Disco Dan
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Everything posted by Disco Dan
I oughtta say no just for this sentence alone, but I'll give the song a listen first. ok, I've only heard this theme a few times, but I DO know how the chord progression goes, and this, while on the right track, doesn't quite hit home with it. Few wrong notes in the background part. simple layering techniques, nothing really changes except for the beat, and then it's just a sort of varying of the kick and snare, since the hi hat seems incessant and repetitive. I'll give you kudos for trying to make a 3/4 song sound funky, but there just seems to be too much wrong with this song for me to pass it. Plus the encoding is pretty bad. And the ending? Forget to fade out, did we? I don't know. I can't pass this. NO DC
702 k??? what am I downloading, a demo? 45 seconds. Great. And there's an attempt to develop this theme in 45 seconds. Ok... I'm starting to think this was just a test to see how we respond to this sort of submission, but a) there's no ... ... it's like... it's not even there. Ok, the bass seems to be off from the melody, though that could just be "artist interpretation" but still, that's kind of abstract. The d'n'b part doesn't really seem very ... thought out. You might want to listen to some other d'n'b songs and get an idea of the types of drums they use in their beat loops. I don't know, I'm still suspicious that this is a joke. I don't feel I have a choice but to vote: NO DC
oh yeah. This one. Loved it back on Vgmix and love it here. Just didn't realize that was the title of it. I can't really think of anything to say about this because it's just so damn good, and usually I like to point out what's wrong with things because I take some sadistic pleasure in making everyone else's life miserable or something, I don't know. Congrats Beej. Nice work. DC
*NO* Sonic the Hedgehog 3 'Endless Mine Endless Party'
Disco Dan replied to orkybash's topic in Judges Decisions
This really sounds very... GM... to me. But I suppose I shouldn't judge based on samples used, but I think people should make do with what they have and learn to use it for their advantage. Anyway, regardless of that, I'm not seeing a whole lot of variety in this song, besides the melody, which is the way it was in the original anyway, so give credit where credit is due. Basically the thing that bugs me the most is the lack of variety in all areas. Organ does the chords, horn does the lead, drum kit does the drumbeat thing, and it never changes. I think you could cut the song in half and still have the same stuff, just not repeated twice. I'm not saying I'm not guilty of repetition myself, but I do like to vary when possible (when isn't it possible?) But this song seems VERY very plain to me. So I'm gonna say: NO As for quality, things can always be re-encoded, so I don't really hold that against this song. DC -
*NO* Super Mario World 'Slap Bass Spellunking'
Disco Dan replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
A'ight. The NOs have it. Thread is locked. Move along. These aren't the droids you're looking for. DC -
OCR00795 - *YES* Final Fantasy 9 'Rose of April'
Disco Dan replied to DarkCecil13's topic in Judges Decisions
You guys are making it out to sound like this thing is 1 minute long ... yet I'm downloading a 3.23 megs file.... 3.23... . 323 ... I had a mazda 323 once. It was sweet. It was an 89 so it had that sharp look, before they started making all cars look like jelly beans. They stopped producing the 323 in america in around 93 or so, and then focused on the protegé instead. But my little 323 could zip. It was pretty damn fuel efficient too. I drove that thing into the ground too. I could beat most V8 cars out of an intersection from a stop, 'cause it was manual transmission, and didn't weigh much. I could probably have put it in my apartment if I had really wanted to. But yeah. I loved that car. Hold on. I'll see if I can find a picture. It was blue. http://www.mazdarecycling.com/inventory/html/323_1986-1989.asp Mine looked almost identical to the blue one half way down the page with the label "02-124, 1988, Blue with blue interior, 4cyl automatic transmission, manual doors and mirrors." Except mine was manual transmission. Now I WISH mine had looked like THIS but alas mine was a gift from an aunt who got a new car. Anyway, I ended up rear ending an SUV and totalling it. I cried. Now I've joined the dirty masses and got a Honda Civic. Yay for conformity. Anyway, the mix is done downloading now, so I'll go ahead and listen to it. Oh... Ok, well while I was looking for links, it played and apparently I didn't notice it. So if it didn't grab my attention, it's an automatic 'no' from me. So.... NO No, I'm kidding. But this thing is clipping on my end... but it could be the speakers, I guess... So anyway, to me, this sounds like it's dull and boring, almost as if it's supposed to be playing in the background while someone is talking. I know, some of the greatest music written has been written for a scene with someone talking over it, but this just seems very blah, through and through. Very little variation with the repeats, though I can't say I'm not guilty of that from time to time. But this seems stale. I don't know. I'm just not very impressed with it at all. And I do love classically styled music, so it's not the genre. It just doesn't seem very well done. I don't know if I've made any good points here, but I don't know how else to word it, so I'm done. DC -
