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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Seriously! The hype train is coming in fast! :)

    It's been a little quiet in here recently... I'm curious, are you guys excited? Do you like the cover art? What remixes are you most looking forward to hearing?

    um. hellz yeah I'm freaking excited. this better be out before I hurt somebody.

  2. playing video games is way more productive than using an iPhone.

    I'm not joking.

    I feel so much more achieved and honestly smarter after playing video games. I feel stupider and more anti-social after spending hours on an iPhone, which is why I don't own one. video games make me feel way better than using social media and mobile devices.

    it's been proven through studies that certain video games actually make one much smarter. in fact, a recent one I saw on Did You Know Gaming:


  3. Hearing of a new Sonic remix album is nothing new, but it also always seems to be a big deal.

    Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog (forgive me for bringing that game up) both had a track in their soundtracks by a band called Julien K. They actually grabbed a bit of attention at one point. They had a song in one of the Transformers movies; I think it was the first one.

    Let us never forget that Masato Nakamura from Dreams Come True did the music for the one and only original Sonic the Hedgehog hahaha

    but that's changing the subject.

  4. A lot of successful artists really have no idea what real failure is like - they don't know what its like to spend thousands of dollars on an album that 6 people bought or go through a truly devastating music deal.

    if we are referring to the actually talented successful artists, I'm calling this statement total bs

    those guys GO through failure and they learn from their mistakes and only get better

    lots of the time they will fail miserably spending a buttload of money before they get big but one of the 6 people that see that record will be like "wow, maybe I should try and get a record deal with this guy" and then the rest is history. this actually is a rather common scenario.

    Katy Perry's first record was an utter failure. it didn't even sell 100 copies. but people saw her talent and she kept going with it and eventually became one of the most successful pop artists of this decade. and I don't care what your opinion is, she really doesn't suck.

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