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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. I would just like to say i'd love to see you tackle 'Number One'! I remember you and me toying with the same idea for VROOM before we went with the other song option, so seeing you possibly remix this track for this project instead at some point down the line has my support! :)

    Because if it's anything like your track for VROOM i know you're going to kill it, man!

    ah, shucks.

    yeah well I'll go ahead and claim it as long as the first real deal deadline isn't any time soon at all.

  2. again, we are just about to finish and eventually release the Sonic CD album, and someone already brought up Knuckles Chaotix and that's interesting people. I think that we just need to take a break for a bit.

    additionally, there is a VROOM record happening with some Sonic R stuff in it and then also a SEGA Saturn project with Sonic R stuff, so this seems rather unnecessary.

    maybe within the next few years, but as for right now, I'm not sure this would work.

    this isn't to be offensive or anything and if it sounded like I was snapping at you, well, I happen to sound like I'm doing that when I'm actually not.

    I just don't think this project is really necessary as of right now.

  3. source:

    'remix:' https://soundcloud.com/darkmoocher/whippin-out-my-gay-voice

    1. may or may not be a hint at a possible future collab between a certain person(s).

    2. most definitely NOT the last of many more technomanga arrangements that I have (I promise the others will be more.... 'serious')

    3. it's been really hectic the past few days, so I just needed to blow off some steam, really. Hopefully this makes somebody else laugh as well.

    4. I'm certain most people here are cool and can understand when something is a joke, but just for clarification: Kanye West is one of my favorite performers (for real), and I have absolutely nothing against LGBT people (I support them, and I personally think this shouldn't be taken as offense, nor do I feel like this has ANYTHING to do with homosexuals whatsoever outside of the term 'gay voice').


    totally fabulous

  4. Also, interesting that you are calling G-Mixer out for being 'inflammatory' when you find a way to put down the Wii U every time you post.

    this is exactly what I was trying to state

    did I just read a post from brandon strader where he mentions contributing to a conversation in a meaningful way

    surely irony this thick cannot exist without suffocating a few people


  5. lol, that's okay; I don't get much either

    wasn't the game generally built in Flash though? like they had additional things added to it to make it more of their own game engine, right? something like that?

    that's what I got from an interview I read.

  6. just beat it.


    really quite an outstanding game. I'd love to see a larger version of this on game consoles.

    the thing I really enjoyed about it is that I felt achieved when beating a level or beating the bosses. it wasn't exactly a hard game, but it had enough of a challenge for me to feel really good about beating each level, and each level wanted me to pick the next one even more.

    beyond that, the colors are just absolutely beautiful. the environment is gorgeous. I feel like I'm there with this penguin dude and I feel l'm in the adventure.

    and then, like I've said multiple times, the music is just outright freaking amazing. period.

  7. i am of the opinion that g-mixer doesn't quite get how it works


    I don't get anything ok

    I really don't think this is an issue with connection speed. Try pulling the cable while playing and you'll see what I mean.

    I'm wireless, brah

    unless you are referring to my router


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