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Everything posted by Cinderwild

  1. I want a xmas event this year.
  2. I miss when music was played every day and pretty frequently. eff da haterz.
  3. Do we even know if we're still in the comp? I read the rules on the site and they seemed to suggest that we were supposed to do a tie breaker versus that other team, which we didn't do. So now it's just...limbo..
  4. RIP Scout using telekinetic mind bullets
  5. From the ETF2L site 2.2 GROUP PHASE 2.3.1 Playoff Fixture System After all teams have played their Group matches, the 1st place teams of each group will get promoted to the playoffs in a straight knockout competition with Single Elimination Mode. Every round will be a Best of 3 Maps, which means the first team reaching two Map Wins gets to the next Round. 2.3.2 Maps can not end in a tie: Decider round in case of a draw (5CP/CTF maps) If the score is tied on a 5CP or CTF map after the timelimit has been reached, a decider round will have to be played. If no team has won a round after 10 minutes have passed the team that is holding the middle point after the 10 minutes will win.
  6. I want to name my Powerjack/Homewrecker, "The hammer is my penis".
  7. For some reason OCR BLU doesn't show up in my favorites list anymore, although I do have it favorited. RED does show up. I've been using my friends list to connect to the server.
  8. Nah it's happening to me too. Probably a widespread thing.
  9. So how do we notify ETF2L that we won?
  10. Shortstop seems a BIT too powerful, but I'm not sure. 4 fast-paced shots that do 72 damage. Hmm...
  11. Anyone else think Noble Amassment of Hats looks cool but Tower of Hats crosses the line into silly? (Yeah I know Noble is silly too, but I don't know, I like it).
  12. We play this game all the time. Servers can go empty for a few days but most days of the week/weekends its got a sizable amount of people in it. I bought paint, a gift, and a practice rocket launcher. I thought the practice rocket launcher held like 60 rockets in the clip (they do no damage) so I wanted to spam completely harmless rockets in every direction. Oh well, I can dream. fyi paint only works on hats.
  13. I hope that crate is a random drop. It'd be really cool if it contained items we don't know about yet.
  14. Will trade Vintage Hound Dog, Hot Rod, Whiskered Gentlemen, or Brigade Helmet (as well as a ton of Vintage dupes if you'd rather have one/couple of those) for the Scout hat Bombing Run.
  15. Degreaser is proof Valve is trolling Pyro's.
  16. Especially considering one of the items heals you for the damage you do to the target. I don't think I like this, especially considering: What if you don't want to wear the hat? It's basically a punishment for A.) Not having the items. B.) Not wanting to wear the hat C.) Not using the items. For one thing, the Milkman hat doesn't even COMPARE to that Bombing Run hat for Scout. That is by far my favorite Scout hat. I'll go Bill the Butcher on everyone with my fish.
  17. Powerlord what about when you quit Medic because you couldn't handle Equalizer taunting. I'm not trying to be mean, but at least Suredeath healed someone even if its stupid to heal one person exclusively.
  18. The main server doesn't even show up for me on TF2, probably because it's European. (I even added it to my favorites via IP). TURN RED IN T A VS SAXTON HALE SERVER.
  19. You probably should have made the Highlander server public instead of keeping it locked all the that time. They said they wanted the Polycount update out by late August or early September....
  20. I do read Green Lantern (I stopped after Blackest Night to let it accumulate for awhile) and I am a member of the Indigo Tribe. Suck it. but I do see your point and I feel sorry that you do not get to be the one that you wish to be. There is of course always room for more members.
  21. I'm Indigo.
  22. Tonights the night!
  23. My item slots are running out too, but I'm getting a lot of Soldier and Demo items, whereas I need Scout ones, which I've gotten like, two of.
  24. Where did they reveal the brackets?
  25. It's pretty pathetic guys.
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