OCR00790 - *YES* Final Fantasy 4 'Leap Into the Darkness'
Disco Dan replied to DarkCecil13's topic in Judges Decisions
Ok, I guess you fixed the 8-bit part. Ok. This really bugs me. It always has. And I've never figured out why. Well, I guess I know WHY, but it seems a tad triflin' (Ask GirlTypePizza if you don't know what "triflin'" means) at the same time. But what I've noticed is, in a lot of remixes, and originals by amateurs (a.k.a. not getting paid to do it, not reflective of the quality of the mix, lest anyone get defensive), that they use these drums that sound nothing like real drums. Like, midi drums have a certain sound to them. Anyway, I can't deny that this is done well, but I also don't know what the original sounds like... *** DiscoDan goes to zophar.net *** DiscoDan downloads the FF4 soundtrack *** DiscoDan listens Man... I can't figure out which theme this is. Which might be good or bad. But I'm gonna spend the whole day listening to this until I figure it out. Which is a depressing look at my day. Ok Found it. Wonderful. Well this is a nice variation from the original, and since it varies so much and still has some inkling of the original in it, I'm gonna say yes, because everything else has been said: it's well done, well produced, well thought out. My only gripe is those nasty drums in the beginning. But other than that, great YES DC -
*NO* Super Mario World 'Slap Bass Spellunking'
Disco Dan replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Ok why is this locked? Are we letting 3 to 2 be enough? with, like, 10 judges now? If 3-2 is enough, someone go ahead and lock this up again, I wasn't sure about the policy, so someone slap me if I'm wrong. Please. Please slap me. Oh please... DC -
OCR00788 - *YES* Streets of Rage 2 'Slow Moon Groove'
Disco Dan replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
I'm gonna vote: NO And here's why. The ending. The quality of this song is great. The samples used are great. The instrumentation is great. But I really feel like that end is supposed to go on. And it bothers me to no end. Like an itch I can't scratch. It sounds as if, I was working on a remix, got to a point where I couldn't think of anything else to do with it, and so I just said, "meh, I'll submit it anyway as is" and to me that seems half-assed. I'm not saying no effort went into the rest of this song, but I really feel highly unsatisfied by it in its current form. Plus this'll probably be the only no vote. DC -
I think I heard this song once on a Casio keyboard demo. I could be wrong though. Anyway, I could see this as being on the site like, back when it first started, but now, it's kind of.... First of all, someone needs to get this guy the soundfont player, because he's just using a piano sample, and using it to cover all the pitches, which only works for about 5 notes. OK yeah the ending is one of those "I put down patterns and now I don't know where to go with the song." I feel I can say this because I use Fruity Loops and ending a song is kind of a pain because you gotta come up with new material unless you just fade out. But yeah this whole mix sounds kind of empty. Well... VERY empty. Keep at it, get some better soundfonts, (http://www.hammersound.net and http://www.thesoundsite.net for starters) take some theory and try try again. But for now: NO DC
Donkey Kong Country 'Blue Vision' So yeah, this is basically great because the original was great, but the ending was neat. DC
*NO* Adventures of Bayou Billy 'Baile del Bayou' *FT*
Disco Dan replied to orkybash's topic in Judges Decisions
nope. This one didn't slip through the cracks. I can tell you there's a reason it didn't get posted. Actually it may have slipped through the cracks, but if djp DID hear it, I think he would have passed it on to us, or just not posted it. So I'm saying: NO and here's why. While the percussion is relatively creative, anything else that sounds cool to me in this song basically sounds cool because I remember the original and what it sounded like and how I enjoyed it. So basically, the only thing this mix has going for it, in my opinion, is the original music. And actually, despite the stereo separation in the percussion, everything else seems very dry and unprocessed, which is fine for some stuff, but it sounds really weird here. On a more personal note, I don't really prefer the choice of sounds for the melody and accompaniament, but this is kind of subjective. DC -
