
  24. That's okay, I was just joking.
  25. BrushFire can I have money to buy MegaMan Zero Collection on DS
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