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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Well, I can assure you that the wii version of twilight princess also controls terribly. I really wish that game was better, it had potential, but it seems like nintendo messed up bad with it because of the wii launch.

    you're opinion is wrong.


    the story for Twilight Princess is outstanding; I don't understand how the storyline was bad. I'm sorry, that just doesn't make sense. of course, this is the opinion of someone else, but that just really doesn't make sense to me.

    additionally, the controls are pretty similar to Ocarina of Time. so that doesn't make much sense either. even with the Wii remote shaking, the general idea is the same as that of the controls of OoT.

    I just still haven't gotten used to having to change the direction of my sword every time I want to hit someone in SS. I'm just a lazy buttface who doesn't want to think about that.

  2. see, while the motion control thing was a great idea with Zelda, I have never liked motion controls

    I like pressing buttons. so it was already a bit aggravating with Twilight Princess when I shook the Wii remote. I personally just wanted to press a button. The GameCube version is what Twilight Princess was obviously meant for, but it was still great on the Wii.

    Twilight Princess, honestly, might be my favorite Zelda game, even over Ocarina of Time.

    but that's the thing with Ocarina of Time. all I had to do was press buttons.

    I liked that.

  3. my friends said they saw the trailer and them and everyone else in the theater started laughing when the trailer was done.

    they then went and saw it for the fun of it and said they were really disappointed that it didn't suck.

  4. it just surprised me.

    it's rare for someone to explain Skyward Sword as that much better than Twilight Princess. at least by the way he worded it.

    I am extremely opinionated (this is very obvious), and lots of the time I seem to be a little weirded out when someone has an extremely different opinion, but hey, I try to respect 'em and let 'em go anyway

    except I'm sorta enjoying just stating random crap on this thread right now.

  5. It seems like skyward sword is the new cool game to hate on now. disregard the fact that it is in nearly every way superior to twilight princess (except maybe in aesthetic)

    whooooaaaaa hold up there.

    that game is no match for Twilight Princess

    obviously this is a matter of opinion

    but I am a little amazed that you find Skyward Sword "superior to Twilight Princess in nearly every way".

    I think Skyward Sword is an amazing game. I have yet to play a Zelda game I do not like. Zelda is nearly flawless, I'll say right now. to hate that game or complain over the whole thing is crap. it's got its things in it that I don't like, but it's still a truly great game.

    but dood, Skyward Sword being that much better than Twilight Princess from your point of view is extremely debatable.

  6. actually yours is. saying 'they didn't change anything about the platformer except the environments and the tools you use to interact with them' is the same as saying 'they didn't change anything about that action game except instead of hitting people with a blade you now shoot them with bullets'

    a) I was joking.

    2) the new Mario is the close to the same thing as 3D Land except it's HD, the stages are slightly different, and there are new powerups. that is just not enough for a new Mario platformer. it doesn't look like crap, it just looks like the same thing. and Mario has been known for having brand new unique main series games nearly all the time (like World to 64 and 64 to Sunshine and Sunshine to Galaxy).

    c) it's mah opinion brah.

  7. do you people even know what those words mean anymore

    I'm fairly certain you don't

    what if I said

    that innovative meant that they weren't doing the same exact thing as 2 years ago, except adding in new powerups

    gee, this sorta sounds like infinityward

  8. You are not the average consumer. A price advantage isn't going to move consoles by itself, true, but the fact that the Wii U is $100 cheaper than the PS4 and $200 cheaper than the Xbox One is going to make a lot of difference to people who are just buying "a new game player" rather than knowing specifically which console they're interested in.


  9. Wii U really isn't failing as much as everyone is making it look like it's failing.

    it's not doing great, but it's really not failing. and I have a feeling it will do much better this holiday season. additionally, quite a few extremely successful franchises are releasing the next installment in their series next year, like Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. if people still get attracted to that stuff like they always have in the past, I can guarantee you the Wii U will be doing better.

    but I'm also not expecting the Wii U to be extremely successful compared to the Wii either. The Wii was ridiculously successful and it's going to be hard to one-up it, whether or not anyone thought it was a good console or not hehehehe

  10. you know what I used to play all the time on Halloween?

    Pumpkin Hill from Sonic Adventure 2. those ghosts used to scare the living crap out of me.

    I also played a bit of Haunted Mansion from Sonic Heroes.

    and I'd play Ghost Valley from SMK and Mario Kart Wii.

    I never owned Luigi's Mansion, which doesn't make sense to me, because I remember when it was brand new and I was a little kid watching my other friends playing that game. it was tons of fun. so I don't get why I never got that one.

    I also played Slender a little bit around Halloween last year. when it actually was interesting and not old. except it was already getting old because every freaking person in the neighborhood dressed up as Slenderman. that's when it got old.

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