*NO* Ultima Exodus 'Where the Unknown Lies'
Disco Dan replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Thank you rob. Now it's time to change my vote to: NO But for no reason. No, I kid. Ok, up to around 1:40 this thing sounds like... well... have you ever gotten a midi from someone or someplace, and gone and tried to play it on your computer and all the sounds are wrong? Like, someone set the wrong patch numbers or patch numbers that only matched up on their particular sound module? That's what this reminds me of. Up until 1:40-ish, where those nice sounding atmospheric strings come in. Fills it up nicely. Then, the pipes, which is just weird. Then the next part sounds like a midi interpretation of a Chicago song. This is incredibly minimalistic, but I don't think in a way that works. I think it needs to be re-orchestrated, and someone needs to study piano pieces before writing the stuff at the end of that piece. It's very... not like stuff that people can actually play. Plus there are no dynamics. All around there's a lot of work that, I think, needs to be put into this song. Sounds like a first run and sounds like it could be a lot better. So... Oh yeah, I already stated my verdict. DC -
*NO* Ultima Exodus 'Where the Unknown Lies'
Disco Dan replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Ok, my major beef with this song is that I CAN'T DOWNLOAD IT! Other than that it's great, so I give it a YES Someone tell me what it sounds like, 'cause I still haven't heard it... DC -
A "Blunt" is a toy that kids play with. True or False That's what the ad says on this page. I'm tempted to give it a yes just because the ad is sort of funny. But let me listen to the mix first... . ... . .... What is this streaming crap?!? Ok, well I happen to have heard the original once or twice... The only real difference I hear here is the drums, and the fact that this song is so damn centered, that it sounds like it's coming from my monitor and not the speakers. GET WITH THE 21st CENTURY! WE RECORD IN STEREO! Some more than stereo, but anyway, the mono bugs me, and the fact that I'm bored to sleep by it doesn't help much either. NO DC I know I'm gonna get heat for this review...
OCR00787 - *YES* Mega Man 4 'Shades of Blue' *FT*
Disco Dan replied to orkybash's topic in Judges Decisions
Ok, this one is downloading slow... again I don't have time for this, so: NO Just kidding! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ok, but seriously, I have no idea what this mix sounds like. ok, let me reitirate: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't know the boss names from MM4, but I do know that Shadowman is from MM3. Anyway, this was pretty good until it all dropped out and the damn flute came in all raw and unprocessed and nasty sounding. And then the piano wasn't too stellar either. Ok, and then he just ends it without any real resolution. Yeah he resolved to the tonic, but that was pretty lame considering the build up he gave in the beginning. Yeah, I'm going to stick with my original statement of: NO Thanks DC -
OOh! Two yeses and two nos! I'm excited! Actually, whenever there are that many no's, I can tell I'm going to be able to say no too. So: NO I haven't actually listened to the song yet, but based on their descriptions, I can infer plenty. OH! it's THIS song. Ok. NO This one needs some major attention, and I have yet to hear anyone do this track the justice it deserves. The original was so GRAND. You got into that level, and you felt like you were in ancient Rome or somewhere incredibly huge and important, just based on the music. This is too whimpy to pass as a remix of this piece. Folks, let's tell him what he's won: a BIG FAT ... ok, I already said it twice, so I won't bother reiterating. DC
OCR00785 - *YES* Xenogears 'Taming of the Skies' *FT*
Disco Dan replied to orkybash's topic in Judges Decisions
I want to give this one a yes just because it downloaded fast. Or maybe I need to go run and give AT&T a hug. Why does this sound like the beginning of a low budget TV show?? I can see each of the main characters, with the actor's name printed on the screen as we go through the intro. There's the kid on the bike. The little brother. The mom and dad. Then there's the dog. Haha, we laugh because it's touching and sentimental. We want to love and care for these characters. We want to live and breathe these characters and their problematic lives. I want to vomit. But I suppose the song does have it's merit. It's not really poorly done, I just don't like it. But here, I feel I can really say it's a personal taste thing, so: YES I hope this YES thing doesn't become a trend. I hope I'm not going soft in my old age... DC -
OCR00778 - *YES* Donkey Kong Country 'Blue Vision' *FT*
Disco Dan replied to orkybash's topic in Judges Decisions
