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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Jigglypuff won't ever leave, trust me. She's one of the originals in the Smash Bros. series. She's just sorta one of those characters that's gotta be there, even if she's annoying as crap.
  2. I definitely understand this, and it makes a ton of sense and I agree, but you've gotta remember that online gameplay is a huge part of gaming now. Sure, I still love local multiplayer and LAN kicks online play's butt, but in this day and age it's honestly almost expected that a Mario game would have online gameplay. They've done it with a few, but not the main titles, which would be interesting, honestly.
  3. I'm still behind and looking on the second page, but Crowbar Man, yes I got it wrong, 4P was actually 1st with Nintendo with the N64. lol oops. But adapters were made so you could do 4P on the systems. Also, I must agree all the new Nintendo stuff is looking more and more like the CoD idea; "the same thing worked last time so why not just do it again". Ugh. Wasn't the first one '99? My version is '99 I think and it's the NA version. Maybe I've just forgotten.
  4. Basically, I just don't like EA for all those sports games, yeah. There's like nothing interesting about them. Never was, never will be. I feel they are an absolute waste of time. But I do see what you are saying. Nintendo is great (or was great) at doing good stuff with Mario and Zelda and even their own systems, but they have always been a bit behind. They were the last company to switch to discs. They were the last company to switch to 4P. They were the last company to switch to HD graphics (by 6 years--good grief Nintendo). Nintendo has always figured out what the brand new thing is to do much later on. And this may explain why the Wii U isn't "all-in-one" obsessive, which worries me... because now I wonder if they will finally catch up and get all concerned about that and that just will disappoint me. That's the one thing I really have liked about Nintendo all these years. They are really concerned about the games more than anything else.
  5. Online with Nintendo has been crap. The only thing that's been worth it so far is Mario Kart Wii. And that's it.
  6. This is true. First off, with creativity, Nintendo is seriously starting to die out. They are still great, don't get me wrong, but I think compared to times in the past, they've really died out on this one. Polishing? Sure, it's not all that bad and it never has been, and I can't really say anything about that since I haven't touched a Wii U. Putting Nintendo under EA, though, is ridiculous, Brandon. Since when did EA ever do anything good. They are the definition of bullcrap.
  7. That's like every Mario game. It's just much lighter in some than it is in others. Like NSMB was an example of a heavy use of retro style gameplay.
  8. I sorta agree with everyone on this one. But honestly Brandon is right. Everything is just unoriginal now. Trying to defend something like 3D World as an original title is just a joke. Smash Bros. does seem a little less innovative than in the past, but I still really like the look of it. So now I'm just praying they don't screw this up with Zelda and eventually Metroid.
  9. You don't need that, but I seriously would enjoy seeing something brand new, like how Super Mario Galaxy was. Because eventually, it will get boring and not fun when it isn't anything new. Call of Duty is a perfect example.
  10. Oh I see what you're saying. Yeah I was hoping they'd do that too. Ugh.
  11. Exactly. A change like that would be glorious, though I seriously don't know what they'd do. Technology with gaming was moving so fast at that time. We were constantly learning new things and new ways to make things look better dramatically. 16-bit to 64-bit was another HUGE jump and 64-bit to stuff like PS2 or GameCube was another huge jump. Slowly but surely, though, it has slowed down because trying to graphically enhance things by a ton is just not easy anymore. We've been stacking big boxes to the ceiling and we've been climbing them each new generation, but by this point we've pretty much hit the ceiling. There isn't really all that much more we can do in that area. I'm waiting for holographic gaming. xP
  12. Like I've said every other time before... looks fun, but not original and not new.
  13. Yeah because the Pokemon roster isn't large enough.
  14. Yeah I think saying SMB3 and SMW are almost the same thing is quite a large exaggeration. I mean, heck, just a change as simple as 8-bit to 16-bit totally changed a lot. It made it feel like a whole other world, honestly. And yes, I'm aware they remade SMB3 in the 16-bit format. But not in 1991, I don't think. But when going from 3DS to Wii U, not a particularly big difference. It's basically the same thing just now on a bigger screen that's HD and a new powerup which makes you act like a cat. Really special. Nevertheless, it honestly looks fun and I don't own 3D Land (because I don't have a 3DS), so I may as well go get it, since I'm planning to get a Wii U. I'm a home console guy. I've never cared enough for handheld systems.
  15. I hate how that's the ONLY thing that they consider an "innovation" in the game. Sure, new powerups are awesome and I'm always excited to see what the next one will be, but seriously? That's it? That's all you've added? Ugh.
  16. I was born during the switch from the 4th to 5th gen. So yeah, I'm like sorta that young. Anyway, great thread to be talkin' about the Wii U, huh guys?
  17. Rightrightrightrightright I know. That's what I'm saying. NES was a huge deal and I'm completely aware of that. I'm simply stating what I felt to be the golden years, because I grew up with N64-GameCube (I guess I could say SNES to GameCube, but not as much). Also, even though there was only one main title Mario for N64, it also was a HUGE success and they were working on Mario 64 2, but that didn't happen.
  18. Am I the only one who would love it if a couple just intentionally had sex right in front of the Kinect camera
  19. As long as they lighten up the strength of Pikachu's moves quite a bit, I think that will be enough to keep him from being the most legally cheap thing that's ever happened in gaming history. That may be a bit of an overexaggeration but like seriously, dood. lol Ice Climbers were a pain. They weren't even all that cheap if used by a user, but when they are CPU, for some random reason, they suddenly become the cheapest freaks ever. Same with Jiggly Puff. Ugh. And I hate how I constantly kill the wrong Ice Climber (the stupid one who doesn't do anything right) and the real deal Ice Climber is still on the stage so I have to deal with trying to kill that Ice Climber as well. UGH. That just was a process I hated dealing with, in all honesty. To get rid of Jiggly Puff sorta doesn't work since she's been there in every game, but she is super annoying. I don't think I would know Smash Bros. without her, though, honestly.
  20. They'd better decheapify Pikachu or so help me
  21. Wow great. They actually came to their senses. Sort of. But Kinect is still a thing and the price is still freaking 500 bucks so good going Microsoft for actually noticing the bullcrap you've pulled but I'm still not buying an Xbox One.
  22. Those are pretty funny. But ya know what...
  23. Sounds much better than what they got. lol
  24. I can agree with that, especially with the Wii U now, but the decisions made during the Wii era were really not all that bad. I still think their golden years (in my opinion) were from SNES to GameCube. Sure the NES was really successful, but it's probably because I didn't grow up with it and I wasn't born during the time NES was big.
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