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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Interesting article. Funny pic I found. But uh... the PS1 was in like '94 or '95, right? There was the PS One, but I thought that was even earlier than 13 years ago. Still a funny pic.
  2. Would love to see some gameplay of it on YouTube, since I can't download it since I'm a Mac user. ^-^
  3. This is true, though I'm laughing at how you're saying it'll take 7 years. They just need to incorporate more stuff about the game part of the console rather than the not-game part. That's my only issue. But as repeated thousands of times before, I still think the new feats are still cool, even if I'd like to see more video game action. I'm just going to continue to support Nintendo and get a Wii U. Yeah, I've always been that guy. The one who just gets the Nintendo consoles (though I've got a Genesis... back in 1992 owning a Genesis but saying what I just said would be defying that statement completely hahaha... now SEGA and Nintendo are best friends... WTC happened)
  4. I have come to the point where I must agree with this hilarious statement.
  5. I thought that was sorta funny, honestly. I'll be getting one of those this holiday season, probably, because all of meh favorite gamez are comin' out for it. lol this is exactly how I feel. That comic was 8th gen consoles in a nutshell.
  6. I never said you were. I'm just saying that that's what I've been saying for the past few posts haha
  7. Haha yeah there's this game store down where I am called "The Score" and it's got everything. I saw this box for a Saturn and one for a Dreamcast and I so wanted to buy it, but I had no money on me at the time, and I've decided it was probably best, because I can't be going wasting my money right now.
  8. As for everything said so far: Crowbar Man: Really? I thought SNES was 1990. And I thought PS2 was '01. Mirby: What you are saying about console generations slowing down is exactly what I'm saying. It's just hard to figure out a way to improve anything else other than graphics anymore, and even then that's going pretty slowly. Additionally, yeah, Wii was Nintendo's comeback, because GameCube didn't do so well compared to all their previous game systems. Sony sorta took the crown (they already were dominating with the PS1) and then Microsoft came in which made things even more annoying for Nintendo. GameCube wasn't an enormous failure, but of the three consoles (not counting Dreamcast, which died out in like '01), GameCube was the least successful. Which is unfortunate, because it's one of my favorite game systems ever, other than the '64. I mean, I guess that's because I grew up with them, but those two systems were and still are my all-time favorites. Honestly, I would love it if SEGA tried to make another game console again, but I know they won't. They seriously were ahead of their time by a bit, honestly, especially with the Dreamcast, which began the next generation at least 2 years before the next console in the generation would release. Dreamcast was competing with N64 and PS1, and technically it was ahead of the two of them. While Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was the thing on the '64, you had Sonic Adventure going on on the Dreamcast which was a whole other deal. For its time, it's graphics were dominating against N64 and PS1. But it was the beginning of a new generation, which would explain a lot. And by the time PS2, Xbox, and GCN released, Dreamcast was failing. I don't know anyone with a Saturn or Dreamcast. I know people with a Genesis (including myself), but Saturn and Dreamcast just sorta died out. Not forgotten (by people who were alive when the two consoles were existent, at least), but not many people own one anymore.
