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Everything posted by Cinderwild

  1. Yeah I've heard that a lot, but I didn't mention it because I wasn't sure how similar they really were. I've never played any other DotA game. I think the appeal is supposed to be the lack of gear/variable stats/leveling up. You're always on equal ground as far as setup goes.
  2. www.bloodlinechampions.com Bloodline Champions is a free to play team-based PvP arena game where you fight it out with a bunch of different 'bloodlines' (aka classes). The game has no stats and all your attacks have to be aimed. All the alternate class outfits and weapons are purely cosmetic, as are levels. There's 21 Bloodlines currently, five of each archetype (ranged damage, melee damage, tank, healer) and an extra melee damage. There's 4 bloodlines available each week (one of each archetype), and you can permanently unlock them with the in-game currency, or just buy the special edition of the game and get them all. Anyways, I think its pretty fun and it'd be cool to have some people to play with steadily. It does feel pretty limiting only getting 4 per week, but its also a chance to focus on new characters and broaden your abilities. (Just a hint, if you start playing this week, the ranged damage dealer Ignitor is a bit difficult to play against other people. I'm focusing on it and its easy to get railed hard.)
  3. I call it a gang of Yoshi's will kick your ass if they find out you've been making fun of their signature attack.
  4. Everything about this game was a WTF. and it was a bad game.
  5. Tried playing it on an emulator because of this thread, got about 30 minutes in and it froze. Tried reloading the game and it wouldn't load my saved game. Kind of moved to the back of my to-do list of games now that that happened.
  6. Pretty simple. What game has some of the strangest (and possibly good?) music you have heard? It can be anything from just a really unusual choice for the game or genre, or have a really unique sound you haven't heard in other games before or since. My pick would be Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures. I don't think I've ever heard another game that had music quite like it.
  7. This one sounded like a better Scout weapon idea to me. Anyways when I saw this I just felt like, "Okay, another item update. Oh, okay, a samurai game is coming out that I will never play." TF2 really is just an advertisement. I really wonder how much time they put towards considering balance for these items. It always seems so arbitrary and tacked on. Yeah look at that. Its to the point where I would rather pay for TF2 updates if it meant quality and not feeling like a game I love is being used for nothing more than whoring other crap. EDIT: Okay, so, the Scout item description was really confusing to me so I tried to figure out what it does. The melee hits do -90% damage, but your other weapons will do mini-crits to the target. Sounds pretty overpowered.
  8. I really like My Friend Mudkip.
  9. Note how almost everything suggested to counter 3 heavies takes more work than just getting three heavies to walk up to a payload and start shooting.
  10. I didn't know you could melee stickies.
  11. How much do you play TF2 though? In larger circles, its widely regarded as a blatant step down in almost every way.
  12. What role is the Quick-Fix meant to fill?
  13. So The Attendant pyros become melee reliant but do -25% melee damage and take 10% more bullet damage which is something they were already incredibly weak against anyways. AND 20% more melee damage. Way to just nail the lid into the coffin. Oh but they can get a pretty sweet flare gun that makes them take more explosion damage. That's cool, right? POSITIVE: Backburner and Flaregun changes sound interesting. Maybe with those considered all that other stuff will make more sense.
  14. I just wanted to say I feel happy when I find a kindred spirit in anime hating.
  15. I'll give Super Star another chance, but I just remember beating the first "game" in it in less than 15/20 min. and then the next section I was racing King Dedede...
  16. I tried playing Super Star and got really bored with it.
  17. Dreamland 3 was the game that came to mind most, but I figured from the small bits I had seen from the games following it they were pretty much the same. I might check out the one mentioned before. Also, Epic Yarn looks awesome. I'm a sucker for artsy platformers.
  18. I love the music and style of the games but it just feels like the gameplay is so focused on slowing down the action (I'm a would-be 100%er, mind you) and the levels take sooo long and they're sooo easy. I was really surprised how much I liked Kirby's DreamLand 1 and Kirby's Adventure when I first played them. So much more simplistic and easy to get into. Just two really fun, short, easy games. I got nostalgia for DreamLand 3 and opened up an emulator, played the first few levels and thought, "Ugh, I wish I could do this but I can't." Anyone else feel like all the extras (animals, lookin' at you) mucked up this game series a bit? It took a simple, easy platformer and made it a simple, easy, tedious platformer. in my opinion.
  19. Since the trading thread doesn't seem to be getting much attention, does anyone have a Shooter's Sola Topi? EDIT: NVM got it. So this isn't an entirely pointless post: Last night was one of those nights that remind me why I play this game. So much fun.
  20. Yeah it changed super fast It said: On Hit: Target bursts into flames -20% damage done
  21. http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Sharpened_Volcano_Fragment So they made a promotional item that, if I'm not mistaken, has unique attributes that you can't get normally.
  22. Dick the moves the moves dick you. What bothers me is when I got laughed at for calling Heavy overpowered. Sorry guys, when a class can out damage most other classes while maintaining the most health (even more so with a Medic) and not going through any downtime in the process (Rockets/Pipes/shotguns all have to be reloaded) then the class is overpowered. When a Pyro has an 80% fail rate against a Heavy he snuck up on and got into close range with, its overpowered. Having a weakness two things - sniper bullets and Demoman sticky bombs - does not make a class balanced. Frogg has proven time and time again that the class can be played with a lot of skill and mop the floor with everyone, but lately I stopped admiring his and any other Heavy players "skill" because thats not what it is anymore. It's playing a class with a blatant advantage over almost every other class in the game. The same could be said about Scout, my main, except that Scouts can die just like that. Scouts have to be aware of their surroundings and the situation they are going into, which is also what Heavies -used- to have to do. Maybe the weakness is that the class is easily overpowered by a dedicated, organized team, but I'm not sure as I have very little experience in that field of play.
  23. Just wanted to say I strongly support the Warioware mode being added to the old Highlander server. It'd be awesome if you could have mod votes the same way you have map votes at the end of a round. Playing one mod and voting for the next one on an OCR Fun Time server would be amazing.
  24. Oh god the outfits begin. Mark my words, this is the beginning of a new TF2 age.
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