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Shadow Wolf

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Posts posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. Sweet I tried to add just OC Remix as a whole to iLike the other day and it didn't have anything. It would be nice if we could work a link into mixer profiles so people can tag them easier. Thanks for the heads up!

    EDIT: Popped in placeholders for Pixie and Dave using their OC Remix profile pics. Go right ahead and change them if you want, but for some reason they HAVE to be square.

  2. how many wolf t-shirts do you own shadowwolf86

    Just saw this. Zero, actually. I'm not a conservationist either. My last name is Spargur, which was shortened and morphed over the years from Wolfensbarger, which I'm told means something vaguely like "Owners of the Mount of the Wolves" In some damn language or another. There's wolves on my family crest. It's a heritage thing overall, but I do like wolves.

    I also think it awesome that since our name was shortened and the "Wolfen" was removed, our last name basically means "Owners."

    I own. Rock.

    P.S. As with many genealogies, we're just a little shady about the accuracy of the info. But it cropped up in several places, so I'll take it, but not without a grain of salt.

  3. Which is all to say: YAY! The nice thing is that we're pretty good at getting stem cells to turn into nervous tissue, but the trick is getting the body to accept implantation. Now if we could get as good at turning them into cardiac tissue, we'd be set, since those are the only 2 types of cells in the body that can't repair themselves.

  4. Yeah, I realized shortly after I posted that that you could simply control the enzymes that cause DNA to replicate and such. Nice to see there's someone with more intimate knowledge of the other end of the idea here. I don't see us developing the precision to use biological material for storage anytime soon, and even then, we may well have mechanical technology small enough at that point to make it not worth doing. It could have huge applications in the fields of organ replacements and prosthetics though... If you could grow and transplant a biomechanical organ, and place it into a human body to such a degree that you could actually get the thing to analyze and emulate the DNA of the original, you theoretically wouldn't have to deal with rejections anymore. If you could design prosthetics that tie into the stump of an arm on a DNA level while still creating viable connections with machinery, there is the potential for prosthetic arms that function as exactly as a real one. Bio/nanotech is an exciting field. I can't wait to see where we are in 20 years.

  5. How subversive.

    You're darn right it is, because the dark lords that run this completely free, completely nonprofit public service website using their free time have absolutely no right to pull the thorns out from under their saddles when they've been there for years.

    You people, I swear.

  6. Hey, new stuff! Interesting character bio on Jim Raynor, as well as a screenshot of what he looks like in all his StarCraft II glory. They mention a new character, his second in command Matt Horner, and also link him directly to Tychus Findlay. Interesting...

  7. That actually had not occurred to me, and it seems logical unless you have a really good grip on how operating systems actually store data. As I've said before, a hard disk represents 1s and 0s by magnetizing and demagnetizing sectors of the disk surface. Even when you're just copying or moving a file on your hard disk, it's changing its location on the physical disk surface.

    With a hard disk today, when you delete a file, its contents remain on the drive. What you're really doing when you delete a file is earmarking the sectors it's written into for overwriting. Then, the next time you create any type of file whatsoever, new file data is written into the sectors that "deleted" data resides in, wherever they happen to be found on the disk surface. That's why you have to defragment your hard drive, because files are written into whatever empty sectors are found, and don't necessarily get written all in order to one spot on the disk, and as a result, the disk has to spin and search longer to find the whole file. If you etch data permanently into the disk surface, you lose that capability, which means you can never truly delete a file or clean your hard disk.

    Data storage would be like writing a book with a Sharpie pen... you go from the top of the page to the botttom, and you can't change anything. It would, however, mean that you would never have to defragment your hard disk again. But eventually simply using your computer would fill the disk, and you would have to start using a new disk. The question would then become, can you give me an etching surface large enough to allow me to write on it for the standard lifecycle of a computer (3 to 5 years) without having to replace it? If they can get the bible on a .5 mm or whatever it was silicon chip, that may be entirely possible. But scarier yet would be that since you can't delete anything, there is a complete record of every keystroke, click, and command ever given to that computer etched into the surface.

    I like this thread. I could go for a long time yet.

  8. There is definitely huge application for being able to store data in a form that small, but not as far as standard hard disks go. Standard hard disks never physically modify the disc surface, they magnetize and demagnetize parts of it. To make it rewritable you would have to develop a new type of surface to write it on. The closest thing we have right now is a CD-RW, because optical discs have microscopic holes physically burnt into them to store the data, and to erase them, the writing medium is simply melted by the laser, closing all the holes so you can write it again. The problem with that is that the more times you melt it, the less reliable it becomes. Flash memory won't work either, because it uses a very mechanically oriented gating system, which is much better explained right here.

    So in order for this to be useful in computing application, we need to develop a surface that can be physically modified, and completely restored to its original state on command. I know of nothing like that right off the top of my head, although I'm sure the scientists are working on it.

    But yes, if we ever figure out how the brain stores memories, then we'll be getting somewhere. My largest concern at that point would be that if we know how memories are stored then we know how to erase them, and that's a little too "The Matrix" for me.

  9. The point is that what they've done here has absolutely nothing to do with genetics or biology in any way, shape, or form. They just learned how to write really small. The only reason anyone has thought of applying it to DNA is because DNA is really small. Blasting DNA with a particle beam would KILL IT. Which in turn would FUCK YOU UP at a subcellular level.

    The only way we will ever transmit messages through DNA is if we figure out a way to create a code using naturally occurring GCAT (Guanine, Cytosine, Adenine, Thymine) recombinance. Thymine always binds with Adenine, and Guanine always binds with Cytosine. DNA is designed that way, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to change that. The GOOD thing there is that in a bonded double helix, you only have TWO possible types of pairs, and TWO is the magic number of computing. Or more accurately, zero and one. But there are only TWO different states any computer is capable of recognizing, and everything a computer does is built off that. Zero means there was no electrical impulse, and one means there was. So then, if you can give a computer data in a format that only has two different options, you can speak its language.

    So basically, the code you wanted to transmit would have to be contained in a very long helix in which AT and CG pairs were bound in a certain order. If you could get a computer to read through a helix and recognize bonded pairs as ones and zeroes, to see a CG pair and send an electrical impulse through the circuit board, to see an AT pair and withhold that impulse, THEN you could potentially start working on biomechanical storage mediums.

    The problem that would be presented then is, DNA is constantly 'zipping and unzipping' changing its order dynamically to adapt to cellular needs, etc. You would have to learn to create a static double helix, and I'm not even gonna theorize how you would do that.

    But the point of all this is that you can't store code on DNA by blasting it with lasers.

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