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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Viking Jesus has done it again. http://youtu.be/svHUopfx-CI He truly isn't anything extremely special in terms of arrangement. It's just amazing how he does all vocals exactly like the original arrangement, and it always sounds really darn good. And then also, this is one of my favorite versions of Rainbow Road musically speaking, so I just obviously loved this.
  2. And 500 bucks for basically a hardware upgrade of the Xbox 360. Every system this time around seems more like just an upgrade, rather than a new game console, and they are charging a buttload of money for it
  3. Consoles that are $500 or more is just a joke. It's overkill
  4. Every single console this time around needs to have a price drop by at least 100 bucks. It's just stupid and overkill.
  5. (double post because I'm just so awful) So it's been confirmed that the Sonic '06 LP that was originally being done by Jon and Arin on Game Grumps is now over, and Part 108 is as far as they got, which is super duper unfortunate, because, for one, I absolutely loved that LP just for how bad it was and their overdramatic and fake reactions to so much of the crap (some of it was for real, though... "WHAT IS THIS"). For two, Jon himself kept saying in episodes that they were going to finish the game, so it was actually sorta heartbreaking when you feel you'll finally see them finish that buttload-of-crap Silver campaign and get to the final story and freak out over how bad it is and see what they thought about the end of the game, and then know that you won't ever see that happen. I think the most painful part is how *close* they were to being done. They were probably like 12 parts away from being done (they were already at 108, so 12 would've been nothing). If they had stopped at like part 7 or something, no one would find this such a huge deal. And it is simply just an LP, this is true. But it's been one of my favorites. I hardly ever watch a whole entire LP series (really an LP episode alone for that matter) all the way through and actually wait for the next one. Sonic '06 with Game Grumps has probably been the only time I ever did that. And I believe a lot of their popularity probably came from that LP. Everything gained them attention, but I feel the Sonic '06 LP especially gained them a larger audience. I could be entirely wrong, but that's what I think. I do know that the "WHAT IS THIS" segment from one of the episodes became one of Game Grumps' biggest LP moments in their history so far, though.
  6. I have a Wii, but I seriously only play GameCube games on it. My GameCube broke about a year ago and I've forgotten to see if I could get it fixed (or just get a new one; they aren't all that expensive especially used). Both Double Dash and Mario Kart Wii discs broke at one point. I ignored the Mario Kart Wii disc. I immediately went and got a new copy of Double Dash.
  7. He was close. 5 is pretty close to 17.
  8. Like Chern was stating, there is markiplier. He is a bit fake, but he seems a bit more real than PewDiePie, and even if he is faking it, I think he does it rather well. When he gets mad, he reacts the same way I would, and he doesn't try too hard to be funny. He just is funny. That's the biggy with LPers for me. When they are trying too hard to be funny. When an LPer forces comedy, it sounds like an 8 year old trying to make an adult laugh. It just doesn't work. And this is what I was not so happy about with the new Steam Train thing on the Game Grumps channel. They are trying way too hard.
  9. Oh dude markiplier is great. He's like the alternative to PewDiePie, and I think he's way better than PewDiePie, honestly.
  10. Welcome to the media industry. Game Grumps sort of has become a company. We get to watch all their stuff for free, but I can almost guarantee you that Game Grumps is their living. They make a good amount of money off of that stuff just by the viewers who watch it for free. So in theory, if the fans don't like what they are doing at all and they all unsubscribe and the view rate goes down a whole bunch, then they are losing a lot of money that way. Trying to YouTube as a career is seriously hard, unless you're like smosh or nigahiga or PewDiePie or something. But I do agree with you about the way Game Grumps' fans act. And they've been like this for a long time. They are very demanding and jerkish. Game Grumps was fine, but they sorta gathered a jerkish crowd. I just looked at the subs and they lost 8,000+ in the past 12 hours. Ouch.
  11. Oh wow I completely forgot about that. I remember I use to think that 2-player on Super Mario Bros. meant that Luigi and Mario could play at the same time. I was sorta disappointed when that wasn't the case.
  12. Mario Kart 8 is a better console wut
  13. Hahaha I'm not planning to watch Steam Train. And it is true, it slowly started to become noticeable that Jon was really losing interest, which is obviously a big part of why he's not doing it anymore. He probably just got sick of doing it and wanted to do more JonTron and so there ya go. And I totally love that. I love JonTron. I think the biggest nono here was that Game Grumps let everything change in 3 hours. I think everyone sorta needed to take it in for a little bit first, rather than giving them everything at once. I would've been completely fine with it just being Arin, but of course that wouldn't work because part of the fun is hearing Jon and Arin just talking to each other about random crap that has nothing to do with the game hahaha
  14. How about the fact you could go watch an football game or baseball game live. On your TV or in person. Seriously, sports games just seem pointless to me.
  15. If it's the actual sport, then cool. But to play a video game about something you can go outside and do just seems completely pointless. Especially stuff like baseball and football and basketball. Like seriously.
  16. Well, I don't know how many other people care or have noticed, but Game Grumps made a huge change in one day, and honestly, from the way I see it for the worse. For one, Jon left because he wants to spend more time doing JonTron rather than Game Grumps. Because of this, he was replaced with a guy named Danny. This was hard to deal with, but I thought I could live with it. But then, the worst comes in. They now are adding in another half to Game Grumps, called Steam Train (which honestly should've been its own channel). Steam Train is Danny and this guy named Ross. So Arin isn't even there. And I've already tried to watch the first episode, and basically to sum it up, the two of them are like 8 year olds trying to be funny. It just isn't working. They are trying way to hard and it's awful. I think what is most devastating is that Sonic '06 was actually quite an awesome LP with Arin and Jon, and I have a pretty strong feeling that--as close as they were to beating it--they probably won't finish it since Jon has left. Which is honestly unfortunate. The Sonic '06 LP has got to be one of my favorite LPs ever just for how stupid and hilarious it was. And for it to be nearly finished and then left is really quite sad. I really was enjoying that LP. So pretty much, from how I see it, RIP Game Grumps. :/
  17. I think Nintendo is far better than EA in meaning of sports. Doesn't matter what it is, I think sports games are bullcrap, unless it's like racing or something that's not easy to just go do outside.
  18. Exactly. Nintendo was at a really high point for some time but they just aren't king of this mountain anymore. They might still be on the mountain and doing fine, but they just aren't the best anymore. Sony took the crown with the PS1. And basically Nintendo has had a few moments since then where they take it back, but Nintendo just isn't at their best like they used to be.
  19. Well if you saw the original software lineup last year for Wii U before it released it was a whole bunch of intense third party games so I have a feeling lots of people got one expecting to see more of that. And they probably will, but most likely not nearly as much as PS4 or One.
  20. I was comparing the Wii U to the Wii. I wasn't comparing other consoles. I was saying it has more third-party games than the Wii so more people may be attracted to it.
  21. I never said that it has more than 360 or PS3. When did I say that
  22. Possibly because there are more third-party games between the ratings of T and M. I could be wrong, but that's a guess.
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