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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Andy Ly
  • Location
    San Francisco
  • Occupation
    Freelance Composer

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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Mixing & Mastering
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    guitar, voice

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  1. Though not attempted by members of OCR, this has already been done with the release of SFIII: 3rd strike online. I forget the name of the composer/arranger, but he redid all the stage tracks with a more modern flare. I though it was so-so.
  2. Cool project! Subscribed.
  3. My thoughts exactly. *This year, the deadline snuck up on me. I won't be able to contribute a track. Though I really look forward to hearing everyone's work!
  4. Hey guys thanks for giving me some feedback, I'll try my best to incorporate some of your suggestions into an edited version.
  5. Hey OCR community, Just finished putting together a track I wrote a little while back. I'm fairly new to MIDI orchestration and other elements of production. I did my best to make the track sound as clean as possible, but would love hear back on suggestions and tips to make it sound even better. On a side note, I plan to upgrade to a real orchestral library in the following months. The samples I used were what came when I bought Kontakt 5. Thanks! https://soundcloud.com/andylymusic/kings-march_menu
  6. Hi Gigapichu, I'm definitely interested in this one. Though I am not as gifted in remixing as some of the other people here, I would like to do a track or two of original music (wherever it may fit). It would also benefit the game a lot if you were to get someone on sound design as well to replace the effects you are currently using. Help us all out by letting us know the full details of the project such as when you need these files by and a rough scheme of how many stages you would like. I'm sure you'd be repeating a lot of what you would find in the forum link, but for ease of simplicity (and to gather interest) it would help just to write a small paragraph or so. Thanks and looking forward to hearing back from you!
  7. I'm listening to the album right now. Want to say thanks to Dyne for putting this together as well as Coop for the artwork cover. Also quick shout outs to everybody else who submitted a track. This was my first album contribution so I'm happy to share credits along with you guys. Everyone have a happy holidays.
  8. Just mastering my track at the moment. Will have it to you soon.
  9. So my choir piece which never got performed live, got made into a chiptune-like sounding piece today. In the notation software I use, finale, there is a compatible Audio Unit called TyrellN6 (I believe its free). I used it to tweak the sound and this is what I got. Comments or critiques, let me know! http://soundcloud.com/andylymusic/new-destination-places-to
  10. Cool I wanna get a piece in! Consider it done.
  11. I'm also interested in this project. Do you have any set deadlines? Details on the current progress? I'd be really helpful for those interested. Sending you a PM.
  12. Hey BlazingDragon, Are you still looking for people to perform your music? I can play your arrangement, but don't have the means to record it just yet. In anycase, I'd more than willing to help you out.
  13. Hey all, I've heard about this community from friends for a long time now and only decided to join. I created a piece to submit for the street fighter 25th anniversary music tribute and wanted to share. Here it is! P.S. I would love to get some feed back, especially with the sound and sound quality. I'm used to working with live musicians. Thanks!
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