I want to reject this song. I feel like the main character from fight club (whose name, by the way, is NOT Jack; check the credits) before he goes psycho on the blonde kid and scars his face up real nice. Anyway, the song isn't playing yet... Here we go. Oh goodie. another person attempts to screw up a good song. Hope this guy does a better job than other people have. Atmospherically speaking, this is nice. But that's mostly because it's used the same samples from the original. I'm not sure what credit I can give to that. I do like the interpretation, and the fact that it doesn't butcher the original too badly. Ok, that lead is a little annoying, considering the mood of the rest of the song, but I suppose he felt he needed to alter something. I'm kind of torn here. The song DOES sound good here, but I'm not sure whether it's because of the original material, or because of something new. Nope, the ending is great. YES Congrats blind, you're the first YES of the day. Thanks for giving me the inspiration to wade through the other muck that ends up in the judges department! DC -
*NO* Pac-Man 'Pac-Man Eats Up All the Dots'
Disco Dan replied to orkybash's topic in Judges Decisions
Well I'd have to bring up Cotmm's barbie number in refutation to that remark, but I'd rather just give this song a no based on the title, because I think it's a lame title. But, I should probably listen first. Maybe if AT&T weren't such a lame excuse for a company I'd be done downloading this thing already. Why does that voice sample sound like Mario from Mario 64? Why does this song grate on my nerves? Is this song from Pac Man? What does this have to do with anything? Maybe retitle it and I'll consider it just on being weird, but for now: NO I feel like that guy at the end of You Don't Know Jack that insults you before the crowd says "YOU DON'T KNOW JACK" DC -
*NO* Star Fox 'In a Dark Room with 1000 Metal Polygons' *FT*
Disco Dan replied to orkybash's topic in Judges Decisions
ok NO I think there's some sick desire inside of me to say NO to as many different songs but I won't do it without good reason. And this reason is really good. Either there are a lot of wrong notes, or every part is out of tune from each other. The whole thing seems like each part is in a slightly different key, but not on a western scale, more like on an arabic or indian scale. Anyway, I can't abide by that. Tune it. Get a better ear for music. do something. DC -
OCR00772 - *YES* Final Fantasy 6 'Phantom Midnight'
Disco Dan replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Ok, that's what I get for trying to do this while djp is working on it. New link seems to be working. Downloading. I hope it's better than that bomberman one, because that one's playing now and it's really good, so I'd hate for something crappy to interrupt something good. Ok, it's done. Uh. This isn't bad. I'm wondering why it's here. And put here by djp. I'm gonna hold off til I find out why. DC -
OCR00772 - *YES* Final Fantasy 6 'Phantom Midnight'
Disco Dan replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
uh someone let me know if they get this link to work, and if so, tell me how. Thanks DC -
OCR00767 - *YES* Bomberman 2 'Bomberfuzz' *FT*
Disco Dan replied to orkybash's topic in Judges Decisions
ok, besides being a tad repetitive, I really like this one. Reasons why: High quality. Everything is well mastered, great effects and processing. Grasp of some musical theory. No awful sounding notes, or bad chords, etc. Enjoyable. It's catchy in a good way. Not like Nelly. Placement. The samples, if they had been overused, or too loud, or used in an un-artistic fashion, would have sucked. But I honestly feel they were used right here. Rhythmically placed, they added an almost cute aspect to the piece. I says YES DC -
OCR00780 - *YES* King of Fighters '96 'Psycho Rave'
Disco Dan replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
ok, the lead IS loud, but I wouldn't say it's TOO loud... well maybe a little. Also I wonder why this is called psycho trance. Is it because only a psycho would consider it trance? I don't know. Not really my call. I'm just a caveman... Anyway, I'm going to say NO for the following reasons: 1) Very cluttered 2) Doesn't hold interest Though the piano part reminds me a little of the pancake chef's spekio beach party, it doesn't have that finesse. I tried to stay away from styles I couldn't do based on the sounds I had, but I notice a lot of people will, instead of working with what they have to the best of ITS ability, will try and do something that just doesn't work with the sounds they have. But the main part of this song seems VERY overcrowded, like some sort of inner city housing project, and I don't think I can listen to it again, to be quite honest. Maybe it's because I've just listened to 6 straight mixes and this is the second to last one that I have to review, or maybe it's because of the reasons already stated, but I can't give this one a yes in good conscience. DC