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Structures of Sound

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Everything posted by Structures of Sound

  1. Lol......I like it! It takes a tune that I've always felt has an innate mystery or darkness to it, and makes it............not......? Good creativity in the remixing.
  2. I really like this! I'm not familiar with the original. But the atmosphere is great, and the Gerudo Valley theme fits in perfectly! Nice dynamics on the vocals as well. Drums were really well done, and added a lot of rhythm without overpowering the rest. Well done!
  3. Really liked this EP, but I gotta say..... I would buy this whole CD just for this song. ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. Well done!
  4. Again, I love it. This one has a really nice groove to it. I can definitely hear things that remind me of halc and Willrock, which makes it even better. Nicely done!
  5. Love it. Somehow, you can listen to it several times in a row, and it doesn't get old! It's really easy to jam out to it.
  6. I love it! I was just looking for "One Must Fall 2097" remixes the other day! I have to say that this is by FAR the best one I've heard. Great Work!
  7. Not really uber-familiar with the source. But I love what you've got going here! It's got a nice groovy feel that's enjoyable and easy to follow. So as far for style, I think you've got it down!
  8. Dude....that's funky. I like it. Though I will say, I think it's harder to recognize the dub-step style when it's 8-bit. Keep it up!
  9. I like it. Especially that part right after it transitions into the Dubstep stuff. Overall, great piece!
  10. I'm impressed, as always. I still have a file from when it was a work in progress.... I particularly enjoyed the use of Boo and Yoshi sounds in the middle portion. And I also enjoyed the creative time change at the end. But I must ask, some of the sounds (Yoshi's in particular) didn't sound like they came from SMW2. Am I hearing correctly? Good work!
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