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Shadow Wolf

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Posts posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. incest party


    As to your idea Dave, it works fine for me. You could also just throw a link in the sidebar under the browse heading. It's not quite in the same category, but it's closer to belonging there than anywhere else.

    Anyhow, I'm on widescreen, so even the link bar at the top of the page has about 600 pixels left to expand before it starts looking cramped. But if you put it in the sidebar, the page obviously expands downwards just ever so slightly instead of sideways, so you do away with whatever resolution differences people might have.

  2. My point is that torrents only become really useful when they're being used to download huge files, spreading huge amounts of bandwidth across huge amounts of users. Thus, they are a REALLY stupid way to download single mixes, so why are they only featured on the download page for single mixes? I called them a cross reference tool because if I was downloading a single mix and decided I wanted a huge number of them, it would be like "Hey cool! There's how I do it!" Furthermore, projects aren't featured prominently on our frontpage for more than a couple months at best, so once again newbies would usually have to stumble across all our site projects before they found the torrents for them.

    Dave's right though, the whole list was very clunky. I think a simple frontpage graphic saying something to the effect of "Torrentz R Here" would be fine, but we absolutely positively need to let new folks know they exist before they've ever made their second click on this site.

    It's important that we as longtime users step back and objectively say that if someone just tripped over our front page, do we have all our goods on display so they can find them? Yes, I can find it, DarkeSword and Dave can find it, but would someone who's never been here before be able to find it, or would they give up in frustration and leave? Or worse yet, register a forum account and bug us with questions that seem obvious to us and could have easily been avoided.

  3. Yeah, but honestly, what are they doing there? It's a nice cross reference tool, but I don't think that should be the only place people are able to find them. I mean, VotL has pushed 80 TERAbytes of torrent since it came out, which is saving the site ungodly amounts of hosting costs due to the seed sharing. So I really think those kinds of things should be front page.

  4. Oooh, That's a good one. :) Okay, here's something I'm curious about; what's this horriblicious Retentions of Conflict OCRemoved track? It's not in the changelog... a former april fool's thing?

    You are correct. April Fool's Day, 2004, Dave posts a remix titled Retentions of Conflict, with the mix credited to Nobuo Uematsu. It remains to this day the only April Fool's Day joke I was ever fooled by. I was SO EXCITED that NOBUO UEMATSU had vistied our corner of the internet!!!! But only until I listened to it. Later in the day, the mixer name was changed to Yasunori Mitsuda, and and a newly registered forum member named 'djpreztal' explained in a post that Mitsuda had claimed the song, stating that it was an April Fool's joke in itself that he played on his friend Nobuo Uematsu. Obviously Dave was pushing it a little here, but it was 4 in the afternoon (EST) by that time, so the joke was already on its way out anyways.

    The actual song was done by Protricity, and I still have it in iTunes. Overall I'd say it was the best April Fool's joke I've seen since I've been on the site. Much fun was had by all.

    The identity of the Nice Work Guy.

    Y'know, come to think of it, who the hell IS the Nice Work Guy?

  5. I like it. Lots of information there. Just out of curiousity, how much of a pain in the ass code-wise would it be to make these 'modules' for lack of a better word drag-and-droppable? Then people could organize the homepage any which way they wanted (yes, sidebar included) and you may potentially be spared from ever having people bitch about the layout again. I have no idea how you would go about coding that, but I imagine it would be a pain in the ass.

  6. and nobody mentioned TheWingless




    You people sicken me sometimes. You really do.

    You know why nobody mentions you John? It's not cause you're black. It's because you drop in on a thread every week or so and make a smartass comment, but where are you when we REALLY need you John? HUH? Where's the NEW MIXES? How come you completely rebuilt your website to look like an ad for EVE Online, and you haven't updated it in like 2 years?

    Riddle me that, fool.

    *sniff" I love you and I miss you so much John. Please come home. kthxbai.

  7. I HAVE been thinking about themes quite a bit...

    I am willing to sacrifice every bit of news we have if it means I might be able to make the site look like OCR3 again. The nostalgia would be tear jerking. Maybe I'll even get a fake Goodies dropdown menu with a nice shiny "Coming Soon(ish)" in it. Oh, the memories.

    ^No, really. I meant all that.

  8. If I was a thief breaking into someone's car and take their registration book, it would be in the hopes of finding info about where they lived to make a breakin attempt on their house. So, seriously, if there's addresses or any personal info in that book, or if you're not absolutely certain whether there is or not, be careful. Report the loss to the po-lice, and let them know your concerns. Your insurance company or whoever may also need to know, because if you ever get pulled over and don't have your registration, you're in a world of hurt. So basically, sit on the situation and make sure it gets explained to all the proper people.

  9. because this song REALLY needs context to be appreciated to its fullest.

    I know he didn't write the lyrics, they're actually hilarious. It's just the flippant manner in which he's singing about shit that makes it so cringeworthy. I was trying to say something like that last night, but I was kind of in shock and it was late. In other words, I like the lyrics, they make me feel all icky like they were supposed to. After watching the video of how it was used in the game, it's friggin hilarious. This mix will probably join SwinginPorno and Music of My Groin in the OC Valhalla of really awesome awkward mixes. Great work!

  10. Oh my dear lord God. My fingers want to say something, but my brain can't send the nerve impulses, because they keep being recalled for modification. Okay. Um. Great instrumentation, great, um, music-ness. The Rumba beat is sweet, it's a classy mix. Without vocals. About that.

    You seem to be singing about poop. Like, from a butt. Shit tends to make less than admirable source material, but I don't think that's what you were going for either. I have to nail you for the mixing on the lyrics, they're hard to understand, and not in front of the mix so they're easier to understand. But the same reflex that tells me to lift my foot when I step on broken glass is informing me that I don't want to understand the lyrics. So I guess it's OK. I do have to say the call and response about where his head's going to get rubbed made me laugh for at least 30 seconds.

    In summation, I applaud your edginess and creativity, and congratulations on posting the first OC Remix that may be able to inflict actual psychological damage.

    omg mai brn iz gettn smalr evree t1me i lis10 2 it... gurgle... hurggghh....

  11. OK FINE. I'm trying to say this is a good idea. And we do need a Music of My Groin T-Shirt. And if this takes off The Coop and others May have found themselves a new career in t-shirt design.

    Edit regarding DarkeSword's edit: Come to think of it, it is intensely surprising to me that we have never had a mix called 350 dollar hat. I would think Ness's headgear from Earthbound would provide all the source materials needed. Or it could be from World of Warcraft. I've seen 500 dollar hats in there.

  12. Oh, I totally meant to say that we should have our most popular memes on shirts and other apparel before that sentence. I obviously dicked it up.

    But seriously, what about a t-shirt with a sidebar down the left side?

    Or a smelly dead tuna fish? Wonder how many people would still get that one.

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