  9. I guess that's about right. Though SNES was around for a good 6 to 7 years before N64 released and PS1 was around for about 6 to 7 years before PS2 was released. I didn't know 360 has been around that long. But I guess it was hardly taken notice of for quite a bit of time so it seemed like it had been around since '06 (I mean, for one, it was released at the end of '05, and additionally it didn't do so well for a bit of time so 2005 almost didn't even count ). The Wii was like the one that made all the huge sales at the beginning. That was the one I learned of first, actually. That was before I stayed updated with the world and gaming. I thought Wii was magic at first. The whole motion-controls thing blew my mind. Now it's like "yeah that was so 7 years ago who gives a crap anymore". lol
  10. That Paul Mitchell guy was determined to prove Microsoft wrong and tell them PlayStation is better. This is true. It hasn't been nearly a decade, but I mean it's been a good 7 years since the first of the three were released (the first was Wii, right?). It surprised me how long they had gone on doing the 7th generation. I mean, the 6th technically lasted a good 7 to 8 years as well, but it didn't really come into the light til about 2001 (I'm counting Dreamcast, which was first released in '98 ). Now that I come to think of it, I guess every generation has had a good 6-8 years before the next big thing. Honestly, though, with these new consoles, I feel that they are probably sticking in more features because of the whole all-in-one thing happening now. That's like the thing. But ADDITIONALLY, this is what I think, technology with video games has slowed down. Like, what I mean is that it was moving really fast between like the SNES then the N64 then the GameCube then the Wii. Each one was totally different and had something completely new and crazy. SNES to N64 was 16-bit to 64-bit, which allowed 3D-perspective and was the beginning of 3D gaming. Then it went from N64 to GameCube, which also was a big jump. That was when... I guess technically speaking... the first full on 3D came into play (same with PS1 to PS2). But now it seems it's getting harder to figure out a whole lot more to change the way we play video games. It seems the best they can do now is continue to increase memory and graphics, and add in new features unrelated to games, because it seems that's the only thing they can do to attract people to their consoles anymore. I'm not saying gaming is dying out in any way. Clearly not. I just think technology has moved so fast concerning video games that they finally have come to the point where it's much harder to make a big huge change that will change everything. It's just the same as the 7th generation, except with better graphics and more features, pretty much.
  11. I'll put it this way. I really do indeed like all the features. And when the announcement was over, I felt really happy. After seeing quite a few large cons, I'm not as happy anymore, honestly, but the console still looks interesting. I'm just annoyed because it seemed like with both this and the PS4 it was like "hey here's all this cool stuff and oh by the way here's the video game part of it" rather than "here's all the video game stuff and oh by the way here's all the other cool features with it". I think that the consoles really aren't focusing on the games as much, which is the most important part...? I could be wrong. But that's what it feels like to me.
  12. Such a clever slogan. SEGA was doing great at that time, but I don't think anything was as good as that slogan.
  13. Yeah I'm sick of Angry Birds. I'm sick of Temple Run. I want a big large game with a true story. A Nintendo 3DS is capable of having some pretty large games too. Heck, I'd pick Luigi's Mansion 2 over an iPhone game any day. I just want a large game, more to do, and I want to feel like I'm part of the game. Nintendo can do that. Rovio cannot (that's who makes Angry Birds, right... the company is called something like that). Sure, Angry Birds is fun, but it's just... fun. I don't really feel anything when playing it. It does nothing special for me. There are good games for the 3DS that I would rather have than just buying apps on an iPhone. But I don't own either. I'm a home game console guy.
  14. Honestly, I'm happy about this. Because of the three companies, I have always been in most favor of Nintendo. I always get Nintendo consoles. And it has been annoying me in the past when some of the best and most recent Sonic games have not been for the Wii, like Generations. Unleashed was on Wii, but it was obviously better for the 360 and PS3. So I'm glad they've done this partnership, because now maybe I'll get some good games from Sonic on the system. Hopefully. Hopefully SEGA will start doing Sonic right again. Generations was pretty good. And I liked Unleashed. Other than that, pretty much everything following Sonic Heroes has been a mistake hahaha
  15. I get ya. The Wii did very well, though, and (last time I checked; a few months back), Wii was still winning against PS3 and 360 in sales of 7th gen consoles. The GameCube sorta failed (not horribly, just not as well as the N64 and Wii did), though it is one of my favorite game consoles, honestly. Honestly, like this Top Gun guy and I are saying, I just don't care to have it all in one. I want a game console. I want to play games. Let's just go back to switching to Channel 3 or 4 again. I'm not old (not even close), but I totally act like an 87 year old man. I just seemed to enjoy the 90s too much. At least in the gaming industry, that seemed like the best 10 years of video games in history. I mean, I was born in the 90s, so maybe that's why I loved it so much. I donno.
