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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. I'm also a bit surprised by the fact that you don't finish the main theme with the high note that the original does. It'd be more interesting to use that instead of the descending notes every time.
    Yes that's true.
    As a suggestion, I'd add a second kick in every bar between the second and third beats. I think it makes the drums feel a bit more full.
    You know, I'm not sure I want to do that. But, I think maybe adding in a cool kick rhythm randomly in certain spots would add variety, yes.
  2. Hey guys. I've been just doing Zelda after Zelda remixes lately, and I thought I might show this one to you guys.

    I've been working on it for some time now, and I'm really liking it, personally. As the title says, this is a ReMix of the Princess Zelda theme. Some would say "dubstep!" but honestly I don't think it's exactly dubstep. I just think it's some source of hardcore techno music. I called it ZeldaStep, as you can see (hahaha!)

    I am thinking about possibly turning up the bass in the song a little, though I'm not sure about that. I say it's finished, but I never know when I may go back and tweak it a little.

    So yeah. What do you guys think?

    Link: http://soundcloud.com/gwilliamson/zeldastep-princess-zeldas

  3. Ok, this is pretty good.

    But my issue isn't the drum track being repetitive or the panning of a synth. That's all fine. The bass line seems a little out of place, or maybe it needs to be turned down and the low end of the EQ on the bass needs to be turned up. I don't know. Have you mixed this track? I know it says work-in-progress, but I thought I'd ask.

  4. http://www.mediafire.com/?nr63sowjtakccd5

    I have a feeling I broke a lot of rules in this remix... I did a lot of sampling (was going for a more old school sound; that's the type of Hip-Hop I'm into anyway), but I guess I kept the sampling of the Carnival Night Zone original track to a pretty small amount. I'm not sure how obvious it is that this is a Carnival Night Zone remix. There will be quite a bit of rap and I'll probably mess with the beats coming in and out a bit more when I get all the vocals in there. I'll probably have some vocals in there, but sort of silly and ugly sounding, yet in that cool type of tone... you know what I mean?

    So yeah. Remix so far. Not highest quality. I just exported it at 192kbps which stinks compared to the high quality 24-bit sound quality I'm working with in Logic, but oh well. It still is high enough quality to get the point across.

  5. If you've read the Submission Standards, then you would understand that this type of fan music doesn't count.

    Prove me wrong and tell me the Submission Standards don't say that (I'm too tired and lazy to re-read it and make sure I'm right), but I'm pretty sure it said only official content.

  6. I can remix and do rapping, though I'm so new here (I joined 2 years ago but haven't done anything on here 'til now haha) I have no clue if you guys trust me with anything haha. I haven't been staying updated (other than the first post), so I have no clue if you guys already have everyone you need. Do you want me to give you guys something; like an audition sample or something of mine? Again, no clue if I'm needed anymore; haven't been staying updated.

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