  16. Ok then. Like I said, I wasn't straight out complaining about the Wii U. It just hasn't got me yet. And it's probably not doing so well right now because some of Nintendo's bests haven't really appeared on the console yet. Sure, there's NSMBU, but honestly those just feel old now. It's probably just because 2 of them were released at practically the same exact time, and honestly they all just seem the same to me, with just new powerups and such. I bet that the Wii U's sales will rise a whole bunch after E3 and this holiday.
  17. Because I'm sick and tired of New Super Mario Bros. Monster Hunter... eh... I guess what I mean is there aren't all that many good games, or even more so not many games for the Wii U. I'm not necessarily complaining about it; I just haven't seen anything on it that has caught my eye yet. What I'm waiting for is releasing this holiday season, so that will get me to go buy one. Mario 3D title, Wind Waker remake, Mario Kart, eventually a new Smash Bros., new Sonic game (that hopefully won't be crap), eventually a new Zelda original title... That's the stuff I want, personally. Hopefully Metroid will come into the light here. Exactly. I don't think they've taken it as far as One and PS4, but it seems that the 8th generation is just more obsessed with everything BUT the games. That is a bit of an overexaggeration, as that is obviously not completely true. The new graphics limitations for the One is actually really quite outstanding and I'm really happy about that. But again, as I stated earlier, Microsoft said that all of the games will be announced at E3. They were simply getting the console announcement out of the way so they could focus on showing off games at E3. But let's be honest, the amount of other things they are sticking in there just seems a bit unnecessary to me. I wanna play games. I have an iPod. I have a TV and DVR. I have a DVD player and Netflix. I'm so old fashioned. That's how I am with phones too. I have a simple phone because I use a phone to call people; not play on apps and check the weather.
  18. I'm just one of those people who doesn't give a crap for anything but the video game. That's why I buy a game console. For video games. Not for Netflix or Blu-Ray or whatever. And that's why I don't have a Wii U. Because I wanna play Mario and Zelda. Not "draw on your tiny game screen" thing. I sketch. But I'd much rather do that on my computer or on my art desk, not on a game console which was meant to play games. Again, the new feats on One look really cool, though.
  19. I think I'll send an email to Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony asking for a game console that will be about the games. Maybe I'll request cartridges too and challenge Microsoft and Sony. Also, maybe I should remind them that a game console is called a game console because it plays games, not Blu-Ray and Internet Explorer. They are trying to attract normal people to buy their game console. That's not what a game console is supposed to be. It's supposed to be a GAME CONSOLE, and it's supposed to play and ONLY play GAMES. A game console is meant for a gamer, not for a 57 year old hairy fat man and his dog, unless he plays video games. So let's stop trying to use motion in our games, let's stop throwing in the internet, let's stop putting in movies and TV on the game console, and let's make a game console again. I must admit, the features on the new Xbox One are pretty neat, though.
  20. What if I said that a sports game is just naturally pointless even if it is different then actually playing it in reality? *add lol here to keep from being destroyed by rants of hatred*
  21. I completely agree. That has always been my huge issue with those games and that's why I don't own any. It just seems completely pointless.
  22. I get that, but here's why I find it convenient. If someone really wants a new game console but doesn't want to stop playing their older games and also doesn't want to pay so much money for the new console, they can sell the older game console and get the new console with that money and still be able to play the old games AND the new ones. In fact, what I was planning to do was keep my GCN, sell the Wii, then get the Wii U, so I'm able to play all three. But my GCN is now broken and I've gotta fix it, and my Wii is the only way I can play my GCN games right now. In fact, that's all I use the Wii for right now. I honestly don't play Wii games anymore.
  23. I guess that makes sense, though I'm not quite sure what you mean by "full" backwards compatibility. Xbox > Xbox 360 seemed to have full backwards compatibility to me... I can't say much about the PS3 because I don't play them as often.
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